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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/812907-Memories-and-The-Circus
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#812907 added April 7, 2014 at 10:41am
Restrictions: None
Memories and The Circus
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - Week Sixteen

1. What is your favourite childhood memory?
Memories of childhood, scattered into the bits of traumaed happenings, my happiness memories were at my Grandparent's farm. Away from town life. My Grandparent's farm was set back far enough from the highway that it had no electricity or modern conveniences. No running water, no indoor toilets, no electricity. My Grandmother performed wonders with a wood stove and kerosene lamps. The Outhouse was another story. As a child, I used the little pink potty behind the wood stove. But beyond all that... there was unconditional love and acceptance. I was an odd little girl, preferring my own company to that of my peers. I enjoyed a healthy imagination, a love of books, story telling and (when the bugs weren't too bad) the outdoors. My Grandparent's farm provided a fertile ground for me to dream and play in. Alone I would craft worlds and act them out. Nobody thought me weird, or if they did they never breathed a word of it.
My Grandparents themselves were wonderful people, especially my Grandmother. Pump and pint sized - I loved her hugs and her smiles. I could do no wrong in her eyes. I suppose, because my family life was in upheaval, she provided me with that soft place to land. I could always count on her and she never let me down. In later life, I do not suppose it was the farm so much, as it was Gramzie herself that linked to my memories of childhood. She lived to be almost 101 and I miss her dearly. Her memory is a comfort. Here was a lady who thought herself less, who survived an abusive relationship and sad childhood of her own, but without fail provided me with so much love and affection. I am forever blessed.
Having written all that I realize I got way off topic, but not to worry. She is not a particular memory but a influence that permeated many happy memories at a time I needed them.
The farm was the simple life - plain, yet idyllic. Imagination ran free and for a child like me it was the best place to be. My happy place. My home.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – April 7 – Day 35

If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?
Oooo. Now this is an interesting topic. To join the circus, I would also have to give up my fears of heights as I would love to be a trapeze artist - soaring and flipping through the air. Flying with out the fear of falling. How freeing would that be.
Another thing would be performing some kind of dance high above the audience on ropes or ribbons - like what Pink did at the American Music awards (I believe). It is more circ du solei in nature. I find those performances inspiring and beautiful. The power and balance, crafted within the body's balance with fluid movements and motions that keep the audience transfixed. Beauty unlimited.
I am curious what other people will say and I am sure once I read their entries I may dream more on the possibilities.

As I am doing NaPoWriMo this month I am intrigued enough to conjure another possible poem.

Beauty Unlimited

Beauty unlimited
Posed and free
Wrapped in ribbons
High and beyond me
Bound, yet not
Powerful balance
Movements graceful
Draw the eyes
And inspire
One and all.
Transfixed upon
One perfect pose
Grace and Beauty
Fluid motion
Watch and Behold
Beauty Unlimited.

Egg Signature April 2014.

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