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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810970-What-Would-You-Expect-After-Benghazi
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#810970 added March 23, 2014 at 5:04pm
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What Would You Expect After Benghazi?
As postulated, It appears the missing South East Asia Airliner set down somewhere. Iran and Pakistan have been offered as possibilities. It looks to me like this is a plan gone awry. The idea could have been to make it look like the airplane crashed in the ocean and then sneak it into somewhere where it could be reconfigured as a delivery system for a bomb carrying platform or WMD. When things didn't turn out as planned those responsible must have started having some grave second thoughts and misgivings.

It is no secret that if you want to commit a murder you don't do so with a registered weapon. A criminal needs an unregistered weapon. For heavens sake Iran or Pakistan could buy a used airliner so why would they want a stolen airliner instead?

Pakistan: Already has nuclear weapons. However, if they decided to use one on a neighbor a commercial airliner would be a sensible approach to take. They could simply shrug their shoulders and blame it on a bunch of rogue terrorists.

Iran: Could want a stolen airliner for essentially the same purpose. "Deniability," is the operative word. Anybody using a WMD could expect some serious pushback. Another question is why would an airliner be needed when a smaller aircraft could be stolen for essentially the same purpose? The answer would appear to be that the weapon they intend to deploy is heavy. This begs the question what kind of weapon is out there that a 777 could be needed to lift?

A primitive nuclear weapon: It took a B-29 to deliver the Hiroshima atom bomb.

A Chemical Weapon Deliver System: A much easier weapon to acquire would be a nerve agent such as Sarin Gas. The aircraft could be reconfigured like a crop duster and could really dump plenty of product over a broad area before anything could be done to stop it.

A Bunker Buster: This would be the easiest. Simply pack it full of explosives and drive it into an aircraft carrier or skyscraper.

In Israel they are taking these scenarios seriously, as they should. It is being reported that they are revamping their air traffic control protocols. I can think of half a dozen things they might consider doing. The crunch point is going to come when an incoming aircraft fails to meet these protocols. At what point do they shoot down a commercial airliner, potentially full of innocent passengers? OPPs! Sorry about that--- we were a little quick on the draw. How much time will they have to make a decision before it is too late. Too late either way, for the passengers, or to stop a "Wet Shot" that would have horrific consequences.

If you follow the thread further, what kind of message does Israel send back channel to the Iranians? For example any attack by terrorists will be attributed to the Nation States that harbor them or support their activities. The next question is does Israel respond in kind or do they massively retaliate? These are questions that can be anticipated and need to be thought out before the next large scale attack. Apparently 3K dead on 9/11 wasn't enough to declare a serious war on terrorism and the Nations that support them. Again I can think of a host of measures that could be taken before and after such an incident. I won't waste my breath suggesting them given the current administration in Washington.

I think we know exactly where that plane is and we're scratching our butts trying to decide what to do about it. What would you expect after Benghazi? Speaking of that where is the President weighing in on all this? I know I know...." disengaged, or planning sanctions.." He has been noticeably silent .

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