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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/815247-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#815247 added April 28, 2014 at 9:30pm
Restrictions: None
What a cold, wet, and windy day. On top of that, they are saying a possibility of snow on the way. The winter just doesn't want to end, and even though spring has arrived, it's like they are having a tug of war over who has control. Barely made it into the forties today, winds at 30+ miles per hour, gusts as high as forty-five miles per hour, and rain, light drizzle to torrential downpours. The only good thing was it was slow at work, so we didn't have to spend a lot of time out in the nasty stuff.

Now, I should have the next two days off, but with snow coming in, that could change. I'm hoping it will not happen, and I will get the next two days off with Rhonda. It's going to be cold and wet, so not much we can do outside, but that never stops us from enjoying our time off together. I'm thinking some time playing games, and some time to maybe even write something other than just my journal.

My brother wants to get out fishing in the boat, and has it ready to go, but with the weather forecast I seen last, it's not looking good. That's alright, I'm really not ready to go out in the boat anyway. It's just too early in the season, and I know it's going to be cold out on the lake. We will have plenty of nice days to spend out there when it's hot, and when the cool breeze blowing over the water will feel welcome and good.

I also received an update from him in my email, about his graduation. It's on a Saturday, which is going to make it tough. I work eleven hours on Saturdays now, for the summer, and will have to have Rhonda come in a little early, as well as have someone else fill in for me while I'm there. I will have to see who's working that weekend, and maybe get someone to come in for me for a few hours. I don't want to take too much of the day off, or it will cut into my paycheck too much, unless I take a vacation day. It's coming up fast, too, so I won't have a lot of time to set things up. I'll work on the schedule tomorrow, and then I'll see what I can fine out about how long it's going to last and if someone can come in for part of the day for me.

Back to today; I worked the opening shift, and would have stayed for double coverage if needed, but with the rain and cold, it was slower than a regular Monday. Rhonda was in at eleven and I stuck around a little while, but traffic did not pick up at all. So, after a half hour I took off and headed for home. I stopped and picked up a fuel filter for the van, in hopes that may help solve the problems we are having with it. I had hoped the vented fuel cap would have made a difference, but it didn't seem to.

After I picked up the fuel filter I went over to The Liquor Store and picked up a bottle of brandy for Rhonda and I. The lady working told me, "Stay warm out there."

I'm assuming she thought I was going to work, since I was in my uniform, but it made me smile. I mean, if I'm going to work as a security guard, why would I be picking up a bottle of brandy before work. I know, it doesn't mean I'm going to drink it on the job, but that's the first thought that passed through my mind. I lifted the brown bagged bottle and said, "This will help accomplish that."

She laughed, then got kind of a puzzled look as it sunk home. I interjected an explanation before she had time to ask, telling her I just got off my shift and was heading home with two days off. That removed the puzzled look from her brow and put the smile back on her lips. She still seemed to be at a loss for words, however, and didn't reply with anything as I walked out the door. She's a nice lady, friendly and attractive, and usually is pretty talkative, but today the cat seemed ot have gotten her tongue.

I drove home an alternate route since I was way across town, and came in on Mustang Avenue. There's a slew right off the road just a few miles down the road from the highway, and as I approached it, I seen a dozen or so pelicans in it, right up close to the road. There's a drop there, and it was offering them a break from the cold wind driven rain. As I got closer, I slowed some, knowing they would likely take off in flight as I got near them. I was right, as I came up on them, they all began lifting off the water, right over the hood of the Jimmy.

I was moving slow enough I could stop if I had to, to prevent hitting any of them, but the wind gave them quick lift and they were all just high enough I could safely drive under them. The lower birds were maybe three or four feet above me, and flying into the strong wind had them almost at a hover as I slowly passed beneath them. They are so graceful, and beautiful, especially that close. This was the first time I have been this close to them, and it was a wonderful experience to see so many of them so close to me. Even as I passed under, some of them turned their head to observe me even as I was cranking my head up to see them. Of course, I had the most pleasant view.

Well, that's a wrap on this entry, and now it's time to enjoy some desert, and then its off to bed.

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