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by Rayyna
Rated: GC · Book · Erotica · #2026119
An erotic night between two kindred at the Sutter Mansion (BDSM, vampires)
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#838680 added January 15, 2015 at 10:50am
Restrictions: None
Part 5
Adriana leans down and kisses his bottom lip into her mouth. "I suppose I can handle you, Lucien."

Lucien meets her lips with his tongue, tsking. "I rather believe it is my job..to handle you.."

She laughs licking his lips before pulling back a bit. "Then by all means, try"

Pulling her close, he leans into her ear. "Face down on the bed. A hand and foot at each bedpost." He slides off the bed.

She shivers, almost leaning after him as he leaves her side. She watches him, curious, but crawls onto her hands and knees to center herself, arching her back as she slides down against the bed.

Moving in slow motions, he chains each wrist and ankle to a post of the bed, retreating to a cabinet and beginning to make slight 'hmm' noises as he looks through their contents.

She tests the chains naturally, then turns her head to try and see what he is choosing. "what have you in mind?"

He lifts a long, slender, (what appears to be) fountain pen...tipped with a razor blade rather than a fount for ink. "A...surprise.."

Torturing me by leaving me tied while you write a love letter? I'd much rather feel your touch on me, love.

He moves, slowly, to slide astride her back, placing the pen into her inner-left thigh. With a slow curve, he carves "Such a vision...denying faith...ripe with wanting need for haste..." into her thigh.

She squirms a great deal under the sharp pain of the razor blade, a high pitched whimper escaping her lips. "Yooowwww.....!! That hurts!!"

He brings his hand down onto her ass, palm open, applying ample pressure to draw both a slow sting, and a lovely noise.

She yelps appropriately. She squirms around trying to see him around her bound arms.

His hands move up her body, firmly holding her down. "Stop."

She whimpers but stops moving, pressing herself against the bed. A pout on her lips.

Leaning down, he licks the trickles of blood away from each word he has carved. "You will hold perfectly still...or you will be left for an hour to consider the failure of your restraint.."

Her eyes grow wide as she pulls gently on her restraints. "Perfectly?"

"Did I stutter?"

"no..." she bites her lip

"Tell your master yes, pet." He resumes his place straddling her back.

She takes a breath, closing her eyes, gatheing her resolve. "yes, Master."

He nods, placing his pen into her again and continuing. "This figure, resting bare, does tempt my pen...driving her e'er..beyond reason and restraint...no submissive cry longing to taint...such strong resolve and utter beauty...her place of catharsis..found through me..."

She whimpers, biting deeply on her lip, her hands digging into the sheets to keep herself from moving further. The pain sings through her body as she let's his words filter through her.

With the completion of each couplet, he leans down her body and traces away the carvings with his tongue, ensuring that it slides high enough to be teasing..tempting, even.

Her sounds change as he alters to his tongue, the sweet softness encouraging other reactions in her body, hairs raising, pleasure building. "ohhh.."

Returning to his pen, he audibly licks his lips. "Scent of hot desire lacing wicked air, tongue's travels surely..more than she may bare...given begging pleas...her master, certainly pleased.." he slides his hand over her ass absently. "Should surely be move'd...to take her upon her knees.."

Her eyes close tightly as the pain returns, grasping the bedding again. She feels her body want to press against his hand as he caresses gently, but stops herself before she moves too much. "yes, please.." she whimpers.

Leaning down again, he delicately laps the blood from her thighs. "Please...what...dear pet? Such a simple word is that..uttered when void of more..desirous..provocation.."

She sighs excitedly, the pleasure returning again. Her body so very confused by the constant mixing of pain and pleasure. " Please, Master,...take me as your own, and fill me... with all that is you. Give me...rest of the...overwhelming...beauty...of your words. "

He seems to consider, slowly moving the pen up between her thighs, though applying no pressure, "Only...if you may indulge..more entirely...than in memory...giving yourself and your pleasure entirely into my will...allowing our union...to purge all past coupling..from your body's memory.."

She shivers at the gentle tickling sensation. "I am yours, Lucien. And at your will. Please, let us be satisfied...together."

"And how would you begin to satisfy me..?" he continues the slow sensation.

She sighs, pressing herself down against the bed, rubbing against it in a movement. "Am I not satisfying to you?"

"Do not challenge my satisfaction. And do not call your talents into question." he spanks her, firmly. "I asked you a question, pet.."

She yelps, her rear bouncing slightly away from him in a small squirm. "I know..but..." she shakes her head whimpering. "I would begin...by bringing my tongue and my teeth down along your skin in every inch of your body..." she finally answers, knowing the tenuousness of the answer.

He seems to grow still, allowing several moments of silence to pass before she feels her wrists fall free.

She bites her lip as she turns to look at him, loweing her hands, unsure what he is meaning to happen next.

With a swift movement, her ankles fall free as well and he slides to his feet. "Are you basking in release?" He looks at the floor, pointing harshly. "_On your knees_"

She widens her eyes but scampers down from the bed, gliding to her knees with her eyes on his feet, downcast. She shivers in anticipation and uncertainty.

Lucien inhales the air to catch the scent of her, his fingertips tracing into her hair. "What...do you desire..in this moment..Adriana..?"

"To please you, Lucien."

"And nothing beyond?"

She sucks her lip into her mouth for a moment, twisting her hands in her lap. "and to feel your touch upon my skin, lovingly, pleasingly, but with the reminder of who you are."

His skin flushes alive as he grasps her hair, placing her lips into his inner thigh before teasing her cheek with his own arousal. "How oft..my touch...will you desire..will you require..." he muses, somewhat husky in tone.

She turns her head against him, gently licking along his skin, "steady, if so allowed."

"As oft indulged as desired..." he gives a light sigh and a nod. "Such a good pet..."

She smiles, her hands rising to his thighs for balance, her mouth moving beneath him as she flicks her tongue along the underside of his softness

His hands tighten in her hair as he moves, very slowly, into her mouth. "Does my darling wish a reward for her well given submission..?"

She purrs against him in answer, letting her tongue vibrate with him along it, before happily pulling him within her cheeks, her lips and tongue pressing along him.

He gasps, managing to purr out "Bite..."

She bears her teeth against his skin, grazing for a mere second before biting down swiftly at his word, her eyes rolled up to look into his face.

He groans, eyes rolling back into his head as he allows blood to flow forth from the bite.

She closes her mouth around him, drinking of him, her lips and cheeks working, causing dual pleasure to them both.

He gasps, hold tightening and faltering in rapid succession as he leans back and releases deep into her throat, giving a low, possessive, purr of her name.

She swallows as he offers, pulling back as he relaxes but gently, licking her lips to savor the taste, her eyes smiling up at him.

He gasps down at her "And..does pet...desire her due..? To feel her body seizes and filled..?"

"yes, please, Lucien." she tightens her grip against his thighs, her nails digging in as she keeps her gaze up at him

Pulling her up by her hair, Lucien propels the pair of them into the wall, lifting her legs around him and thrusting into her.

She gasps happily, her hands wrapping around his shoulders as if to hold on, but knowing his strength alone could carry her with ease. She drops her head back against the wall, baring her neck for him as the feel of him inside her overwhelms her, nearly bringing her to pleasure immediately.

He growls as his fangs search for the hollow of her throat, not quite piercing. "Climax...Adriana...by my command.."

She screams at the power of him within her, the promise of him at her throat, the strength that holds her, and her body hears and obeys, wringing a back-arching release that has her clawing at his back and almost presses them both away from the wall.

Forcing the pair of them from the wall to collapse onto the bed, he uses the force to bring her down astride him, letting the falling upon the bed slide him deeper still within her.

She yelps at the sudden pressure of him so very deep within her, her eyes glaring down at him with a heat still building within her.

Guiding her against him, he sets a quick, thudding, pace. "Again."

She shakes her head, but rocks against him with a matching pace. "not.... yet..."

He growls, leaning up and seizing a breast into his mouth. "Now, Adriana.."

She yelps as he bites down hard on her breast, his teeth piercing as he orders her, her back arching against him in an unconscious effort to keep him from pulling, but the pain is enough, and she bucks against him even so, her body shuddering with the release.

Holding her tightly, he slows their pace, purring as he licks the wound on her breast. "More..Adriana..? Or have you found exhaustion..?"

She curls around him, nuzzling against his cheek with her own, as she falls down from the high he had taken her to., answering cryptically in answer to both questions.. "no...not yet.."

His hands slowly massage her breasts, his back arching to create a steady ebb and flow, causing her to ride him slowly. "Breathe.."

She leans across him, her head nuzzled into the hollow of his neck as she refinds herself, catches her breath.. lets her hips follow his movement without little care of her own.

He brings her lips to his, whispering over them. "Your body..will learn..to climax...at my word..."

“then you'd..best be..exceptionally..good.." She grins against his lips.

He bites her bottom lip. "Your..flesh...your blood..your every crest and climax...is mine Adriana...you will release..when I instruct it.."

She sighs into his mouth, pressing gently back against him with her hips. "and only when?"

"Yes...lest you request..permission.."

"That might be..difficult.." She nibbles at his lip for a moment.


She stops, pulling back from him to look into his face. "And do you expect me to ask permission of my other lovers, so as not to ... ruin.. your own.... training?"

He grins a wicked grin, licking his fangs slowly. "That...entirely depends on your dedication...and want to please.."
She looks at him with a seriousness, instead of the playfulness he was exuding. "And what does that mean?"

He smiles, slowly. "That the decision is yours...how entirely do you wish to please me.."

"And what would most please you, Lucien?"

He licks his lips. "To behold you demonstrate how entirely you wish to submit to me?"

She smiles, softly. "I enjoy what you offer me, Lucien. I enjoy what this...we...are becoming. And I enjoy... pleasing you. But will it stretch outside of these walls?" She looks thoughtful, almost as if she wasn't expecting him to answer the last bit.

He leans back, sliding her hand to wrap around him as he watches her consider.

She lets him place her hand, and she touches him gingerly, her mind elsewhere. "I fear..to some extent...that it will." She looks at him, her seriousness back. "I am a Daeva, Lucien. My talents are bed-driven, at times. I cannot...I cannot give you everything that I am, without risking what makes me good."

"Why?" he tilts his head. "Are you incapable of simple words sent via the electronic devices which allow character-word relay to be instant? How simple is it to send such a question..? Or is it not..worth..that...to know the pleasure of true submission?"

She looks at him blankly for a moment until she registers what it was he just said.. not ask her partners...ask him. "I...." she begins, but has to close her mouth to put her thoughts back in order. "Really..?"

He quirks a brow. "Rather so, yes."

Her brow furrows slightly. "What is it you are hoping for, Lucien? How far are you wanting this to go?"

"As far as you submit to it?"

She frowns, at his half answer, looking down at her hands around him, at the line of his stomach. "Then...slow down.. perhaps."

He tilts his head. "Pardon...my views of you are so extensively high..I felt you entirely capable of such swift brilliance.."

"I know how to work my phone, darling. That is not the issue."

"I was not speaking of your technological brilliance."

"Then catch me up, for your mind appears to either be racing ahead of mine, or you are not sharing your thoughts well enough."

He smiles. "I believe you entirely able and desirous to give such submission that beyond these doors it might continue quietly...you..seem hesitant...clearly not because you do not trust me...and I am certain you see no failing in yourself.."

"It is not a failing, or an inability. It is a question of the effect it will have on me, for surely you do not wish me to follow your requests with no truth behind them."

"Non. But what could it possible cause to detriment? In sincereity."

"My edge, perhaps? To give of myself completely to you, at all times, in all ways.. considering that I rely upon my own control, or have, up until these nights with you.."

"But does it truly? If our wills be so entwined?"

"Are they? Can two Ravagers ever have all the same goals?"

"Yes. Rather simply, I should think."

She sighs, shaking her head for a moment, as he is so quick to discount everything she says. "Really, truly, you believe this will work as you say. You believe my strength enough to submit to you, and hold my own.."

"I believe you capable of any wonder you truly wish to be capable of."

She watches his face, tweaking her lips slightly, the nods minutely. Leaning down, a hand still wrapped about him as if forgotten, she kisses him gently.

He returns the kiss lightly.

"now then..where were we?"

He grins. "I rather believe your hand rests firmly 'round my cock.."

She smiles, squeezing slightly. "And what, then, would you have of me?"

He groans lightly. "Cre..ativity.."

"Hmmm." She plays her hand along him, considering options with each different way she strokes along him. Taking joy in hearing the noises he makes.

Lightly sighing, he stretches back in a feline movement, arching more entirely into her grasp.

"You are quite a wonder to behold, lover." Leaning down to rake her unoccupied hand down his chest as he arches it for her. "But I must admit, my creativity seems to fail me when it appears we've already done so much."

He smirks, licking his lips. "Then slide astride me..and we will become creative as it strikes us"

She laughs, widening her thighs as she moves up, her hand positioning him appropriately. "Mmm, even though we've obviously done this?" Rocking him inside her satisfyingly.

He brings her down onto him by sliding his hands to her thighs. "I enjoy it...I rather delight in holding a full view of you"

"You mean this?" She asks as she brings her hands slowly up her sides, over her waist, to her chest, drawing small circles for a moment about her nipples before raising her breasts in her hands and squeezing slightly.

He nods, smiling slowly. "Rather entirely...yes...I am quite the connoisseur of your figure.."

"Then why not enjoy it with your own hands?" Lifting up slightly with her thighs then dropping again, to feel him deepen within her.

He groans slightly, moving his hands up her waist and over her breasts roughly. "One is not given leave to enjoy what is his..from time to time?" he winks. "I rather enjoy basking in the entirety of your sweet flesh.."

She laughs, "Do what you will, but I enjoy your touch as well." She leans back, changing the angle a bit, her hands running along his thighs, reaching beneath her buttocks to tease the soft inner flesh of his thighs, the brand still showing there, and then up to the softest flesh just beneath her.

He closes his eyes gasping and reaching his hands around her to sink firmly into her ass and buries his nails in them. "Mmm...such..a beautiful..temptation..you are.."

"Temptation? How can I be a temptation..when here I am above and upon you?"

He smiles. "Even temptation realized is temptation, darling.." he lifts her, slowly moving out of her and bringing her down slightly higher, delicately bringing her ass down around him.

She tightens her thighs against him, her gaze focused on his face while her hands rise along her body once more. Whispering, softly, seductively, "I want you..Lucien."

He purrs, slowly lifting and releasing her to create a gentle, painless, rhythm. "You..have me...darling.."

She lets her hips twist just slightly as she moves, increasing the touch between them. "Are you mine?"

He rakes his nails down her front. "As much as it may be so when you are truly my own."

She gasps, dropping her head back at the feel of his nails, rocking against him firmly. "Good.."

Arching his body up, he presses deeper. "Ache..purged..I trust.." he muses.

She looks back down at him, her body moving in time with his, her breathing showing the rising of interest within her. "Yes...it is..."

He grins, eyes twinkling, rocking forward, he strengthens their pace. "Oh..good.."

She sighs happily, dropping down to rest her hands against his chest, her fingers digging into his flesh. Her body begging for more. "Yes..oh yes.."

Sinking his nails into her breasts, he raises her from him, bringing her back down swiftly and roughly. "Craving..release...fair pet..?"

She nods her head wildly, "Yes, please.."


She whimpers, her body dancing above him with her need. "Please, Lucien..please give me..the release..you've..created...yearned..forward.. Please let me.. show you.. what you...do for me.."

Grinning slowly, he seems to drink in the pleas, increasing their motions ten-fold with each pleasing word. "Climax, Adriana. Now. Long, intense...and lasting until I give leave to cease.."

Her voice cracks as she lets back the pressure building within her, her body bucking against him as her pleasure spills over them, a long drawn out scream ripped from her throat.

As she begins to scream, he sinks his nails into her breasts firmly enough to break skin. "Not...enough...yet.."

Her body doubles over against him, tensing into a ball as he continues to move inside her, his nails digging into her breasts, and she trembles around him as he draws out even more from her. "Ohh...god..."

Grasping her by the hair, he pulls her ear closer to his lips, hissing the word "More..Adriana...More..." slowly over her. He rocks his hips more forcefully, tightly holding onto her hair.

She whimpers, her body finally untensing, relaxing, and yet still he pounds within her, but she can feel the high drawing away from her even as he calls for more.. She looks into his eyes, the slight uncertainty showing in her own.

Slowing, he grasps her tightly, holding on as he begins to shake within her, groaning loudly, a plea for her to be wracked with pleasure along-side him apparent in his eyes.

She shivers at the feel of him moving so within her, and she begins to move herself again, rapidly against him, her body trembling by the strength of him. "Now, Lucien...and you will bring me.."

He grips her hips, crying out and pressing roughly deeper. "Yes..now...with me..Adriana..now.."

As he presses deeper within her one last time, she screams out again, her body thrown back in a pleasure that wraps around him and drinks him deeper within her.

He slows, after a long moment, gasping and holding onto her as he moves out from inside her.

She sighs audibly as he leaves her, cuddling against him as he finally moves out and against her side. "Can't..continue..that...long.."

He licks her neck, holding her tightly. "Oh..but you rather did.."

"But..not without..a break...multiple..multiple is the key.." She sighs as she feels herself continue to twitch with the after pleasures.

Gently, he traces his fingertips through her hair, sinking down from her grasp and draping her legs around his shoulders, gently beginning to tease with his tongue even as she twitches. "I..mm..am quite..aware.."

She gasps at the sudden touch of his tongue. "Oh god..no no...not yet.."

He tsks, gently tracing around her, refraining from moving his tongue into her quite yet. "I will do..as I please...pet.."
© Copyright 2015 Rayyna (UN: rayyna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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