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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816101-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#816101 added May 6, 2014 at 10:51pm
Restrictions: None
Better get this done now, or it's likely I won't get it written until after midnight, WDC time, and even possibly after midnight my time. The day is passing quickly and I'm not getting much of any of the things I wanted to get done, done. But, the reason behind it is acceptable, and that's all that matters.

See, it's my first day off for the week, and I have yard work to do, vehicle repairs to make, and home repairs that need attention. But, the weather forecast for the rest of the week is for rain and thunder storms. So, today was forecast as the only real nice day for the rest of the week. It was nice, but cloudy and of course, windy at times. Even so, it wasn't gusting and to the point a person can't do anything outdoors.

Therefore, I should have been up early, got the yard work done, worked on the van, and possibly even managed some of the home repairs that are needed. But, I didn't. I slept in. I had the alarm set for eight thirty and it did go off, but I did not wake fully or just don't remember turning it off. I did, however, turn it off and continued on in sound slumber. Rhonda was up before the alarm went off, but I didn't notice her getting up, either. She informed me that I was in sound slumber, and she wasn't about to wake me when I was sleeping so soundly.

Now, there is a pun involved with sleeping soundly. She informed me that she could here me sleeping. Okay, not actually sleeping, but the sounds I made in my sleep. My deep snoring, my broken snoring, and even some whistling , or so she claims. I have no reason to doubt her, and know that I can snore pretty loud on occasion, and not as loud the rest of the time. So, if she says it, it must be so. I mean, after all, I have snored loud enough to even wake myself a few times. I have learned to sleep on my side and that helps, and if my nose is plugged, or if I'm just snoring so loud it disturbs her sleep, I can use nose strips and calm the racket to a tolerable level.

So, I went to bed and slept about twelve hours, eleven at the least, and slept soundly. Meaning in deep slumber and with a lot of sound -- sleep soundly. I know, you got it before, and sure, it's a fun pun but enough is enough, and it's time to let it rest. And, that's part of my problem, too much rest.

See, I have some back issues and if I stay in bed for too long, it compounds the problems and leaves me semi crippled the next day, as well as in a lot of pain. So, after eleven plus hours of sound sleep, I wake up and my back hurts. Of course, it usually passes right fast once I'm up and moving, but not today. No, today it gets worse and worse, until I'm slightly bent over and in a lot of pain, unable to do much of anything.

But, it's good to keep a hard man down. Or, is that, hard to keep a good man down? You know, it may just be both, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, I decided not to let my back be a pain to my plans, and went on as scheduled. Actually, no schedule, but you know what I mean. I had planned to go out fishing with my brother, and the weather seemed good enough, so I got my fishing things rounded up and Rhonda assisted me in getting them in order and ready to go. Then, off I went to enjoy an afternoon on the lake.

Of course, it's a bit cool out, a bit windy, and with the water all around, downright cold out in the boat, but I was dressed for it and it was fine. We had an east wind, as well, and that's never the best for fishing, although I haven't a clue how the fish know what direction the wind is blowing. I suppose it has something to do with weather patterns and storms and such. Anyway, we didn't catch anything but we did have a good time.

Everything went swell, and we stayed out kind of late, then came in and I did a little shopping for a few things to bring home for supper and to enjoy after I finish here, out around the fire. Once I was home, Rhonda had to show me what she had done while I was gone, then it was help get things ready. I worked on the items for later, out by the fire, she worked on the rest fo the items for dinner. Now, dinner is over and it's time to go enjoy a relaxing fire.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816101-Tuesday