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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809867-Excuses-and-Being-HonouredOr-Not
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#809867 added March 12, 2014 at 12:49pm
Restrictions: None
Excuses and Being Honoured...Or Not.
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twelve

6. Tell us an excuse you used this week to get out of something or explain something.

Given the weather outside right now - snow and blow, with limited visibility. I am supposed to work with a Special Services at Home client in Cambridge which is, on a good day, at least a 30 minute drive. I would have to at least double that if I go, but I am considering calling his mother and canceling until tomorrow. Safety is my thoughts. I would rather stay off the roads if I do not need to be out there. The only thing stopping me is the fact that my client's mother is a single parent and she has MS. I want to give her a break, but I do not want to risk life and limb to do it.

When my husband went to work this morning it had not started yet, but that was before 6am. It has been falling steadily since I got up. I am thinking there is at least 3 inches on the top of the BBQ and it is only 11:30 am. It is supposed to intensify in terms of snow and blowing winds. I am not sure if my client went to his sheltered workshop today. If I cancel soon she could go get him earlier if she needs to - she is five minutes from his work. She could send her other son if he is home, but she is not good at asking for help.

So I am torn. I do not want to let her down, but I do not want to go out in that if I do not have to.

I can not see anything beyond the back fence. I really should cancel.

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny but cold with wind chills up to -20 degrees Celsius. That is crazy but livable. I can work with him tomorrow. Changing it is better than all out canceling and his Dad did take him out last night. Yes, I am talking myself into this... I need to because Deb will not hide her disappointment - particularly if she has to go get him herself. She does not like driving in the snow. She could ask her husband to go get him, couldn't she? She wouldn't.

I just called her. She is going out and says the roads are fine - guess I am working. Crap. That means going out to dig myself out now so I can go get him. I am wondering if I go early. Park at the Cambridge Mall and walk to get him. That way we walk more than I drive and after I drop him home on time and get myself home straight away - done. Crap. Fine. I hate this. This better be the last crappy snow of the season!

Yesterday was 9 degrees Celsius. Today it will drop over the day to -10 degrees Celsius with a wind chill of significantly lower. Welcome to almost Spring in Southern Ontario, Canada!

Blog City - Day 9 - March 12

The year is 2024. You are invited to a dinner at the White House in your honor. What is your accomplishment?

I really can not think of anything for this. First of all I am not American. I could change it to a Canadian honour, something like the Order of Canada. People like Terry Fox have been honoured. Leslie Nelson for his acting and comedy contributions. There have been musicians and other such performers. Writers as great as Robertson Davies or Margaret Laurence may have been honoured. Alice Monro and Mavis Gallant. I do not see myself in that group. It is too grand an honour.

Yes, these people did not set out to be so honoured, but things happen.... anything is possible. I am open to that possibility.

Sure this is 10 years down the road, but I do not see myself there yet. Would I want to be.... Yes and No. That is a lot of pressure. Not sure I want to be so singled out - I do not even feel comfortable when I have Happy Birthday sung to me in a small group.

Could I be a celebrated teacher. I would have to be hired in as a contract teacher first. I know I am being down on myself, but I do not feel too upbeat today. This weather is getting to me....

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