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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823488-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#823488 added July 25, 2014 at 12:07am
Restrictions: None
The end of three days off, tomorrow it's back to work again. We still did not get anyone hired, and next week will be our last week of having our days off together until we do get another person hired. I do have one more person who has inquired about the position. I will fire off an email to him tomorrow, since he did not leave a phone number.

We didn't get much done today, it was just one of them kind of days. We got up and got ready for the day but before we had the coffee done the power went out. There were thunder storms in the area most of the day, but none had hit us at that time. I'm not sure what knocked the power out, if it was a storm close by or wind, or just something messed up at the elevator across the street.

Usually when the elevator messes up, the power flickers, goes out for a minute or less, then comes back on. The elevator does not come back on, they are usually down for a few days when this happens. I don't know what happens for sure, I'm thinking it's old equipment and faulty power that cause some of the problems. I'm also sure the place gets hit with lightning quite often, since it's all metal and taller than anything around.

This morning, however, the storm had not even gotten here yet when the power flickered and went out. We were just discussing the weather, and had gotten ready to go online and check the weather for the day. But, when the power went down, it shut down the internet and there was nothing to check. We do have a battery backup system, but it does not supply the router internet box. We rerouted the power so it does, but we could not get any connection at the time.

The power stayed out for for an hour or so before it finally came back on. About the same time, the internet came back online as well. It looked like the biggest part of the storm had missed us, and the entire system was now past us. We started getting things ready  for the day. We wanted to get some painting done and I wanted to work on the last part of the privacy panels. We want to put up one section by the house, on the side of the garage where we stack our fire wood. We also want to put a panel up by the sandbox.

But, it started to rain and we decided that it would be too wet to paint outside, as well as too wet to work on much of anything out there. It didn't rain long, and then it looked like the rest of the day would be pretty nice, so we again changed our plans and decided to work outside. But, it soon got very yellow outside, like a tornado was in the area. I could hear the growling howl of the wind, and told Rhonda we needed to get things ready just in case.

We went out and put planters and patio furniture in secure places, then watched the sky for a bit. The clouds were spinning as they past over, but no tails or anything developed. There were a few raindrops, and the wind was still alternating directions, but the worst had passed over already. We went back in and soon it was as dark as dusk. Shortly after the rain hit, and it came down heavy. The power again went out, and we decided to take a nice half hour nap since we would not be doing much of anything else.

The power came back on right before we crawled back into bed, and it started to look nicer out again. Our half hour nap turned into about forty five minutes, and it was looking nice when we got back up. We enjoyed a cup of instant coffee, then set about painting a chair Rhonda turned into a planter. I assisted, and by the time we got it done, it was looking very nice out. It stayed nice the rest of the afternoon, but by now half the day had passed and it was getting too late to start any projects. Instead we went for a nice drive, then came home and made dinner. Now, it's time to relax for a little while and watch something on Netflix.

Then, it's off to bed and get rested up for another long weekend of work.

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