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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/835893-Royal-Heir-The-Blank-Page--What-Defines-Me
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#835893 added December 10, 2014 at 10:43pm
Restrictions: None
Royal Heir, The Blank Page & What Defines Me
The rest of today's blogs...

Blog City - Day 281

Would I rather be an heir to the throne or an off the hook sibling?

Without a doubt, an off the hook sibling. There is already enough human interest in the Royal family without being The One To Watch. Being part of the family the interest is still there, the public scrutiny is still there, but the pressure is not so heavy. The farther down the line you are the better it is, but still the public eye is always there.

I am not a huge Royal family watcher but I am aware of them. I have enough interest to hope that the monarchy goes from Queen Elizabeth to William and skip Charles and his horsey wife, Camilla. Charles only redeeming quality was Diana and he blew that.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Fifty - One

6. What does a blank page say to you when you sit in front of it?

It says nothing. It only waits patiently as I begin... first with the date to mark the surface and set a direction of sorts. I often let myself ramble on with whatever comes into my head just to mark the surface and get the page going. Definition and direction may join in when they are ready but I refuse to let the blank page scare me. I come to it each day, doing my 750 words... a date, a ramble, a blog prompt and away I go. Stories and poems come as they may.

Many of poetry and stories are often done in files that are already active with past writing... I just move on down and let things have their way.

Prompts help. I may think on a picture or word prompt while I get my coffee and ready myself to write. Not everyday is smooth. Some days I would rather be napping, but I show up and that is the important. The fact that I come to it each day also makes it easier to find my way back in. It's like when I work on my novel, unless I visit it everyday, whether in words or thoughts, I find distance is not a good thing when you are still in the first draft stage. A bit of distance is good before you begin to edit, but not too much.

7. What is something that defines me?

I initially thought this prompt would be easy, but I am not so sure now. Perhaps my sense of right and wrong. My empathy for those suffering and those wronged. Even when my faith wavered in my teens, I have always been the type of person who was kind and caring to others. I always strove to lift others up, encouraging them to try their best. It is one of the reasons I like teaching and often work with children who have special needs.

My faith has strengthened this aspect of myself. I have faith and hope that people are basically good. Circumstances may not be in their favour but there is always hope. As a teacher, I try to give that hope and encourage the students I work with to at least try and to do their very best work.

I also hope that my writing lifts people up... whether it be with encouraging words or a chuckle. Laughter can connect us, make us see that our vulnerable bits only make us more human and approachable.

Bragging moment - I won the Seasonal Endurance Contest! Most of my entries are in
I Write  (13+)
This collection contains writings for the I Write - 2014 Challenges and the miscellaneous
#1994181 by 💙 Carly
- as the Thirteen Days of Halloween

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/835893-Royal-Heir-The-Blank-Page--What-Defines-Me