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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/842472-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#842472 added February 24, 2015 at 10:01pm
Restrictions: None
The end of the day is quickly approaching, so I better get this written. It was a good day, sunny outside, and pretty mild temperatures. I don't know for sure how warm it reached, but I know it was a bit above thawing out. Also, the wind was mild, making it even more pleasant.

Rhonda and I were up late last night since I didn't get done work until about nine-thirty. By the time I drove home, it was after ten, and then it was time to relax and unwind. I was a bit upset by the time I got home, after seeing red and blue flashing lights coming up behind me.

I was within the speed limits, but a person never knows if a light went out or something when they see a police vehicle flashing lights behind them. So, I slowed and pulled over, coming close to a stop before the vehicle went past. It was traveling at a high rate of speed, and soon was almost non-visible to me. I had already pulled back onto the highway and was again underway.

Soon enough, I was coming up on the flashing lights, as well as a few other vehicles with flashing lights, too. It was on a pretty sharp curve by the lake, and I thought at first maybe somebody had driven out for ice fishing and busted through. As I drew closer, I seen there was a car, on it's side, in the ditch. I of course had slowed down again, and was watching for someone to direct traffic, but seen no one out on the road.

Carefully and slowly, I past the emergency vehicles, and as I passed the last one, I seen a covered body beside the vehicle. I could not see well enough to tell if the head was covered or not, so I don't know if it was a severe injury or a fatality. But, just knowing someone was seriously injured was enough to my my heart sink.

By the time I was home, inside and out of my work cloths, I had recovered some, but even today, I still sympathize with the person and their family, as well as the emergency responders who had to take care of the accident. I have not heard anything, so I still don't know how severe the accident was, if there were any fatalities or how many were injured. I'm not even sure if it was one vehicle or more than one.

As a result of working late, the accident, and just being unable to go to bed right away, I was up until after midnight. So, we did not get up as early as we normally do. Then, it was a relaxing morning with a couple cups of coffee, before even thinking about breakfast.

While Rhonda cooked breakfast, we both got on the scale and did our weekly weigh-in. We both were happy with our results, especially after enjoying some wine last night and snacking on cheese. A lot of sodium in the cheese, and we expected to see less in the results today.

After breakfast, we did our exercises. Normally we don't get to do them together, since one is at work while the other is at home, until later in the evening. But today we were both off and were able to enjoy each other's company while we did out routines. After, we moved some stuff around in the extra room, then set about repairing a shelf. Well, actually it's a free standing closet, and I set it up yesterday, but the cheap plastic kept cracking as I put the poles into the slots. Rhonda and I made new parts out of wood, cutting and drilling to replace the plastic  ones that cracked.

We ended up needing one more, but did not have enough wood to make it. But, we were able to use one of the least damaged parts. This allowed us to set the closet up and now we can use it. When I get another 2 X 3, I can replace the broken part easily, since we put it on the very top, on one side.

By the time we finished up, it was time to make dinner. Again, Rhonda and I worked together on it, and then sat down and enjoyed a rather big meal. Next on the list for us is to relax and watch a little Netflix, eat some ice cream with some cake, and then it's off to bed. Even with the sweets, and the big meal, we will both still be within our calorie goals.

It was a full day, a very busy day, but a good day...

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