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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816198-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#816198 added May 7, 2014 at 8:06pm
Restrictions: None
Here we are, writing at dinner time, only dinner isn't quite ready yet. I was going to write this about twenty minutes ago, but something came up so now it's get this written, eat a nice dinner, and then relax for the evening. Of course, it was kind of a relaxing day, too.

In fact, it's been a couple of relaxing days for us, although Rhonda did get some things done around the house and yard. I spent a half a day with her yesterday, then went off to the lake with my brother for an enjoyable time fishing. Only, the fish didn't cooperate, so maybe fishing isn't the best term. We got the boat out, we enjoyed the afternoon, and we did some angling, and had the fish got with the program, we would have hooked some and then it would have been fishing.

Today I was up kind of late, but there was reason. I got to bed pretty late last night. But, not because of anything even close to work, and nothing I didn't enjoy. No, last night, I came home from the lake after stopping at the store to pick up a few things for the evening. Rhonda had dinner about done, but was waiting for me to get home before she finished it. She also had a fire burning in the fire ring out on the patio, and I picked up some items to snack on while we sat out and enjoyed a very pleasant evening.

Dinner was about nine, or so, then I had to rush a bit to get my journal entry done so we could go out and enjoy the fire without me having to stop to write, or worse yet, forget to make an entry. I had already set up the items for snacking and dinner was done, so it didn't take long to write my entry and get out by the fire. Rhonda had set everything up beforehand and all we needed was to mix up a beverage and enjoy.

The fire had burned down pretty low, but there was a good bed of coals, and in minutes we had flames and were sitting close enjoying the evening and a wonderful conversation of each others day. She had already showed me what she had done, and we discussed a few ideas to complete these. We also just talked, about everything and nothing, like we used to. When we met we shared many hours just sitting, holding hands, and talking about anything and everything. We enjoyed the drinks, but as is typical, I finished mine quite a bit before Rhonda. So, I went in and poured myself a glass of ginger-ale and brought out the roasting forks and snacks.

I had picked up a roast and chopped up about half of it into cubes, seasoned them, and we roasted them over the fire. I had also seen a new items, or at least new to me, bacon hot dogs. I picked up a package so we could try them as well. Rhonda roasted up two of them while I cooked up some of the beef. The dogs were right there, and ready for the snacks before we even got them cooking. Of course, Hyko knew all about this from past seasons and past fires, as well as camping out with us. But Hannah has never had the chance to sit out and enjoy a fire until she joined our family, and only once was it nice enough to sit out and have a fire.

But, even then, it was cold enough to require us to bundle under quilts and put bedding down for Hyko and Hannah, to keep them off the still frozen ground. We did roast up some marshmallows, but that was all, and it was a short night. She enjoyed it, but they were also eager to get in to the warm house and out from the cold night. Last night, however, it was much warmer, and they were in no hurry to end the evening. We had their beds out, just because the patio is concrete block and they need something soft to lie on, and warmer, too.

Hannah was all eyes as I skewered the beef, and as things go, one piece fell and it was gone before it had fully hit the patio. Hannah had scarfed that morsel right down, but since the meat was raw, I was more careful to ensure no more would fall. She enjoyed it, but there is the risk to them from raw meats as well as for us. Hyko looked on, with his big puppy dog eyes, but he had to wait for the meat to cook. Of course, they had plenty to enjoy in no time at all.

We all had a wonderful night, and it was past one this morning before we got to bed, so it was a late start to the day. We had things to do, and working on the van is high on the list, but it was thundering and booming off and on all day, so we never did get to that job. We did have a great Bible study, and then it was time to eat a bite and feed Hyko and Hanna. Before we had finished, it was raining and thundering yet again. So, instead of working on the van, we played out our game of Cribbage and enjoyed a nice afternoon together. Rhonda did work on some laundry, and I do have tomorrow yet to get to the van.

Since Rhonda has to work tomorrow, it was kind of nice to have things work out the way they did, and having time to just enjoy each other. If tomorrow does not allow me the chance I need to make the needed repairs, there will be time next week. The forecast is for rain and thunder storms all day, so we will see. If it turns out to be too wet to work on the van, I can do other things, or I can take it in to my brother's and work inside the garage. I'll have to see what tomorrow brings.

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