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"Putting on the Game Face"
#811033 added March 23, 2014 at 9:13pm
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Interesting Phone Call, Observation and Passports
Daily Mail: The two-minute call was made shortly before MH370 took off. The woman has still to be traced and used a pay-as-you-go phone bought with a fake ID. The female caller used the ID to get around security measures put in place after 9/11 in a bid to tackle terrorism. The revelation increases fears that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah may have links to extremist groups.

Percy Goodfellow (PG) It is likely that this phone call was to communicate the operation was a "go" and transmit that information to a command and control cell that could coordinate things at the landing end. This would mean a beacon at a remote site... is anyone looking for that sort of emission?

Fox News: A retired U.S. Air Force General says he believes the missing flight could have landed in Pakistan. General Thomas McInerney said that the reaction of the U.S. and Israel to the possibility of a hijacking suggested authorities know more than they were letting on. He told Hannity on Fox News: "I could envision that terrorists could use it, fill it up with explosives, attack a U.S. aircraft carrier, put a nuclear weapon – a prototype on it – hit Israel [or] the United States.” Speaking about how he came to his conclusion, he later added: "First of all, let me say, when the U.S. Navy quits their search (their ship search) they must know something in the Indian Ocean."When the Israeli Defence Forces, when they increase their air defence alert, they must know something. "My concern is, if this aeroplane could be used as a bearer of a weapon of mass destruction or even conventional munitions that could attack a carrier, the Israelis, other allies, American forces, for instance. "We have to be very alert until we know exactly where this aeroplane is."

PG: It makes absolutely no sense that an aircraft was hijacked and then deliberately crashed in the ocean. Looking in the ocean is a false scent and a waste of time.

CNN: Two passengers boarded the plane using stolen passports. Authorities have identified them as Pouri Nourmohammadi, 18, and Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza, 29, both Iranians. Malaysian police believe Nourmohammadi was trying to emigrate to Germany using the stolen Austrian passport. The men entered Malaysia on February 28 using valid Iranian passports, according to Interpol.

PG: If we have any HUMINT in Iran we need to check out these two. Why would two Iranians with false passports board a plane for Beijing China? One reason could be they wanted to avoid being "Profiled." Another possibility is that once the airliner was presumed lost at sea, they hoped the authorities would't look too closely into their identities. Wasn't there a better schedule from Malaysia to Europe? I suspect they wanted on that aircraft and weren't too interested in anything else. Since Iran is the leading sponsor of global terrorism doesn't it raise a red flag that they were Iranian?

Fox News quoting a high ranking Malaysian official: "Yes, we are looking into Mohd Khairul, (A flight Engineer) as well as the other passengers and crew,” said the police official, who has knowledge of ongoing investigations. “The focus is on anyone else who might have had aviation skills on that plane."

PG: Did Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah know Mohd Khairul?

PG: It is known that the pilot had a flight simulator. Even if the usage data was lost there is a good chance that the files that were activated were not. For example if the file was one where landing on primitive airstrip or even "Emergency Landing" on a beach or desert was activated, that would tell something. If the file was repetitively used that would tell even more. If the simulator had a capability to depict low level flying using nap of the earth techniques that too would be worth examining. What I'm getting at is that even if zero information can be gleaned from the computer, having a pilot use an exact clone simulator to land on a primitive runway in a remote location could get at possibilities through the back door. If we start thinking like a terrorist and have a simulator there are many potential insights to be gained as to what happened to the missing flight. The same goes for simulating a terror planning cell with access to say," Nerve Agent." Then work backward from that. From the chunks we know, fill in the blanks with assumptions and see where the quest leads. That was the way DNA was discovered.

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