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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809723-Do-It-The-Old-Fashioned-Way--What-The-Couch-Has-To-Say
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#809723 added March 11, 2014 at 10:22am
Restrictions: None
Do It The Old Fashioned Way & What The Couch Has To Say!
Today's blogs were such fun to write....

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twelve

2. It's practically impossible to escape modern technology. Tell us about something you still do 'the old fashioned way'.

The car is a modern piece of technology. It is been in our lives a long while compared to some other bits and gadgets but I decided the car is a good one.
People will walk out to their car and jump in only to go a short distance. My stepfather, a rather large man, would get in his car to drive to the newspaper box in our neighbourhood instead of taking a little well needed exercise. A man, who in his youth was in the air force (never sent into battle because of his flat feet). A man who loved to take my mother dancing. But, I digress.
I find, when I am not working (getting called in to supply teach), I will go most places on foot - unless it is raining or miserably cold (like this year has been). As a child, I lived in Guelph. We did not have a car for the longest time, but even when we got one, my mother and I still walked most places. I expect I have walked from one end of town to the other at least three times that I remember. One of those times was because I needed to get to the University of Guelph and there was no Sunday city bus service.
This is why I have an issue with parents dropping off their children in the bus zones around the schools - and the children saying it is too far when I tell them they need to drop off outside the designated bus zones. What's a little exercise - they need it. Sorry, I digress again....
Even now as an adult with my own car, I will walk. I will take my backpack and head out to get groceries. One day I walked, with my groceries over to my mother's house. When I got there I weighed the bag - it was 25 pounds! Not a huge deal but the walk was a good 40 minutes. And then I walked home again.
I have walked to drop of my time cards, then continued on into Waterloo to check out one of my favourite bookshops. This walk took me all day.
Unlike Guelph, where I would take the occasional city bus, I do not know the bus system well here. I either walk or don't go. And if its nice and I have the time - I walk. It is the best exercise out there.
I live in a great part of town where shopping and libraries are within decent distances. I will go just so long as I make it home by dinner time.

Blog City

Let's have some fun. You returned home to find a DEAR JOHN letter oddly enough from your favorite piece of furniture. Inquiring minds want to know what the letter said. We are looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

The couch – get off your ass! This was my first thought given how much time I spend here - watching TV, eating, writing, reading.... so here it is.

The day had been long and all I wanted to do was 'take a load off' and vegetate on the couch. Maybe ply myself with some goodies and fall asleep like I did most evenings. But tonight I found myself staring at the biggest Dear John letter I had ever seen.

This is the couch. I am tired and fed up. I will tolerate no more popcorn lodged within my cushions. No more chocolate smeared into my lovely leather skin - it was once so smooth and lush. Now I look so used, so neglected. Would it kill you to take a damp cloth and caress me once in awhile. No, instead you flop your fat ass down in the same spot every night, stick your stinky feet up and drool into my arm rests. I once loved the feel of your body on mine, but now.... It is the same thing day after day.... no variety, so change. I would have loved it even if you had sat at the other end, but no... that would not feel right to you... and it's all about you isn't it. Well I've had it. As of today, I am out of here. You can take your fat ass up and off my luscious leather. I refuse to be your lounging partner anymore. I will no longer give you the comfort you seek. Take your stinky feet out for a walk and eat at the dinner table for heaven's sake. Give my plushness a break.

Yours without relief,

The Couch.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809723-Do-It-The-Old-Fashioned-Way--What-The-Couch-Has-To-Say