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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/815644-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#815644 added May 2, 2014 at 9:10pm
Restrictions: None
Here we go, time to get this done and then relax for a little while and then it's off to bed. It's not that late, but it is getting there. My time is ten minutes to eight, and as early as that sounds to most people, it's actually kind of late for me. It's funny, I don't think I went to bed by eight thirty at any point in my life. Maybe before I was able to stand on two feet, but since I've been walking? Doubtful.

Yet, here I am getting things done so I can try and get to bed by eight thirty. It's very unlikely I'll make it, but I'm trying and that is all a person can do. Besides, if I try tonight, and then try tomorrow, and so on, sooner or later I will achieve my goal. So, right now it's time to get this written, then it's time to have a bite to eat, relax for a little bit, then hit the bed and see if I can stay awake long enough to give the dogs their treats, set the alarm and get the light turned off.

Yes, I'm that tired tonight. I was up at three this morning, as I was yesterday morning as well, and that's half of the reason I' so beat. The other half is the fact that I only got two or three hours of interrupted sleep the first night, and not a lot more of uninterrupted sleep last night. Finally the final half is the fact that I worked a long day today, and I'm just beat. I know, that's three halves, and that's how tired I am.

Even so, it was a pretty good day. I had a slow morning, then after Rhonda came in, I thought I was going to get to go home, but it stayed just busy enough to keep me their. I can't say I had to stay and work, but it was a bit busy at times, and each time it was  a little busier, Rhonda would have a huge load going out, or a return. This tends to get a person behind, and it was just busy enough today to make that something to avoid. Get behind and a person would not get the chance to get caught back up.

Tomorrow will be busier, I'm sure. That means another long day for me, and more reason to get to bed early tonight. But, before I can, I need to get this typed up and pasted into WDC. I'm sure I will sleep sound tonight, and doubt I will be waking up for anything. That's just what I need, a good, long, and sound sleeping night. Hopefully I will wake feeling rested and ready to go.

Then, after work tomorrow, I will try and get to bed early again, but perhaps not quite as early as I wanted to get to bed tonight. Sunday is a later day, since the store doesn't open until eight, and I don't have to be up before time. Also, it should be a more peaceful day, and I won't have to work as long. Then Monday, I have another person coming in, and that's going to help a lot. I should get home at a nice time Monday, and then have three days off.

Tuesday it's sounding like a nice day, and I may just get out fishing for a while. I don't know what the rest of the week has in store, but hopefully it will be nice enough to get some work done on the van and to get some mowing done.

The repair on the van is a simple enough job, or so it sounds. But, it could be a real pain in the butt, too. I just hope that I have the time, some nice weather, and can get the thing working right, finally. Of course, once the van is running right, I need to get something done with the GMC, and I may have to take it in to get it running better. It depends on what is wrong with it. I suspect its the spark plugs, but it may be more that that, too.

Once the van is running right, I can take some time to find out, but until then, I have to have one of the vehicles running right before I can bring it in. If I don't, I know something will go wrong and I won't have any wheels. I just hope that once the van is running good, and then the car is, that it will last for a long time before we have to think about any repairs again.

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