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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813240-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#813240 added April 9, 2014 at 11:18pm
Restrictions: None
It's about ten here in South Dakota and I should be getting ready for bed, but instead I'm just getting in here to write again. Not that this was a bad day, it was just a full day and I didn't get a chance to get in here and write earlier. I was up early again, for my day off anyway. I had the alarm set for eight thirty, and woke just before it went off. I had a cup of coffee with Rhonda in bed then got up and started some breakfast.

After breakfast, we did a Bible study to start our day off right, then took the dogs out for a little while. When we came back in I gave Rhonda a had with the dishes, since we had kind of put them off yesterday, and then we did a little work outside on the asparagus patch. After that, we got ready to go for another walk, since it was such a beautiful day. We walked for about an hour and fifteen minutes, with the dogs. After we got back we sat out for a little bit, then I started dinner while Rhonda did a little housework. When dinner was ready we took a relaxing seat in the living room and enjoyed a movie while we ate, then fed the dogs, did up the dinner dishes, and took the two dogs outside. When we came back in, we took a shower and then enjoyed a drink while we finished watching our movie.

Now, we just came back in from taking the dogs out for the last time tonight and I got on here while Rhonda got online for a bit. Another wonderful day coming to an end, and she returns to work tomorrow, but I still have one day left to relax and enjoy myself. I do have some things I need to take care of, and hope to get some of them done tomorrow, the rest on Friday after work.

The diet is going great so far, and we have both been logging foods, exercise, and calories all week. Today I reset my profile and entered my current weight. I was a bit surprised when I got on the scale to see I was up to 270 pounds, but then when I logged into Myfitnesspal, I seen my last weight from last fall was at 258, so I only gained back twelve pounds through the fall and winter. Also, I always weigh first thing in the morning, right after I make my first trip to the bathroom, and before I eat or drink anything. Today it was after I had enjoyed three cups of coffee, eaten breakfast, and had two glasses of water. I know that bumped me up some, too, so I figure I maintained all fall and winter with only a ten pound gain. Since I haven't been watching my food intake very much, and have been a lot less active over the winter, I found that to be kind of reassuring. I mean, with only a little effort, I could have maintained without any gain at all, and that's something to look forward to once I have my weight back down where I want it.

It's still a beautiful night, only kind of windy out. It had clouded up earlier this evening, and there was a forecast for some rain tonight, but when we went out with the dogs, it was still nice, hazy but the moon and stars were shining through, just windy. From 77 degrees this afternoon and now only down twenty three degrees, which is not a big temperature fluctuation for this time of year. I hope it stays nice all night, as far as the temperature goes, but a little rain would not bother me at all. It's not all that dry out, but it's drying fast on the surface and still frozen down a little ways. some rain would help get rid of the ground frost and clean everything up. But, rain or not, I'm enjoying this nice weather and loving the change from below zero or at the most just a little above, to fifties, sixties, and even seventies.

Now, it's about time to check the forecast for tomorrow and then maybe have another drink before turning in. I will let Rhonda decide if we have another, or just turn in, since she has to work tomorrow afternoon. I have my seven hundred and fifty words written for the day, and with it, my journal entry is complete.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813240-Wednesday