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by Rayyna
Rated: GC · Book · Erotica · #2026119
An erotic night between two kindred at the Sutter Mansion (BDSM, vampires)
#838679 added January 15, 2015 at 10:50am
Restrictions: None
Part 4
Day comes, and goes, and her blood begins to flow again. She raises her head, struggling to determine where exactly she is, then remembers as she feels the softness of flesh beneath her. She smiles down to see him already looking up at her. "What a pleasant way to wake up."

Lucien wakes up a slight bit later than she does. Adriana will notice that his short, black, hair now falls in ringlets to his shoulders. There is a distinct brand on his inner right thigh that was also, previously, unseen. It resembles Lucien's own seal, a fleur de lis..and seems to be rather harshly branded into him.

She nibbles against his skin on his chest, teasing him awake, noticing the brand as she does so, and rests her cheek against his chest to stare down the length of him at it.

His eyes flitter open and look down onto her.

She feels him move beneath her and she turns her head over to look up into his face. "What is that from, lover"

He looks at the brand, then at her, then at the brand and recloses his eyes. "A bloodhunt."


He nods. "Yes."

"Do not bloodhunts generally end a bit more..damaging than that? Than just..a brand?" she turns her head, gently kissing the skin on which she rests.

"It is a reminder." he says, simply.

"How long ago?" her curiosity growing, even knowing he seems not to wish to remember even so.

"The end of the Revolution..."

"Ah.." She crawls up slightly so she can reach his face with her own, and lightly licks his bottom lip, hoping to bring him back to her and away from the memories she had stirred up. "I'm sorry."

He smiles, shaking his head. "No matter...one day, Praxis there will change..."

"They always do..." She kisses him fully then.

"She has not been removed...since then..that was a rather long time ago.."

"Where is this?"


Adriana starts, looking down at him, her arms tense. "That's why...you left?"

He nods. "And why I have not ventured back..even to this night."

"But you..you still held influence there..how could you, if you'd been bloodhunted? How did we not..know?"

He smiles, shaking his head. "She banished me. Bore the mark upon my skin, and left my reputation in tact. How could she not? I quelled enough favour that to do so publicly would have caused unrest...and I was not, then, the man I am, now.."

Adriana frowns, "That is sad to hear, and even sadder knowing I witnessed all of it and was oblivious. To know now why you never came back to that which was home for so long.. I am sorry, Lucien."

He waves a hand. "It is irrelevant...my swift departure alienated many...most of whom have forgiven even if they know not why I fled...andshe ..still contacts me, every decade."

"Can I ask why she banished you?"

"She believed I attempted a coup on her Praxis. Or was preparing to do so."

Adriana nods, remembering the prince he speaks of, and her own time under her rule, a fair amount of that time at Lucien's side. "I'm sorry for beginning our night with such a distasteful subject."

He chuckles. "Is it so? You've not asked why she contacts me, yet." He smirks. "_That_ portion of the story is vastly more amicable.."

"Well, then by all means, lighten the story up." She grins at him, kissing down his chest.

"Each decade, I receive an invitation from her to apologize...openly...for my...how does she put it...'youthful aspirations'...and every year...I pen her rather vulgar verse...encompassing my belief that she was simply jealous..and really should find a suitable cock to steady her mood.."

Adriana laughs, "that is much better.." and with that she nips at his breast, bringing his attention back to the here and now.

He opens his eyes, smiling slowly. "I am able to remove it,for the evening, if its presence makes..other..bits..less desirable.."

She shakes her head, "I don't see how it should matter. It is a part of you, and I can hardly find any part of your physical form distasteful" She smiles wickedly up at him.

He returns a slow grin. "Now now..steady that smile..I suppose you are in need of a rest.."

She frowns..."We just did that..."

He laughs. "Oh? Up for more...?"

She leans down acting as if to lick his manhood, but stopping just short and instead lowering her tongue to his lower stomach and licking in one long stretch up his chest. "It is a new night.."

He purrs, arching up and moving a hand into her hair. "Tease.." he says, breathlessly.

”Mhmm." She grins, leaning down again to take a gentle bite of his stomach into her mouth.

He groans quietly, tightening his grip on her hair. "Tonight...I think...we shall put this room...more....to use..."

Her eyes flutter slightly from his grip in her hair, and she bites down a little harder on the flesh between her teeth, a soft moan of delight echoing against the hollow of his stomach.

He nods, quietly, pushing her head down further "Oh yes...rather so..the kiss of leather and embrace of steel will do much to purge your thoughts of any lover's touch before mine.."

She smiles up at him as she lowers herself with his touch. "Jealous, are we? It is a cruel master, envy." She wraps her lips about him, taking him fully in her mouth.

Releasing a soft sigh, he arches up from the bed and presses deep into her throat. "Not..jealous...merely...striving..to do my part..in satisfying you..lover.."

She opens her mouth wide, feeling him press deep, her widening throat reminding her of the strip of velvet sitting there. She looks up at him with lust in her eyes, and pulls hard on him with her lips and tongue as he pulls back out. "I am not worried."

Licking his lips, he speaks smoothly. "Then..I suppose...you've a choice...speed your machinations...and sink your fangs into me...or pull your lips from 'round...and let me pin you down.."

She laughs lightly, closing a hand around the length of him while she answers, so as not to lose any progress she'd made. "Impatient, it seems, though.. no, I think I'll enjoy you between my teeth, I do love making you react as I want you to." And she immediately closes her mouth on him again, continuing her efforts.

He groans again, hands tightening more firmly as they move through her hair. Moving his hips in rhythm to her, he presses deeper still, gasping her name lightly.

She smiles to herself, loving the feel of him, loving seeing him react to her attentions. As the power and force of it grew, she eventually grabbed onto him tightly with one hand and bit down with her fangs to draw both blood and seed into her mouth as she drank of him.

Crying out and shaking near-violently, his grasp on her hair becomes distinctly more desperate as he clings to her for stability, eyes locked on her, a steady smile growing across his lips as he witnesses her drink him. Gasping, he breathes out "I..am beginning...to think...you rather..enjoy..that.."

She pulls back from him, running her tongue over her lips. "Of course I do, it is how I get to control you ." She grins up at him. "Besides, you enjoy it just as much, I think."

He grins. "Abundantly...far too few enjoy it...darling...they consider it a task...a chore.."

"Then they know nothing."

"No..they rather do not.."

She smiles, resting her head against his thigh as she looks up at him with a satiated look in her eyes.

Pulling her by the hair, he lays back and brings her astride him, hands working up her stomach to cover her breasts. "But..before...indulging in the room...perhaps we shall rouse you into wakefulness entire.."

She whimpers, struggling to keep up with his hand as it pulls on her hair. "Do you not believe I am already so?" As she rubs herself against him.

He grins, hands slowly moving over her breasts. "Mayhap...but I also believe you likely ventured here with more than my flesh in mind..and this...is rather convenient..for conversation.."

"Hmmm, perhaps. What shall we speak about?" She trails her fingertips along his stomach, her head tilted to the side quizzically.

He sets a slow, riding, rhythm, nails moving in and out of her skin. "What...had you..in mind..?"

She sighs gently, her body falling into rhythm with his. "I'm not sure...i can...concentrate..like this.."

He grins. "Learn." he says, simply.

She frowns playfully, her hand tightening on the sides of his waist. "Damn you... fine then.. is there...proof yet..?"

"Metaphysically speaking, yes. Though nothing concrete as an admission shall be."

She looks down at him, somewhat exasperated..as he speaks so clearly. She gasps as he presses firmly within her, but continues.. "Is an admission...forthcoming?"

He nods, arching up and more firmly into her again. "By my blood and will."

She presses her knees closer together to hold on as he moves so beneath her. "When?"

Raking his nails down her breasts, he shakes his head. "At Godaric's leave, I believe.."

She sighs, dropping her head back for a moment. "Godaric's leave.. the main gentleman that won't speak to me."

"Gangrel..Pride..Perhaps? Torpor fog...causes him to lose perspective?" Leaning in, he traces his tongue down her neck and to her breasts.

"Gah...stop that...can't think!" She whimpers at the pleasure of him, pressing herself against him.

He sinks his mundane teeth into her flesh, just around the nipple. "This..?"

She hisses, arching her body against his teeth. "yes...that"

He tsks. "Very well.."

She hmphfs, sitting atop him. "So I must wait...at his pleasure?"

He shakes his head. "I did not..suggest...that I would remain idle.."

She raises an eyebrow, bringing her hands behind her to press into her back, stretching. "Oh?"

He nods quietly. "I'd rather not elaborate just yet..."

She pushes her lip out in a pout. "You have sworn me to do nothing with the knowledge you have given me, so I have nothing but what I knew before coming to see you to work off of. And you expect me to accept that you'll be doing... something ?

He looks her in the eyes, long and hard, speaking smoothly. "How long from your request for assistance before I garnered information worth your journey?"

She sighs, "I hate being idle, Lucien. At least in regards to this.."

He nods quietly. "Then trust me. Assist me in weaving a line of questioning to put before him..."

She looks down at him, unsure, uncertain. "Really?"

"Of course. Certainly two Ravagers weaving a web are rather better than one? I am uncertain what idle word has said of me, Adriana, but I am not so prideful as to undertake daunting tasks alone."

She smiles softly. "It is..different than that." Shaking her head gently, as if clearing a thought. "I'm not used to being asked to assist someone."

"A..rather..odd thing..to hear from a Secondus..?"

She gives him a look that says, very clearly, 'Really?' Saying silently something about her Primus.

He arches his brows, holding her face in his hands. "Let me be abundantly clear. I am a connected man. A powerful man. And a man who holds a Pride that knows no restrictions or bounds...but I am, foremost, a man who sees to the posterity of those who allow his care."

"Then I look forward to it, Lucien. Not something many Ravagers would have a claim to. We tend to be..very singular individuals."

"We tend to hate each other." he says, plainly. "And, more-over, I tend to hold a tendency to enjoy seeing others of our ilk caused pain and destruction." he gives a half shrug. "But you are different. I am different, occasionally. I respect you." He winks. "Do not make me regret it."

She grins, leaning down to kiss his lips gently. "Then together, let us create such destruction that has never been seen."

He touches her lips. "Chaos with a purpose, and a place. The Strega reap madness and holocaust without care or thought...first they will be brought to heel...and then we may return to our web..."

She nods. "Yes, yes, of course." She curls over his chest, resting her head below his chin. "I'm not sure what else there was I needed to speakwith you about."

He smiles, hands sliding around to her ass. "Not my vile reputation? I am almost disappointed...has it waned now that I give no consideration to it?"

She laughs against his skin, turning her head to look up into his face. "Would you prefer I constantly question it? Do you enjoy hearing of the vile rumors circling about you?"

He grins. "Do I? Abundantly. I crafted them for a reason, after all."

She nips at the skin on his chest. "Then you've no need to hear of them."

"You amaze me, at times.."

"How so?"

"Most women would ask..'You did what? Why?'"

"So you’re a whore who uses your body to get everything you want. So? You do it well, thats what matters."

"And yet...I am neither a whore...more oft than not...nor do I use my body to obtain anything at all."

"What need I? There is no whisper of knowledge that I cannot know of my own wishes...no carnal delights are necessary...and, to wit, to fuck..for a purpose..would rather deaden the act for me."

"then you and I are not quite as alike as I had thought we were."

"But is that not to benefit? I need not bed you for a purpose beyond enjoyment and companionship...and you need not bed me for information...as I provide it willingly."

"Yes, it will be a pleasure." She gently licks along his collarbone. "Do you trust that I am not here merely to bed and use you?"

"Rather entirely, actually. For a very simple reason."

"And what is that?" She turns her head to look up at him again.

"Because there would be no cost-benefit analysis...we are Italians...rarely do we take risks without need. You are aware, and have been aware, that I would provide whatever services you wished of me without need to place your vulnerability beneath my touch."

She hides her face, and would be blushing if it was natural to do. "This is a risk, Lucien. Even I'm not sure.. .. ... why."


She raises herself up, crossing her arms beneath her, over his chest. "I do not submit."

"And yet you relish it.."

"Yes.. but in 500 years, that has never been me. So how is it not a risk to fall into a role so unlike myself and so against my very nature, one that places so much of my trust in the hands of another, a concept very against the blood in my veins."

"Because you need it.." he says, simply. "Because it allows you breath..metaphorically...and beyond all...because despite rumour and gossip..you trust me. And have no reason not to."

"I have ever reason not to"

"Name one."

"I have not known you for 300 years, Lucien. And in this day and age, as you say, rumor and gossip speak drastically of you. How can I know what, or who, to trust?"

"Consider me, Adriana. Consider that the same rumour and gossip have surrounded me for nearly five centuries. Is that not rather telling?"

"So it is either..correct.. or..."

He grins, slowly. "Or I have crafted the same set of gossip so exhaustively that it transcends time."

She smiles, "and there's your pride showing through."

He laughs. "Is it really like me to remain so stagnant that the same rumour would apply in the 1600s that apply to the 2000s? Really? Consider them. That I use women...manipulate their emotions...for a gain. What gain, Adriana? Sincerely. What need I that I cannot receive by simply asking? It is preposterous."

She sighs, resting her chin on her arms. "I suppose so."

Raking his nails down her back, he chuckles. "Logic your way through hype, Adriana. If I wished to manipulate you...I would likely be cloak and dagger...giving nuance and quiet whisper...I am not. I need nothing from you but you. The politics may be left outside this door. Should I be of service to you or your agendas? Do tell me. But beyond that, I am rather content simply to learn. To know. To discover. And I do not need my cock for that."

"Hmm, perhaps a change of topics..before we beat this one to death.." She smiles leaning up to kiss his lips softly, before raising up to straddle him again. "So when shall you prefer I wear this?" She reaches up, hooking a finger gingerly inside the strip of velvet circling her neck.

He ponders. "When in my private presence...perhaps occasionally...when comfortable..in public.."

She nods and smiles, "Just thought I'd check.."

He grins. "Does it bother you..?"

She shakes her head, still fingering the softness of it. "No.. its...enticing."

"And why is that..."

She lowers her eyes slightly, taking in his lovely chest with the whole of her gaze. "Because..it reminds me...of what I have agreed to."

He smiles, slowly. "Then wear it in private as well..."

"You said that already."

He smirks. "I said when we are in private.."

"Ohh.." She looks up at his face, peering through her eyelashes, whispering quietly... "oh..."

He smiles, slowly. "Yes?"

She bites her lip gently and shakes her head. "I will try..."

His hands slide around her neck. "You will yearn to remember this touch, Adriana.."

She whimpers slightly. "I already do, Lucien, and I'm not sure the velvet quite satisfies that yearning."

He smiles, slowly. "Perhaps further restraint will drive a greater thrill.."
© Copyright 2015 Rayyna (UN: rayyna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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