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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/842548-Wednesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#842548 added February 25, 2015 at 8:16pm
Restrictions: None
Wow! The day is just slipping past way to quickly. Today is my second day off, and my last one this week. I'm home alone, since Rhonda is working an extra shift tonight, like I did Monday night. We have a person off on vacation for a week, and we are picking up part of his hours.j

I at least had two days off, Rhonda only had one. But, even with two days off, they flew past so quickly, I feel like I haven't really had any down time yet. Of course, both days were pretty full, today even more so than yesterday. Now, it's going on seven o'clock here, and I still have a few things to get done. I should be getting ready for bed, since I will be getting up for work at three tomorrow morning, but there is still quite a mess in the kitchen.

We both got up early this morning, enjoyed a cup of coffee, then set up to do a Bible study. After, Rhonda started our breakfast, and I looked at a few things online. Soon enough it was time to eat, then feed the dogs and let them out. After, we enjoyed another cup of coffee, then went upstairs to start our task of moving things around. We have kind of a mess up there, from when we moved our sleeping quarters back up their. We kind of shoved things anyplace there was room, so we could get our bedroom set up.

Then, with the start of the new year, we wanted to get back into our eating healthier and taking a few pounds off. This meant we needed to set up our exercise area again. We had most of it in the loft, and a little in the spare room. Rhonda did a great deal of the work to get us set up again, but in doing it, she piled even more stuff into the spare room.

The idea was to put that all off until later, and focus on just getting things set up enough that we could use the loft to exercise, use the Gazzelle and the  bicycle. She did, and we did. It was going pretty good, but the room wasn't set up the best. We had to move things around depending on what type of exercise we wanted to do. So, We've both been kind of picking at things up there, while the other is at work. We made some progress, but we both knew we would have to take some time to work on it together, to really get it set up.

Well, yesterday and today were the days. Of course, at the time we planned this, we didn't know we would have to work these extra shifts. I knew I would be picking up Monday night, but that was it. Even so, we were eager to get it set up, and we started it yesterday, moving enough to make it possible to hit it yard today. That's just what we did, starting at eleven this morning.

We moved big things, we re-arranged a lot of furniture and exercise equipment, and we picked through a lot of little things. By three this afternoon, we had the exercise room, in the loft, set up and cleaned out of everything except our exercise items. We also had the spare room about half cleaned out. Enough we could set up another stand, set up the weight bench, and make a lot of room to store items as we pick through the rest.

Since Rhonda had to work at five this afternoon, we had intended to only work up their until one, or maybe two this afternoon. But, we wanted to get to a point where everything was usable. We also wanted to finish up any work that required both of us to do. We accomplished that, but it took until three this afternoon. Actually, it was a little after three.

So, while Rhonda got her stuff ready for work, I worked on dinner. I had it done just as she finished her make-up, we ate a nice dinner, but a bit rushed, then she headed off to work, and I logged our work and our food for the day. Then, after she called and let me know she was safe at work, I took the dogs out and cleaned the snow and ice off my vehicle, so I won't have to do it in the morning.

I also noticed that the snow was piled up pretty deep at the end of the drive, so I decided to shovel that out. Only, when I went to shovel the end of the drive, I decided I may as well clean the whole driveway out. It took about an hour and a half to shovel it all, but it's done. Since it's only a few degrees above zero out, I was pretty chilled, and pretty tired, so I poured a cup of coffee and set down here to check Facebook. That done I logged in here, cleaned up my mailbox, and set about writing my journal.

Now, I want to get my butt busy in the kitchen, since we didn't get a chance to clean anything up after eating breakfast or dinner. I have some dishes to wash up and put away, then straighten a few things up and save Rhonda some work tomorrow. She's going to be pretty tired after working tonight and will likely want to take a nap tomorrow after she gets me off to work.

Once I finish up in the kitchen, I may just make a sandwich and sit down and doze in front of the TV for a while.

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