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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810764-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#810764 added March 20, 2014 at 10:56pm
Restrictions: None
Guess what? Yep, late again. I need to break this streak of getting in here so damn late. Once again it's after bed time and I just now am starting my journal entry here in 750 words.

Today was one of the kind of days we all have but wish we didn't. It started yesterday evening and progressed into today, actually. I had a good day yesterday and took some time to have some fun with my lady. We played some games and enjoyed the day, then in the early evening I got on the computer to get some work done.

I didn't have a lot I had to get done, I just needed to make a few corrections to the schedule, which was already made, and then print it. I also needed to fax a copy to the corporate office and I also needed to fax a request for some time off. None of this would take long, and I even intended to send my e-report off. An hour tops, likely even less. Let's guess at a half an hour to get this all done. No problem.

Only, there was a problem. My compute was running slower than slow. I know it's been running slow and suffering some memory issues, so instead of making the changes on my computer, I opted to make them online. I use Microsoft Office, and have the 360 and can work online or on the computer. I logged in to Onedrive and opened my document in Excel online. Only the computer was going so slow it took for ever to even open.

Then, when I went to make my changes, nothing happened. Sure the little spinny thingy went round and round, but it took forever. I ended up closing out Onedrive and opening Excel on my computer. This is when I discovered that my computer was now slower than slow.

Rhonda was online and everything was working fine, so I knew it was not the internet acting up. Then even trying to work offline took forever and everything became unresponsive. I mean, anything I tried to do came up unresponsive and took so damn long to become responsive. And, even then, it worked so slow that it was soon close to midnight by the time I got done.

Only, I cannot say done, since I only made two changes to the schedule, filled out my request for a day off, and faxed everything. This was getting to be a  very big headache, since I do everything for work on my computer. I even fax from my computer, so with it working this slow, I was faced with a serious situation. I needed to find out why my computer kept running slower and slower.

So, I took some time, even though I was already past my bed time and looked for spyware, I checked and ran Tweak Now, and then I started a viral scan and let it run through the night. Not just a quick scan, but a very deep scan of everything. Nothing was found. Of course I did not know this until this afternoon, but nothing was found.

I got to bed a little after midnight, needing to be up around three in the morning. Not sleeping, just a couple hour nap more than anything. Rhonda set the coffee up, then set the alarm and we went to bed. I woke once before the coffee had started, and needed to pee. Then I woke a second time and had to pee. I looked, and it was getting close to time for work, but I still had about forty minutes before the alarm. I crawled back into bed and slept very sound.

I was dreaming a wonderful dream, and had just put my hand down the front of an unknown person's halter top and was getting a wonderful feel of her breast. I had not seen her face, so I don't know who it was, and before I could even enjoy a full grope of this person's ample breasts, I was awakened by something. I think it was Hannah, but I'm unsure. I kind of had to pee, again.

I got up, went to the bathroom, and then looked to see if the coffee was going yet. Nope. I flipped the light on and the clock hands indicated that it was already three thirty, and I needed to get moving. Rhonda got up and couldn't understand why the alarm had not gone off. She was hustling getting my stuff ready, and I was beginning to wake up enough to understand that it was later than three thirty.

I looked at the digital clock in the living room and sure enough, it was five thirty; thirty minutes after I should have been at work. I hustled and headed out the door, Rhonda called in to let them know I was on my way. They hadn't even realized I wasn't there yet. I made it in and things were just a bit off kilter through the whole day as a result.

I also needed to work on my laptop, so I could get it running faster. Only nothing was working, and it was still acting weird with every attempt I tried to get things working right. It has been getting worse and worse, and the last Window's update left things kind of screwed up. I don't know why, but I knew there may be some kind of bug, or some other major malfunction in the programming. So, I set about making copies of items recording programs I will need to re-install, and then did a factory reset back to the original computer settings.

Only, once this was done, I needed to start putting things back on it. The first was couple of updates that were needed, then my antivirus program, and then that indicated I needed to update Windows. A hundred and thirty some updates needed to install. So that's where I'm at right now updating Windows, so tomorrow I can put back the programs I need, and then put documents, pictures, music and all that stuff back.

A lot of work, and very time consuming. On the high side, I did manage to get the distributor cap and rotor changed out in the Jimmy and that is running better. I also talked to my brother and am going to stop by after work tomorrow for coffee. Then it's straight home to finish getting my laptop back into shape so I can get caught up on my work.

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