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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/815762-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#815762 added May 3, 2014 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
It got real late on me tonight, but I still made it in. Now, if I'm not too tired to type, I may get this done and be off to bed without staying up too late past my bedtime. Saturdays are going to be a tough day for me to get home and relax before bed, but not as bad as this one. Friday's are also going to be tough, but again, not as tough as tonight was.

We have double coverage going now, and that means I get to pick up some hours. Fridays are now twelve hours and Saturdays are eleven. Today was an extra half hour since I had to do some training as well, but event that did not set me back too far. What messed me up was my brother, but not in a bad way. He has been schooling for a long time now and he is almost complete in his classes. He is getting great grades, so it doesn't matter so much with him, but for some it does.

What I'm talking about is his graduation, it was today, and he still has another week of classes to finish up. No matter, though, they had graduation today anyway. I had hoped to attend, but it did not work with our schedule, so I had to miss the ceremony. He stopped by after graduation and going out to eat to let me know he was done, and to invite me over for cake.

So, I got done work at four, but ended up there until four thirty. I went over to my brother's and we had coffee and cake and then just talked, Rhonda came over after she was done work, and we all visited for a while, then it was time to come home. We set up coffee and made our lunch for tomorrow, then had a bite to eat and watched a little tv. After, we took the dogs out, then came in and now here I am. I'm tired from the long hours, the running and being on my feet for so long, and just not getting enough sleep.

So, it's got me typing a lot slower, and there are going to be plenty of mistakes, but not much I can do about it. Seriously, I'm falling asleep as I type, and fighting to stay awake at the same time. I just have to hold out for a little bit more and then I will have my seven hundred and fifty words written, and can just copy and past this into my journal entry in WDC. Then, I'm going to crawl into bed and and possibly fall instantly into a deep sleep.

But, Rhonda has other plans, and may keep me up for a while yet. Well, if she can stay awake herself. She is about as tired as I am, and may just want to go right to sleep, and finish the other stuff tomorrow. I guess time alone will reveal her plans. And, I should add, I am willing either way, to go right to sleep, or to stay up and enjoy some passion. I just hope I'm not too exhausted and don't doze off before she gets things going

But, considering I have been getting five hours of sleep or less a night for the last three days, working twelve and eleven hours a day  yesterday and today, and considering I have to work again tomorrow, she may be very understanding. Of course, she is also tired and has to work tomorrow as well, so she may already be thinking the same thoughts. But, then again she may not be thinking of anything other than what she has intention of doing to me.

Luckily I don't have to be up at three in the morning, and I don't have to go in near as early. Tomorrow I work later, but will be going in with Rhonda, so we will both be there around eight or a little before. Rhonda will open and work, I will work on her evaluation and then join her around eleven. Then, depending on how busy it is, I will work the afternoon with her. If it is very slow, one of us will go and one will work, but I have a feeling it is going to be very busy tomorrow.

So, I will go in with Rhonda in the morning, work on some paperwork, then join her for double coverage through the afternoon. But for now, I'm going to copy and paste this, then go slip between the sheets.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/815762-Saturday