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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/814594-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#814594 added April 21, 2014 at 11:02pm
Restrictions: None
Monday night, but my Friday night. How's that? Because I get the next few days off. Three this week, unless something unforeseen comes up. I have one person out sick, so it could mess things up, but I'm hoping not. I'm going to think positive and plan on having the next two days off with Rhonda, then one more after she returns to work. See, we each get one three day break, opposite weeks from the other, so this is my three day break, last week was her's.

It was a pretty nice day, and kind of busy at work this morning, but it slowed a lot  by the time Rhonda came in. I stuck around a bit just in case yard traffic picked back up, but it seemed to be a slow day from about noon on. The temperature was almost sixty degrees this morning, but it didn't warm up much at all, only about five degrees higher. Even so, it was nice, sunny, and comfortable up to about nine, then teh wind picked up.

It blew pretty hard, with gusts around fifty miles per hour. It switched around to the north and then north-west, so it was a cold wind, but not enough to drop the temperatures. It settled down this evening and it's pretty nice again now, but cooler. Right now it's forty three degrees and dropping. I haven't looked to see how much it will drop tonight or what the weather forecast is for the next few days. It doesn't matter, anyway, it changes a couple of times a day it seems. I'll check and see what the forecast is in the morning, that should be the closest. Well, unless it changes again after that.

Hopefully it will be nice enough to get some yard work done, the grass is turning green and we have a lot of winter cleanup to do before it gets time to mow. I would also like to take the dogs for a walk, but not just around here. I'm thinking of packing up a day-pack and going to the park or something, and walking some trails. We will see how it goes getting the yard cleaned up, and how much time we have, as well as how much good weather.

Speaking of weather, I seen something interesting this morning on my way to work. I was heading east at around for thirty and off in the distance I seen lightning flashing. It was clear here, with a bright moon, but to the east I could see by the flashes, there was heavy cloud cover. What made this different than seeing lightning in the distance any other time was the color. I don't know if it was just the clouds, or if the dry air had something to do with it, or what. But, the lighting wasn't just yellow and white flashes. This morning they were red; deep multiple shades of red, ranging from pinks to crimson and violet. Like a colorful sunrise in the east, but in this case, flashing at different points along the distant horizon. It was very pretty, and I wish I could have shared it with Rhonda.

But, I was going in to work, and she was going back to bed for a few more hours before getting up to come in and relieve me. Hopefully we will get to share another colorful lightning display like this in the future. It may not be so rare, but it's the first time I have seen red lightning. I could research it, and possibly will, but for now, I just savor the mental image it left and just wish I would have had more time to enjoy the show before turning north and finishing my drive in to work.

Now, it's ten at night, past my normal bedtime, but early for a night without work the next day. Even so, I'm tired and looking forward to getting to bed, and then having an early start to my time off. This is a change for me, since I tend to stay up late even when I have to work the next morning. My internal clock must finally be changing over. It's been a long haul, and it feels good to know that I can adjust my time schedule and adapt to working early and getting to bed early. The next thing you know, I'll be enjoying more usable time and getting more done in my day. Hell, I may even find time to write again, and wouldn't that be sweet.

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