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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813150-My-GenerationIts-All-About-Attitude
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#813150 added April 9, 2014 at 9:30am
Restrictions: None
My Generation...It's All About Attitude!
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 37 – April 9, 2014

Prompt: What did you love most about your generation growing up?

I am a Centennial baby - meaning I was born the year Canada had it's 100 birthday. So that meant growing up through the 'awful' seventies and hitting my teens in the 80s. What do I love most about my generation growing up? Good question. First off I would say the music. I lived for music back then. I am afraid to say I was a Duran Duran fan - but I will assure you I was not all swoony over the band members - yes, I had a favourite and so did my friend - but we were never like those goobers that want to marry their idols - I was always realistic. It was the music and style I liked. I gained confidence in knowing what I liked. But I also have to say I liked a lot of music - bands like Chicago also sparked me. I love that modern big band sound and 'Hard To Say I'm Sorry' was a favourite of mine.
Beyond the music, what was there... the style’s were funky - I would not like to look like I did then - leg warmers and poufy hair (I did not have the poufy hair - my hair is too flat and straight to poof). But overall, it was a good generation to come of age. Still simple and respectful. Still plugged in and social - in a face to face kind of way. I have always preferred face to face to hours of phone conversation. You get the nuances of facial expression and amusement that over the phone does not give you and don't get me started with texting...

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Sixteen

4. What inspires you or what makes you crazy

Now this prompt is very far reaching. I can go in either direction depending on my mood. I was planning on positive and talking inspirational aspects but the pain in my head from a migraine is putting a downer on my mood. So I will start there... What drives me crazy is this weather. I am so ready for spring - for the warmth to come back for the dryness to shift so that I do not have to bathe in moisturizer. Yesterday when this headache set in, it was supposed to rain - they have flood warnings for the Region all over the place - and what did it do? Snow. Just over night. The morning was wet snow for your driving delight, then the grey skies shifted and the sun shone down. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the sun, but when the air pressure goes from low to high in the blink of an eye, my head tanks. Barometric pressure migraines that sit within my sinuses and refuse to budge no amount of Advil (which usually works) will touch it. I only take it to keep the pain low enough to keep me from getting ill. Ugh... the underbelly of early spring weather. Blessings and curses within all things.

Now going to the more inspirational side... it will say, I used the pain of that migraine to create a poem for NaPoWriMo. See blessings with curses - it all does come together and I find it is all a matter of perspective and attitude. We are all free to choose. I choose to be positive and remain open to the world - as much as I can.

I am also blessed with a day off. No supply calls for today so although I do not get paid, I do get to recoup and relax until I go out tonight to work with my Special Services at Home Client. He is profoundly deaf and has autistic tendencies. He is a joy to work with. We communicate with sign language so I can avoid a lot of excess noise. That is always a bonus. If I still need quiet, we will go to the library after dinner. If I am feeling better, we will go shopping. When the weather gets better we will go back to our long trail hikes - those are the best. We do not do them in the winter because my client has Cerebral Palsy and gets nervous if he thinks it is icy - a regular 30 minute walk can double or triple our time as he will shuffle along like 'Tim Conway'. That is not fun - we do Mall walks instead.

Overall, I am thinking today is going to be a good day. My head feels a little better already.

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