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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/814726-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#814726 added April 23, 2014 at 12:23am
Restrictions: None
Here's a start, just under the wire to get this entered on today's date. It's eight minutes to eleven my time but counting down quickly to midnight at WdC. I usually don't write my entry here, but instead write in 750 Words and copy it here. It's my way of keeping my journal updated, while being held to at least 750 words and keeping my entries in that site as well. Tonight I will also write there, but only after this introduction to get my entry date set, which I have done. Be back with the rest in a flash.

I already started my journal entry in WdC so I could have it entered under today's date, and all of that is explained in the introduction I wrote there. So, on to my day, I reckon.

Today was my first day off this week, and a nice day. I didn't know if I would have a guard out today or not, since one missed yesterday do to illness. But, no calls today, so he must have been feeling better and made it in. Of course, it may have been illness, or not having a car to drive in, or a bit of both. I want to believe the reason was illness as he said, and have no grounds to question it. I only mention it because he himself stated to me that his family is now down to one vehicle after the other had a breakdown. He also had a vehicle but it also had problems that were not repairable.

He had informed me that he was using his dad's vehicle, and if his dad needed it to haul anything, he could be unable to get to work. Now, that's the vehicle that suffered damage and left him dependent on the families only vehicle. I don't know what arrangements have been made, who needs to use the vehicle other than this person, or anything, but can see a very likely chance for conflict over who needs the vehicle for what. For instance, if either of his parents needs to use the vehicle, and he can't, he would not have a way to get to work, and would have to call in and either inform me that he does not have the use of the family car, or use another excuse to cover this. And, if he's unsure if he would be excused for missing work because of no transportation, he would be motivated to use an excusable reason for missing, like illness.

It's a tough spot for him to be in, but since he is back to work today, and I don't have any reason to question if he was ill or not, it just get's passed off as him being sick, missing a day, and now he's back. Unless this becomes a repeated problem and he starts missing more work, I really don't want to know for sure. I would rather just accept the reason as being sick and not having to take any action anyway. He's a good kid, and does his job pretty well, wants to keep on working and is trying to get himself some transportation of his own, or so he has informed me. So, unless this gets to be a problem, I won't question it and give him time to do what he needs to do.

But, with our double coverage hours starting, we are going to be tight on covering for anyone who misses too much. So, if he continues to miss work for what ever reason, I may have to hire another person and that means some of us will lose out on hours. Not just the person I mentioned, but I would also lose a few hours and so would my wife. That's how it works out to get another person trained and provide them with enough hours to keep them interested in the position without taking so many from the person I was talking of, that he is forced out the door. Again, this is a possibility, but one I will not pursue unless he begins to miss on a regular basis and creates the need to have another person trained in and working to cover the hours he misses.

For now, things are working and we have it all covered. I have my two days off, and unless something comes up tomorrow, I don't see that changing. I enjoyed the day, had a nice chat with my brother on the phone, and Rhonda talked to her mom. There was still plenty of time to do some yard work and still have a relaxing day. Even some family problems that came up did not dampen our moods or mess up or enjoying this wonderful day. The family problems are serious, but there really isn't anything we can do about it and even if we could, I'm not sure what we could do except let those who messed up face the results of their choices, and hope they get the message loud and clear they need to make some serious changes.

But, they did not even let us know what is going on, and we ended up hearing about it in a round about way, again. This same problem came up once before and we were not informed at first, then told lies about what was taking place, and now after things finally worked out, they do the same thing again, only worse. As hard as it is, sometimes it's best to just step back and let children take the full force of their bad choices. It's the only way they can learn and make better choices. I hope this is the case now, and it will work out for good in the end.

I don't know enough of the facts or what's going on to write about it now, but in time more will come to light and we will eventually hear enough of the facts to know what was going on. Then, after truth is found, lies set aside, perhaps I will write about it here and try and sort it all out.

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