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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/872232-Naming-Characters-The-News-Eating-Habits-Technology
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#872232 added January 31, 2016 at 5:27pm
Restrictions: None
Naming Characters, The News, Eating Habits, Technology
Welcome To My Reality - January Prompts

25. How do you choose the names of your characters in a story or book? Do you use a random method or try to come up with names no one has heard of or pick names you are familiar with?

I have been known to pick names I don't like for characters that are darker and more villainous. Some times these names are influenced by people who have had those names.

For names I like, the ones I give to my main characters are often usual or have unusual spellings. I love the letter 'y' and often incorporate it into a main characters name - Taryn, Brynn, Bronwynn.

I have been known to consult baby name books and I am drawn to Celtic names.

I will occasionally through out a name that has some element of the character... Carson is a mechanic who enjoys expensive, luxury sports cars. I also had a character with the last name of Steele who was intent on stealing other people's boyfriends.

I have been know to start with a name but have had to change it because it does not feel right.... the character wants to be called something different... I tend to go with that feeling.

26. Do you keep track of the news and if so, are you interested in mainly local, national or international news?

I find the news overwhelmingly depressing at times. I pay attention, but only so far as to keep myself aware of what is going on around me. I do not go out of my way to watch the news on television or read the newspaper. I tend to get my news from reports and comments posted on Facebook. That may seem odd but to me... it gives me just enough to be in the loop.

I would say I am more interested in local news as it pertains to me, but national and international news often brings interesting developments. News of David Bowie's death and Glen Fry saddens me, but I am also able to comment and listen to things to remember them fondly.
School shootings and fires that involve animals have been in the news lately... there is no much sadness in that and also a wondering of what is wrong with our world.

27. Describe your eating habits. Do you think the food you eat can affect things like your attitude or mental illness or do you think food only affects you physically?

I do rather well during the day... but I am weak in the evenings when I should be avoiding all those 'bad' for you foods - chips, cookies. I give in because I am tired. Ten o'clock is my 'witching hour' in the sense that I can't seem to stop myself. I am not even hungry but can't seem to stop myself.

The winter weather is not overly pleasant... I should be out walking, distracting myself from wandering aimlessly into the kitchen and searching out the unhealthy choices. It would help if I did not buy the things... but then I get complaints from my husband that we have nothing to eat in the house.

Good eating habits require planning and that includes planning for times when I am feeling weak.

Working more smoothies into my diet.... even one a day would give me a bit of sweet with a chance to get in some healthy food sources - like good fats from avocado and nuts, nutrients from kale and spinach, fibre from fruits.

Drinking water, at least two liters a day, should help to curb the appetite.

Going up to bed early and taking the time to read or do some colouring may help to ward off the night wandering and feasting on stuff. Late night TV watching is often the culprit... if I taped the shows and watched them at earlier, more focused times, I might have half a chance.

Cutting out things like bread and sugar are hard for me. I love my coffee with half and half and sugar... I have cut back, but not well enough. Cutting back is an option, but can I do it???

I could switch to tea... I only take milk in it but would that satisfy?

28. When it comes to technology, do you prefer to use a phone, computer, or tablet? Why?

I use my laptop and Surface 2 a lot.... mostly my laptop. I don't use my phone much.... I prefer bigger screens for creating and accomplishing things.

29. What is one thing that you find impossible to learn, and why?

Nothing is impossible... if one applies oneself, but we all have natural abilities and talents.
Fixing cars and the inner workings of computers are not my forte.

31. Create a top ten list of the people who mean most in your life and talk about what they mean to you and why.

I am blessed to have these people in my life... or in my past.
My mother - because she loves me unconditionally.
My favourite aunt - because she has shown me where possibilities lie and she has faith in my abilities. I believe she also loves me unconditionally
My Gramzie - she loved me unconditionally. I could do no wrong in her eyes and she supposed me at a time when the world was harsh and my parents were going through difficult times.
My friend Michelle - she is supportive. I know she will always be there for me and I hope I can be there for her just as unconditionally.
My friend Debbie - she is supportive and often my comic relief. She is a little dippy at times, but I love her just the same.
My friend Candy - like minded and supportive.

32. We all have people/situations/places that bring stress into our lives. Most people accept that as a fact without thinking about what can be done to eliminate or reduce that stress. What can you do to decrease/reduce/eliminate stress in your life for the coming year?

I need to deal with things as soon as they come up. I need to communicate my needs and not be afraid that others will abandon me if I say or do something they don't agree with.

33. Write about your favourite way to unwind after a stressful day.

If the weather is nice and it is not too cold out, I love to take a hike around the neighbourhood of the school I have been at all day. If it is not a work day, then I will walk my own neighbourhood... often ending at one of the Starbucks in the area to sit, read, write and people watch.

If the day is cold or miserable, I tend to skip the walk and go directly to the coffee shop to enjoy a coffee and a treat before switching gears and heading home.

34. Explore what role has music played in; your life, during the holidays? Are you a music lover, a musician, write song lyrics share with us why it is so important to you?

Music has always been in my life. I love to sing and dance. I find it relaxing and stress reducing.

I have been known to change the words of a song and sing out what is bothering me.....

For You are my sunshine.... I will sing... You are my A**hole, my only A**hole, You piss me off now and I could spit, You'll never know dear, How anger you make me, Please get out, get out of my way! Or some variation.... I often find myself smiling and my anger melting when I do this.

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