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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866395-Spirituality-Favourite-Animals--WDC-My-Online-Home
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#866395 added November 17, 2015 at 2:48pm
Restrictions: None
Spirituality, Favourite Animals & WDC: My Online Home
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - November Prompts

28. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person, why or why not?

I do consider myself a spiritual person. I think we are all spiritual beings - wanting to be connected to something greater than ourselves. Some people find that connection within the confines of organized religion - and that has merit... as long as the dogma does not become extremist. Others are seekers beyond the walls of a church, synagogue or mosque. Whatever makes you feel more connected to the whole of existence is your spiritual essence.

For me, I consider myself a Christian. I attend church.... but not regularly. I find I get more 'soul food' from watching religious programming on TV - some pastors have a certain way of getting the biblical message across that lifts me up.

As a child, I went to St. Andrew's Presbyterian church... until my mother decided you did not have to go to church to believe in God. I have to agree with her. I often find connection when hiking in the forest or taking a quiet moment just to watch the world go by.

I occasionally went to the United Church with my friend and her mother. I have also been to the Anglican church with my favourite aunt. She has made an analogy that God is the same God and that all these various forms of religion are just different 'Burger Joints' - you go to the one that 'tastes' best to you.

After my father died, I hated God.... or thought I did... but I still believed in God. I was a teenager at the time. I flickered around with the ideas of Atheism and Agnosticism. But I knew they did not suit me.

As I matured, I learned that God was not so vindictive... he did not steal my father away... I learned that there is a plan for me. God is not out to get me. He is that soft place to land when the world delivers its cruelty and abuses.

Authors, like Julia Cameron and Natalie Goldberg helped me find way back into my spiritual essence. Through writing. Cameron's idea that God is Good Orderly Direction - a guiding force in the universe, helped me to reorient my thoughts and open up to the possibilities.

My husband introduced me to the Lutheran Church... which is where I go now. I like the traditions and rituals... they can be grounding, but I know that spirituality is not limited to organized religion. It is greater than that... and I think what it all boils down to is LOVE and CONNECTION. We all need love and connection.

30. What is your favourite animal and why?

My favourite domesticated animal is a cat.. There is a certain grace and relaxed air within a cat. A call to the wild side without the ferocity of the great beasts like lions and tigers. I feel a connection to cats, though I love dogs as well - they can be just a bit too exuberant for me. Cats are much more laid back, until they need to be.

My family have always had cats. Barn cats, house cats. There is a certain connection to cats that runs deep. My first cat was a grey Persian. I am not sure how old she was when I was born, my father thought they would have to get rid of her - he had grown up without pets and did not think she would adjust well to a baby. My mother did not agree. That cat used to guard me from the dog that lived next door. She would chase him off whenever I was out playing in my sandbox.

After her we got out first tri-coloured calico cat. She was a clown. I grew up with her. She was my heart. She lived to be almost 21 before she had several paralyzing strokes and had to be put to sleep... I still miss her sweetness and her comicality. I got another calico cat. My husband was not a fan... but she was my girl. Like the calico before her, she was my heart and my laughter. She lived to be 17 before she got mouth cancer. I have been without a cat of my own since then... I miss having one around. I have developed allergies... which I think is highly unfair, but my husband is also not a big fan... he prefers dogs. For a time we had both. The two of them were a good pair... but my heart still belongs to my cats.
My mother and aunt have cats... I make sure to visit often and get my 'cat fix'.

31. What is your favourite thing about WDC?

I love this writing community. When I first joined I found it overwhelming and I was nervous about sharing my work. I knew I needed to put myself out there. WDC felt safe.... especially when I started to ask questions and was pleasantly surprised there were many people who offered assistance and friendship. I found myself accepted into the Newbie Group and the The Paper Doll Gang... both of which are extremely supportive. PDG offered a chance to learn the ropes in a fun and engaging way and I found myself drawn in. I consider WDC my online home. Each morning I sign in, check my emails and my personal Newsfeed to see how everyone is doing. I feel connected even on those days when my offline world is not so good.

I have gained confidence in sharing my writing and getting constructive feedback on strengthening my work... that is appreciated and so are the small reviews that just give a boost and a thumbs up. I have also learned to review other people's writing... I have learned to give constructive reviews with a kind heart... I don't want to overwhelm anyone, but I also want to help and learn through the process. Reading other people's work has both inspired and challenged me to write my very best. Contests have challenged me to try things I would not have done before. Workshops have guided my learning and expanded my knowledge base and I appreciate the opportunities I have found here.

Mostly, I appreciate the people. WDC is a community that cares. Learning and support go hand in hand with friendship. I am proud to be a member of this site... what once seemed so large and overwhelming has become a place of solace and comfort. Thank you to everyone for being there for me and for letting me be there for you. I look forward to the future with a happy heart.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866395-Spirituality-Favourite-Animals--WDC-My-Online-Home