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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/876106-Conner-Sydney-and-Emily
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#876106 added March 8, 2016 at 8:17pm
Restrictions: None
Conner, Sydney, and Emily
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt: Tell us about three people who always make you feel energized and inspired by spending time with them.
          There are currently three 'little' people in my life that not only inspire, but amuse me. I am the proud Nanna to two granddaughters, fourteen and ten, and the great aunt to a young boy who will be four-years old soon. They never cease to amaze me!
          Conner recently became a big brother and like all siblings he's had to adjust. He has so many questions. This big brother business is baffling. Why does his baby brother cry? "He give me a 'hegache'!" Can't he talk? "When he talk? This many?" ( And he holds up three fingers. I flash all my fingers at him, several times, in reply. I explain, "In 365 sleeps, maybe Nelson will talk.") If he's hungry, why can't he eat a French fry? Why does he wear a diaper? Why does he smell? "I not change a diaper!" Can he see me? "Him was in Mommy's tummy?"
         During a visit a few weeks ago, Conner wanted me to play with him, but we were in a tiny house not conducive to running, so I suggested hide and seek. I told him to go and hide while I counted. When I was finished, I shouted that I was coming to find him, so he had advance warning. Not only did I have little trouble seeing him, I heard him. He made no effort to conceal himself or be quiet. He was standing in the middle of a room, giggling. Okay, we tried this again. Off he ran to conceal himself and I counted. He was in the exact same 'hiding spot'. This was his first time with this game, and the nuances eluded him. We laughed anyway. Oh, each time, I pretended not to spy him right away, and he couldn't wait to be found, so he'd yell, "Boo!" Finally, it was my turn to hide and I waited behind a door. I jumped out at him shouting, "BOO!". He frowned, shook his finger at me, and said, " Don't scare me, okay? I find you."
         My grands tell me that they like to hear me laugh. This is a win, win because their antics are funny. Sometimes, they sing at the top of their lungs and really belt out a song, but the lyrics are not always accurate. In re-telling a story, they don't always relay all the pertinent facts, and it's kind of challenging to fill in the blanks. The eldest one, 'shares' her homework with me. so my brain gets its exercise. Now she likes French, but when she was a toddler she'd scold me. "No, Nanna. It's good night, not bonne nuit!" Both girls love to hear stories about their father when he was their age. There's nothing like an appreciative audience! They peer at photos of my son as a boy and they coo, "Ohhh, 'baby Daddy' was so cute!" The youngest grand often mixes up words and that can be funny, but logical in a twisted sense. One morning she asked me, "How many 'mittens' until school?" Of course, she meant 'minutes', and I told her that clocks have hands, and who's to say that those hands don't feel cold? Once, she was reluctant to go to school, and when questioned, she admitted that she didn't like to 'jiggle'. This one took me a bit to figure out. Ah, every morning, students were encouraged/expected to 'jog' around the rear yard! This too made sense because most runners do 'jiggle' when they 'jog'.
         For months, my grands and I carried on an extended fantasy. Every morning, my bed would be magically made/tidied by 'bed-making fairies' who slipped in and out of my home unseen. I would then leave them a thank-you note in which I asked them questions about themselves such as, 'where do you live?'. The 'fairies' would reply with their own letters and tell me about themselves. My grands certainly have imaginations! We all partook of this story-telling, and it was great fun.

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