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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816284-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#816284 added May 8, 2014 at 8:47pm
Restrictions: None
Coming to the end of a rainy day, and my last day off. Tomorrow it's back to to work, and likely will be a twelve hour day, then Saturday will be eleven. I get a break on Sunday and only work about six hours, but then it's eight hours again on Monday, making a nice full week before I take my days off again starting on Tuesday. Of course, my six hour day will likely be closer to seven, my eight hour day will run up to around nine, and my eleven and twelve hour days will be another half hour or thereabouts before I'm done.

I didn't get much done during my time off, but I did get some good sleep, and a lot of relaxing. It was a nice break and a restful one; some much needed rest. I had hoped to get the van worked on during my time off, but the weather wasn't very good, with a lot of rain the last two days. Hopefully I can get some nice weather next week, and get things done. I'll also have to get the mower out one of these days, and cut the grass, it's shooting up fast, and it's going to go crazy now with this rain.

Maybe I can get some mowing in on Monday, when I get home. I should be home around two in the afternoon, and it only takes a few hours to mow the grass. Well, about four, unless it's real high, then it's a bit slower. If nothing else, I can get a good start on it Monday afternoon, and with Rhonda's help, finish it up on Tuesday. Again, it depends on the weather, and the van will have to come first if the weather is nice. I don't know how long it will take to work on the van, I'm estimating an hour tear down and then another hour to put it all back together, with about an hour repair time in between. That's three hours, and should cover everything. It may even go faster, if everything goes right.

For now, it's just focus on work, and getting through the next two days. It shouldn't be real bad, since I worked the same hours last week, but with Thursday as well. That was a bit much, but then I'm not used to it being very busy, and we ran our our butts ragged last weekend. It got busy on Thursday, was busier yet on Friday, and about the same on Saturday, but a little slower on Sunday. This week it's just Friday and Saturday that will be the tiring days, and even they should be a bit less tiring without working Thursday.

Now, it's finish writing this entry and relax while Rhonda and I watch a little Netflix. I have Battlestar Galactica on, and we are just starting the first season and the first show. I had watched it before, but that was quite a while back. Rhonda never seen it all, so it will be kind of nice to watch together. Then, it's off to bed and hopefully a good night rest. I have been sleeping pretty well, so I'm hoping tonight will be the same.

But, things got kind of wound up earlier this evening, and that may create a bit of a problem for me to get to sleep. On top of that, we ate late, and that does cause some trouble with sleeping good, and for some reason my asthma is flaring up tonight. So, it may be a long night instead of a good night. We will see how it goes, and if needed, I can take something to help me fall asleep. I take a generic brand of Benadryl -- I think that's spelled right-- after my doctor told me that was a safe and effective way to get to sleep. It's the same ingredient they put in some of the over the counter pain medications that are buffered and have an added medicine to aid in falling asleep.

It works pretty well for me, and it has the side effect of aiding my asthma if it's acting up, which it is. I have discovered, that if I have a drink in the evening, then take two of these to sleep, I don't sleep well at all. In fact, it has just the opposite affect and keeps me awake. I know, the booze should add to the medicine and have me out like a light. But, I don't take them if I'm drinking late, and I don't drink much. One or two is plenty, and it's usually a couple hours before I take the sleep aid, if I take it at all. After discovering this, however, I don't even take them if I've had a drink in the last three hours.

Well, enough on that, it's time to shut things down.

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