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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/814265-Firday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#814265 added April 18, 2014 at 8:35pm
Restrictions: None
Not quite so late tonight, but it could just as well be after midnight as far as how tired I am. I got about two hours of sleep last night before getting up at three thirty for work. I say about, because it was two hours from the time I got in bed till the time I got up, but the alarm went off the first time at three, then again at three fifteen, and then at three thirty Rhonda helped me drag my sorry butt out of the bed. On top of that, I didn't sleep well, had trouble falling asleep, and was up twice during my very brief night. Then, it ended up being a very busy day, even though it was pretty cold, very windy, and cloudy for most of it.

Tomorrow will be even busier, I'm sure, but if all works right, I should be in bed here shortly, sleeping shortly after that, and hopefully not up at all, until the alarm goes off in the morning. I work at five again, but may not get done until four tomorrow afternoon, if it stays busy all day. Sunday, Easter that is, I get to sleep later and don't have to be up until five thirty. But Easter or not, for us it's work as normal. If last year was any indication, however, it will be a very slow day at work, and I should get to come home by noon.

I did take a nap this afternoon, after I got home. But, I ate lunch first and then did my weekly report, so I ended up only taking about an hour nap. It was enough to take the edge off, and with a good night sleep tonight, I should be pretty good tomorrow. Then, after tomorrow, it should slow down some and be pretty quiet and slow for Sunday and Monday, then Tuesday I'm off for a few days.

Not to bad, just getting through this week has been kind of difficult. See, I was set to be off Tuesday and Wednesday, but we had a winter storm move in on Wednesday and I had to work for another guy who couldn't make it in to work. So, I got kind of out of synch working on the day I should be off. I did have another guard fill in for me on Thursday, so I still got two days off, but not in a row. It helped, but the whole day yesterday was kind of out of synch as well. Or maybe I was out of synch with it, I'm not sure. Either way, it wasn't a very productive day and just seemed to slip away faster than I could take advantage of the time off.

I'm sure that's part of what went wrong last night, too. Just out of synch with everything, and up too late. It was like I was running three hours behind. My internal clock was saying six and dinner time, but in fact it was nine and likely much too late to eat that heavy of a dinner. But I was hungry, and since the food was done, I ate late. Then it was sit up and let it digest a bit. Of course, I was thinking about ten thirty when it was in fact twelve thirty, and with so much food in my system, of course I wasn't going to sleep well. Crazy, but that's the way it just ends up going sometimes.

Today was much better time wise, but since I was working, it would have been kind of nice to be thinking its about noon, when in fact it's three in the afternoon all ready and I can go home. Of course, it never works that way. The only days that time moves that quickly are the days off, and times after work. Then, on work days it moves twice as slow to counter balance the effect. In the end, one week passes in just exactly one weeks time. For that matter, one day passes in twenty four hours, just as it should. The only difference is, the six hours I spend working takes twelve hours, and the time I spend at home ends up only four hours, and the eight hours I spend sleeping only comes out to two our three, and the rest just vanishes, until the next day when my work day finds the missing hours and tacks them on to the work day, again.

It's probably done at a minute level, too. For example, work hours are composed of one hundred and eighty minutes, while off work/at home hours are composed of fifteen minutes. Sleep hours also end up short sheeted, but in the end, it balances out. That's why my time goes past so fast off of work, but goes by so slow at work, to make the balance.

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