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by Rayyna
Rated: GC · Book · Erotica · #2026119
An erotic night between two kindred at the Sutter Mansion (BDSM, vampires)
#838678 added January 15, 2015 at 10:49am
Restrictions: None
Part 3
Several hours later, Lucien has taken Adriana in every crevice a man can take a woman, many times over. He has her, resting on her stomach, while his fingertips trace light spiral patterns over the small of her back.

She rests her head on her arms and looks up to him, her eyes drowsy and satisfied. "Okay, perhaps now...I'm done.."

He laughs quietly, gently tracing his fingertips up her back. "Sated..?"

She nods, arching her back to his touch. "Yes, I'd say so." She smiles, stretching her body out in a long body-arching catlike stretch. "I think I'm sore in places I wasn't sure still worked"

He grins, tsking. "Then you've not been had properly...in a rather long time.."

She smiles, "I can agree with that. Do I get to rest yet?" She grins at him as she rests her head on her arms again.

Nodding quietly, he lays back, hand on her ass. "If you _must_"

“What else would you prefer?" She turns onto her side, watching his face.

"To continue touching you until the fire of my fingertips no longer raises a blush of want from your skin...I am rather hopeful that I shall never behold the evening such occurs.."

"I would not want to see such happen at any point, dear Lucien. And I cannot help but enjoy your touch, " raising a hand to tickle along his arm, "nor stop enjoying touching you. But..dawn is approaching soon..."

He nods, giving a half shrug. "And it will pass, as all dawns do. But soon is relative. As the waking moon of the morrow drives want and need's burning flame again into every poor and crevice..." he brings his hand down on her ass slightly firmly, yet flat enough to make a pleasing noise.

She yelps lightly, squirming just slightly away from his hand, her skin quivering beneath his fingers. "And until then, let us lay aside one another and enjoy each other's touch until another night can resume, hmm?"

He nods quietly, closing his eyes. "I am certain words may entice and intoxicate as deeply as ravishing the body.." he smirks, quietly. "Though...before venturing too boldly on...I should like to be abundantly clear with something..."

"What is that?" She tilts her head, unsure what he is getting at, She herself felt drunk on the pleasure of the evening, and he seemed a bit more in control and secure, which confused her some.

He smiles, softly, idly stroking her lower back. "I make no mistakes that monogamy is not my forte...nor yours, I am certain...we share blood..and with it, I am reasonably sure...a penchant for the carnal. My reputation is vast, I admit, more vastly incorrect than vastly true...but it is worth noting...I hold a very small circle, numbering perhaps four in total, of women or men whom I hold dear for their own niches...that must be understood..beforehand...lest we cause trouble for one another...I wish to bring you into my closest embrace, Adriana..but to do so I must know that I will see no jealousy from your brilliant eyes..."

She frowns, sighing, resting her head on her arms again, feeling the drunkeness leave her in waves. "Lucien, we spoke of our sins, and you were unsure exactly what mine was. Perhaps you have found it, now. I am, and always will be, a creature of my envy. I am Daeva, our vices define us. Will you demand of me to show no jealousy, and strip me of all the will I have to continue my existence? That is a dangerous proposition. I do not expect of you monogamy, as I am sure you do not expect such from me. But, do not expect me to show no jealousy in my eyes. I can only offer to try and not let it affect anything between myself and the other girls."

He chuckles. "There is but one woman who requires our mutual behaviour...and she is a woman who will require great lengths, as she is suspicious by nature and more jealous than Hera."

"And who would that be? And I assume that means you can accept my vice?" She grins. "Especially considering it will likely make me striving to be better than them?"

He winks, licking his lips. "Oh I rather can...and I suspect you are well aware of whom."

"If you want to ensure I .. behave appropriately.. might be better to be sure." She leans close, gently kissing his knuckles.

He opens his palm, placing it to her lips. "Audra, Adriana. It's Audra."

She licks along his palm, up to and along his fingers. "Ah, Audra... I believe she is already quite jealous over you."

"Abundantly...and she believes I fuck anyone..and anything which moves...thus absolute discretion must be adopted.." he looks down at her. "In sincerity...I do not wish to see Audra in ire...and I suspect you feel rather the same."

“No, I have no intention of causing her harm in any way. She is becoming a very close friend of mine. I will keep my jealousy..controlled...with her." She opens her mouth, gently sucking in a finger, playing her tongue over it within her mouth.

He smiles, half-purring at the sensation. "It is..perhaps..best then...ah..mm..that when discussing me..you remain brief, speak of partnership in Emanuel...etcetera...and, perhaps, obscure the time you spend here..she will assume much...and, as you say, she is a close friend to both of us. Doing her ill would be tragically upsetting."

"No girl talk then, I suppose." She lets go of his finger and sticks her bottom lip out in a cute, though very far from innocent, pout.

He grins, smirking slowly and pulling her closer. "I am certain I can locate a female party..who would enjoy taking to bed..and discussing bedroom affairs..at your leisure." he spanks her again.

She yelps again, a high pitched noise which seems to be her constant response to his teasing spanks. "I do have a question about another, though, since you bring it up." She squirms lightly under his hand, her flesh reddening slightly from the touch. "Are there others I should be..concerned..about? Audra is not the..only one..I have heard from about you."

He nods. "Would you like the small list of frequents? That you might be prepared? I assure you...with enthusiasm as vast as you have demonstrated tonight...you are well on your way to being rather preferred for your talents..." he licks his lips, somewhat wanting in his eyes.

She grins, raising her ass up against his hand, "Oh yes? Well goodie. But..a list may not be completely necessary, unless we wish to just ensure safety by my tongue. I meant more specifically just one, though. Molly?"

He cringes, shaking his head. "Molly has made it rather clear that she wishes nothing to do with me in any capacity beyond advisory. When last she visited, she attempted to grasp me down and drink my blood..without my consent.." he trails off.

Adriana nods slightly, "She has gotten somewhat more..forceful..lately." Her eyes stop focusing on him, more as if she is remembering for a moment. "Good then, one less person I must tiptoe around in regards to you." "Also more pouty..." she adds.

He leans over, tracing his tongue down her back and placing his fangs against the curve of her ass. "Oh vastly.."

Her eyes close, a sigh escaping her lips at his gentle touch. "I thought we were to be preparing for the coming dawn, Lucien."

He sinks his fangs in, slowly. "We..are..."

She whimpers in that mostly gleeful way and looks back to watch him over her shoulder. "Its a little..hard to tell..."

His lips curve into a slow smirk. "What...can I say..." he licks the wound. "Your ass...is simply..tempting.."

She wiggles her ass, the opportunity too great to resist. "Temperance, Lucien."

He spanks her firmly. "Is rather not a virtue I embrace..." he tuts. "Now do hold it still for admiration...or I shall simply find a way to ensure it's stillness...relatively speaking.."

She yelps, squirming away from him again, but this time from the pain sensation spreading through her skin. "Holding still when you keep spanking me is a little difficult to do."

He grins. "Would you rather I take advantage of it..a different way, Adriana?"

"No no, no more..I'm sore enough as it is!"

He tuts. "_Really_..?" and sounds almost sorrowful.

She bites her lip, hesitating in her answer, and looks away to the pillow beneath her head. "You tempt so much!"

He grins, hands sliding to her hips. "Exhausted...beyond...arousal...entirely..?"

She whimpers, quietly, into the pillow "maaayyybe.."

Gently, he raises her body onto knees and palms, sliding to his own knees behind her and slipping an arm around her waist to part her legs with his touch. "_Everywhere..._?"

She is quite moist, her body betraying her pleasures. She wiggles her butt to try and get away from him, but knowing she's likely just rubbing against him. "Gah..no fair!"

Curving a fingertip into, her simply holds her, free hand slowly moving over her ass in small circles, parting it slightly. "You..want..Adriana.."

She closes her eyes, her body stops struggling for a moment as she enjoys the sensation, but then remembers and starts struggling again. "No..no we've had enough for tonight..weren't you the one spouting off the benefits of denial..?"

He grins, pressing his finger slowly deeper and slowly beginning to lower her ass to him. "I have..denied...long enough...and can I help...how much you arouse me..Adriana?"

Adriana sighs dramatically, giving up her struggles, and focuses to heal the bruises she has from their earlier coupling, then archers her back and presents what he is seeking up against him, "Fine..I suppose if I am that arousing.."

Gently, he moves into her. "Oh..abundantly..beyond words.."

She looks at him over her shoulder as he calms down, her own body quivering. "What...do you... intend for me..Lucien?"

He moves from her, laying onto his back and pulling her into his arms. "Partnership...adoration.."

She curls half on top of him, her legs entwined with his, resting her head against his chest. Her fingertip making lazy circles on his shoulder. "good.."

He smiles lazily. "And..you..?"

"Similar, I should think, perhaps a chance at something greater together than can ever imagine alone. Acceptance.." She whispers against his skin, eyes fluttering with the drawing of the day pulling at her.

"Goodnight, sweet lady.."

"goodnight, Lucien"
© Copyright 2015 Rayyna (UN: rayyna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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