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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/814802-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#814802 added April 23, 2014 at 8:49pm
Restrictions: None
Two days of my three days off used up, they sure go by fast. But, I got a good start on the yard yesterday, then today we had a little rain with a lot of wind, so no yard work at all today. I had planned on getting it finished, but just too wet, then too windy. Not that I mind, it was a great day; a lazy, rainy day. We did haul the garbage and did a bit of house work together, but other than that, it's been just a "take-it-easy" kind of day.

Right now, it's time to get this written, then eat dinner and enjoy a quiet evening together. We also made dinner together, and it's smelling very good. We have a nice beef roast cooking in the dutch oven with potatoes, celery, carrots, and onions. I took some of the juice from the roast and added in a few ingredients to make a very rich beef sauce, and once it's all cooked, I'll add a bit of the finished juices in, then thicken it up and enjoy a wonderful dinner with my wonderful wife.

I know it's a pot roast, but instead of putting it all together right away, we precooked the roast about three fourths done, then took most of the juices from the seasoned roast, but not all. Next we added the potatoes and vegetables, a little more water, and put it all back in the oven to slow roast. That's why I said I took some of the juice and will add some of the finished juice. The first batch I took was just seasoned, roasted beef, the second batch will have the vegetables and potatoes cooked in with the beef, to add that final pot roast flavor, but not as strong as if we just took the final juices.

Then, after dinner, we will enjoy some quiet time watching a series on Netflix, and then it's off to bed a little earlier. I don't have to work tomorrow, but Rhonda does. Of course, she doesn't have to be there until eleven, but we still like to get up a little earlier so we can enjoy the morning together before she has to get ready for work. I'm not sure what I will work on tomorrow, it depends on what the weather does, and what I feel like doing. If it's nice, I may look at the van and see what I can do with it, or I may work on the lawn a bit. I may even get to  both if it's nice enough, since the yard won't take real long to finish up, and I likely won't actually work on the van, just look to see if I can, and what I need to have on hand.

Friday it's back to work for me, and it's likely going to be a long day. If it's busy I may be working twelve hours, but I'm thinking it will be slow enough to get me done around noon, maybe one. Then Saturday will be a long day for sure, and I will have another eleven hours in. Sunday should be slower again, and I should be out of there by early afternoon. Monday is again a possibility of a twelve hour day, but I doubt it will go much past noon again.

It's just so difficult to say, though. Weather has a lot to do with how busy we get, but with this long and brutal winter finally over, more people seem to be eager to start outside projects even though it's not real nice out yet. If this weekend does prove to be busier than anticipated, I may have to redo the schedule to bring in another guard sooner. Right now, I'm planning on bringing him in on the next schedule, but I have discussed the possibility of needing him to fill in sooner. He wants hours, so I don't see it as a problem, and since he lives close, even if he doesn't have to stay for the whole shift, it's not costing him much to come in and then go home after an hour or two. It should work nice, and give him more hours, as he wants, while I can pick up a few more myself for the summer, and -- this is the best part -- get three days off every week.

They will be Tuesday through Thursday, but I don't mind. In fact, since most people are out and about on the weekends, I kind of like having my mid-week break. It's quieter, less crowded, and for me and Rhonda, more enjoyable. Sure, we miss some things on the weekends, but it's a trade off we happily make. Now, the timer has gone off, it's time for us to enjoy that scrumptious smelling dinner.

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