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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810692-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#810692 added March 20, 2014 at 12:02am
Restrictions: None
Getting in here a little earlier tonight, but then it's still late considering I return to work tomorrow and have to be up around three in the morning. It's now going on eight o'clock here in South Dakota, and my bedtime, or past just past it by an hour. I can do fine with seven hours of sleep, even six once in a while, but seven works good. So eight is prime time for me getting to bed on the eve's of work., we got things worked 

But, lately I've been sleeping a lot. Of course, since during my work week I tend to run shy on getting enough sleep, I suppose the days off sleeping in creates kind of a balance for sleep. I don't know, does it work that way? Instead of getting, say seven hours of sleep every night, can a person short sheet their sleep some days and over sleep a few others to create the forty nine hours then needed for the week?

All that aside, today was a nice day. I slept in and then had kind of a rough start to my day. But, we got things worked out and running smooth enough. Then, it was time for some work, but instead, I followed my goal of setting aside some fun time and played some scrabble with my wife. We worked together to get dinner cooking, and now while I write, she is putting the potatoes on to boil. Then it's more fun and games while dinner finishes cooking.  We are in the middle of playing some cards, and since we seldom find time to do things like this, we are both having a lot of fun.

I should have worked on vehicles, did my schedule's and e-reports, and such stuff, but that is just how things have become, and by the time I get things done, we are tired, I need to write in my journal, and we just want to relax for a bit before bed. Today I decided to do it the opposite and be a little irresponsible. I put fun first and work second.

I will have to finish the schedule; I have to post it tomorrow. But, I also need to get my rep9orts sent and put in for a day off on the next schedule. I have it written up in Excel, I just need to make a few changes, print it and  put in for that day off in a couple of weeks, so I should be able to do it after dinner. If not, perhaps I will have to get up a little earlier and do it in the morning. Either way, I'm putting work off for a change and putting  fun family time first.

I also am putting my journal entry in front of some of the things I should be doing, so I have it done, and don't have to try and push myself to write when I'm so tired I can't think of anything to write. It's both for my journal entry, and for my March challenge in 750 words, both of which I am very determined to stick with. It's important to me to get my entry in my journal because it's writing something during a period when I'm not able to get anything else written.

Hopefully that will end soon, but right now I just have a difficult time finding time to write. When I do find time, I have so much on my mind I cannot focus on being creative. A part of it is not taking time to enjoy life I suppose. Also, I set a goal to write everyday for a month, seven hundred and fifty words every day, to be more precise. It's no anything that will provide anything, it's just a goal I set and want to achieve. But, the payoff to my self-esteem is worth more than anything monetary ever could be. It proves to me I can write under stress, and when time is my enemy. It also shows I can and will meet my goals.

So, as this entry nears to the required seven hundred and fifty words I need to write today, I will be ending my entry and meeting my daily goal of writing today. I will also have my journal entry for WDC done, and then it's back to finish playing cards with Rhonda. That's part of my weekly goal, to set aside time to enjoy life and have a little fun every day. So, as the week winds down, I have met my goals and am feeling good. I may be tired tomorrow, but I can take a nap. Then, it's up and ready for more fun, meeting my goals, and finishing what I did not get to today.

As the saying states so plainly, all work and no play is not the way to spend the day... Maybe that's not how the old saying goes, but it's how my saying goes~

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