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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#872008 added January 28, 2016 at 10:39pm
Restrictions: None
Books that Made Me Cry or Changed My Life, and Technology
Welcome To My Reality - January Prompts

13. How has your interest in writing molded your lifestyle and you as a person? How has it affected people around you?

Writing began as a way for me to cope with the world around me as a kid. At the age of seven I was dealing with my parents separation and a case of inappropriate touching from a male babysitter - who was also a family friend. Being in a small town being from a 'broken' family was not the norm. The other situation was just not talked about... it was shoved under the carpet... and that babysitter was never asked to babysit again.
Writing was my safe place.

Out of my intervertedness came stories of perfect children in perfect lives.... those stories eventually became more realistic. And as I learned more about what made stories, I began to craft better ones. I also took to poetry in high school and I find I really enjoy getting my emotions and thoughts down that way.

I don't think my writing really affected anyone beyond me until I did my first Nanowrimo in 2012. Then writing took a more important role in my life... the possibility of publishing something took hold and although I still have yet to meet that goal, I have found a great deal of pleasure in crafting stories.

Getting lost in the flow has gotten me in hot water many times... my husband does not appreciate the 'not working' component of my writing. He wonders why the house is not spotless and things are left undone. He sees it as a waste of time.

The rest of my family is curious about my writing. I am a little self conscious when they ask if I have published anything. My only shared pieces have been those here on Writing.com. I am gaining confidence... and would like to stretch out a little more this year. I am a slow little turtle.... steadily plodding along. One day I will see that goal happen, until then, I will enjoy learning and crafting my stories and poems and seeing who I can share them with.

I have shared my writing.com website with some people.... but I still keep it pretty close to my heart.

15. Have you ever used a site that is meant to raise certain skills (such as Lynda.com or Lumosity)? Tell us how you think it helped (or not).

If I think of Writing.com as a site to improve my skills - I can say yes. When I first joined this site I was nervous to share my work. Now I relish the constructive criticism and I learn from the work of others.

I have taken workshops in reviewing here on WDC. I have also taken poetry and romantica workshops. I have challenged myself by entering contests and other WDC activities.

16. Are you political-minded? What draws you into thinking about politics (candidates, issues, etc.)?

No I am not politically minded. I tend to avoid these topics.... but sometimes I voice a few comments. First of all, I am Canadian.... I tend to vote for the least annoying candidate.... tending to stick to either Liberal or Conservative.

As for American politics.... the process baffles me. Donald Trump scares the hang out of me.... and if by some crazy thing his butt gets in.... I am booking passage off this planet because I swear he will piss everyone off and have all nuclear weapons directed at his head.

What scares me is that some people agree with him and I think his views are on par with Hitler. You can't exterminate or keep a group of people out just because a few extremists spoil it. You can't function form a place of fear... that never solves anything.

I like Hillary Clinton, but I can't see the States being mature enough to vote in a woman... although they have come along way with Barack Obama - I like him as well. You never know.

17. Have you ever laughed at a funeral? Explain.

Not at the funeral, per se, but I remember my mother and I going to see my step father before the funeral was to be held. He looked so peaceful, like he was sleeping. Mom and I stood there looking at the wonderful job the funeral director and his staff had done. Then my mother said, "if his eyes pop open now you will see and Ann sized whole in that door over there.". We started to giggle. I added, "I'd be right behind you." And we could not stop giggling for at least a good five minutes.

It still brings out the giggles.

My step father was a wonderful guy. He was so good for my mother and she was very happy. They were very happy together. He had a great sense of humour, but he rarely smiled. His sister often called him 'smiley' just to see if he would crack a grin. He was a big, stern man... until you really knew him.

19. How has technology affected your life?

I am currently sitting in a coffee shop with my Surface and phone plugged in to charge. I can't leave until they are fully charged..... does that answer the question?

I am on my laptop or Surface everyday. I write at least 750 words a day on the 750words.com website. I also visit Writing.com everyday. I update my reading on Goodreads.com. I keep up with family and friends on Facebook... but try to limit my time on that site.

My phone and the website Subfinder.ca help me get daily supply jobs for work - that is why I am currently charging my phone - no charge = no calls for jobs.

Television is a wonderful invention - a great way to veg out or to learn something... depending on your mood and choice of show,

Appliances, like stoves, fridges, washers and dryers make life so much easier. I have experienced life without, but only when visiting my grandparents farm - there was no indoor plumbing or electricity. Gramzie made that wood stove work its magic.

21. Tell us about a book that changed the way you think about something.

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameraon. This came out a long time ago, but it helped me see my creative self as important and that writing as a way for me to handle difficult situations.

Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg was also a book that helped me see that writing quick and fast gets you past the inner critic and breaks open your creativity. This book is celebrating its 30 year anniversary this year!

More recently in Brene Brown's books.... The Power of Imperfection and Daring Greatly. Both of these talk about living wholeheartedly. It is okay to be vulnerable. We must also force our shame into the open and realize we are not alone. We all face these situations. We are all human.

22. Write about the last film/TV programme/piece of music/book that made you cry.

Steel Magnolias always brings me to tears.... but it is the laughter through the tears at the end of the movie that really makes the movie a classic for me.

The strength of women when emotions are high pulls that movie into something I can see again and again. The bonds of friendship pull us through the hard times and makes life bearable. Something to remember and also appreciate.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/872008-Books-that-Made-Me-Cry-or-Changed-My-Life-and-Technology