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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/811343-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#811343 added March 26, 2014 at 12:23am
Restrictions: None
Another day about done, and here I am, just getting in here. Not that it was a bad day, it just kind of slipped away from me and now it's about over and here I am trying to get things wrapped up before I turn in for the night. But, I did have the day off and enjoyed it and I do not have to get up for work tomorrow, either. In fact, I have Thursday off this week, too. So, I suppose letting one day just kind of slip past isn't so bad, and maybe even what the doctor ordered. A day full of rest, relaxing and just chilling with my wonderful wife.

I have one week left on the monthly challenge I took for March, and will have just six days left after I finish this post. I will still have to copy and past it in WdC, and since it's an hour later there, I will have missed today, but only by time zones. Here it is just eleven o'clock now. And, with today done in 750 words, I will have just under a week left to make my goal. I also have a goal in WdC for the week, to write something other than just my journal entry. I want to create a poem or a story, size not important, but something new.

I have a couple more days off to get going on it, and I also need to find a solution to the problem with the van. Hopefully the weather is nice and I can look at it and try to find a way to see what item is in need of replacing. It would be even nicer if I can do the work, but I am kind of limited there, with limited tools, time, and having to work outside. Also, there isn't much I can even reach on the van without putting it up on jacks and trying to work from under. Even then it would be difficult to reach areas and components. No, A lift like in the shops is what is needed, along with more knowledge of how things work now.

Even so, I will hope it's something I can do, and I can do some; limited, but not helpless. Not yet anyway. I also have to look tings over on the Jimmy and try to find what the problem is with that. I know more about the Jimmy, it's more in my time frame of knowledge. All the electronic stuff had not been added yet. Some, but not so much that I can't troubleshoot and make repairs. But, even though I have more knowledge of the Jimmy, it's put together so that it's very difficult to work on. There just isn't any room, and once again, a lift is needed to provide access to work form under the vehicle.

Right now, that's about all I have on my list of things to do. Well, there is some stuff for work, but not anything too major or time consuming, and I have some bills to run through and send off, but again, nothing that will take a lot of time and resources.  So, working on vehicles and trying to get them running better is the big task at hand and then some little things that are more common and won't take much at all. Of course, if I can't find the problem or do the work, the vehicles may not be much of a task, either. An expense, especially if I have to take them in to the shop to get fixed, but not so bad of a task.

Now, I'm getting close to meeting my quota of words for the daily entry in 750 Words, and of course, my journal entry does not have a quota, but just what I decide to write, so that could already be done if I had not entered into the monthly challenge for March. But, since I decided to do my writing in 750 words to challenge myself and to push myself a bit, it really does not matter. No, in WdC I can write a lot, or a little, but here it has to meet the 750 words or it does not count for the day. And, that makes even just writing my journal entry a challenge. One I am just about to meet, and then it's off to do other things before I turn in for the night.

I know, I'm not making a lot of sense. I'm trying, and thinking of things to write, but I'm tired and having a difficult time with my focus, and by the time I process an idea, my sleepy mid loses track of the idea and I have to scramble to try and get back to what I intended, and often I really don't even make it back but have to venture off in a whole new direction. Being this tired makes writing anything very difficult, just like it gets very difficult to read and understand. So, being past 750 words now, I will end this and save you a little confusing in my writing.

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