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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/814357-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#814357 added April 19, 2014 at 10:45pm
Restrictions: None
It's Easter Eve, and it's getting late. Luckily, I don't have to be up at three in the morning again. Easter or not, it's a work day for me, and the only reason I don't have to be up at three is because Sundays are a late day, so I don't have to be at work until a quarter to eight.

It was a very nice day, not too windy, quite a lot of sun, and warm out. There was enough of a breeze to make it feel cool if you were exposed to it in the shade, but other than that, very nice. A typical spring day, or at least what a typical spring day should be. It's been so long since we have hod a typical spring day that it's difficult to remember. They are sure a rare comity this year.

So, it was great being able to enjoy it, even if it was from work. I had to open at five and then worked with Rhonda from eleven this morning when she came in until four thirty this afternoon when the evening guard showed up. Yep, eleven and a half hours at work, then I stopped up front and sent a fax, went around back and picked up my gear, then headed over to the store to pick up a few groceries before heading home. I arrived at the house at six o'clock, fourteen hours after I left this morning. Now, that's a long day.

Tomorrow could be another long day, if it gets busy, but I doubt it will. If last year was any indication of what work will be like tomorrow, Easter Sunday, it should be very slow all day. At least it was last year. That's alright, I can handle a slow day, and getting out of there early.

Other than being tired, it was a good day. I did get a fair amount of sleep last night, and I slept very hard and deep. In fact when the alarm went off this morning, I couldn't get it to shut off. I was trying to touch the app and get it to open so I could shut the alarm down, but it wouldn't stay in the foreground long enough. See, my alarm is a program on my netbook, and I have to touch the shut off on the screen to turn the alarm off.

Normally, this set up works great. I can program alarms for each day, specific to the day. I can repeat them on set days, and have multiple alarms set at the same time. Like I said, this app works great, and it's a wonderful alarm. But this morning I could not wake up. I heard the alarm start, very quiet and low, and it continued to get louder and louder, as I fought with the computer to try and turn it off. Only the app kept going to the background, so when I would touch the screen to hit the stop alarm button, it would be gone already.

Of course, in time Rhonda nudged me with her foot, which was enough to wake me out of my dreams, once awake instead of stuck in a dream, I was able to reach over and touch the red stop alarm button on my netbook. That's right, I was dreaming I was awake and needed to shut the alarm off; it was only in my dreams that I was having so much trouble, and once awake, it worked like a charm.

It's kind of funny, or at least I think so. Dreaming that I'm trying to shut off the alarm, but the alarm is actually sounding and needs to be turned off. It's also a good thing that we have a second alarm set. I mean, it would have been terrible had I actually shut down the alarm in my sleep. But, with the secondary alarm, even if I did shut down, we would have another go off in plenty of time for me to get up, get ready, and get to work.

I messed up once, as did Rhonda, and that was enough to indicate that we need the back up alarm set and ready just in case. As long as we have it, it will not be needed, but if I didn't keep it up, I would over sleep for sure. So, the primary is the netbook app, the secondary is the regular alarm clock, and then there's Hannah. She's not very reliable as far as time goes, but she does a great job of waking Rhonda up in the mornings. The only problem is, she doesn't do it at a steady time. maybe one day, but for now, I'll keep two alarms set and double my chances of waking up on time.

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