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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#886362 added July 3, 2016 at 12:51pm
Restrictions: None
Sunday News & From A Seed To Tree - Growing Gains
30 Day Blogging Challenge

The Sunday News!

Washington, DC is reviving a campaign to become the 51st state in the union, and if successful the area's name could be changed to New Columbia. It's important to note that DC was established to exist outside of the borders of any state in an effort to not favor the Capitol's home state over any other in the country. Should the government allow DC to become a state or function like one? And if you do not reside in the US, but your nation's capital city is within a particular area of the country, do you see that as being a detriment or an advantage to where you live?

I watched that video and learned a little something. I did not realize that the people that live there don't have a say... and that to me is not fair. You all deserve a say. That is your constitutional right. Not sure how this will play out... but I am curious. Thanks for waking the issue up for me, Norb. You know I can always count on you to bing it.

I am Canadian. Our capital, Ottawa is in Ontario. It is along the Ontario – Quebec border. Being a bilingual country it sits within both. Ottawa in Ontario and Hull in Quebec – Hull is actually a one part of the city of Gatineau. When I was a kid I would hear Ottawa - Hull, but in the last few years I am hearing more Ottawa - Gateneau. That sounds better. I have a feeling they use that name more now because the name Hull was too close to Hell... And given English / French relations... and the occasional Quebec separatist campaign that ran very hot in the 70's when I was a kid.... Well, enough of that...

It is a beautiful area.
I am not big on politics, but I can see why the States would want to keep Washington DC as separate from any particular State due to favourtism. But I would wonder if, as its own state it would still have that favourtism aspect. Seeing that video makes me think it needs a voice.

Here in Canada there is some friction between Ontario and the west and Ontario and the Maritimes. For the most part we all get along, but like any big family, there are disputes. Quebec is still not part of the Constitution that was signed in 1982. They hold themselves apart and even traveling through Quebec you feel like you are in another country as their signage is only in French, whereas in Ontario and any bordering province it is in Bilingual.

This little blip is from Wikipedia:
The Constitution Act, 1982 (Schedule B of the Canada Act 1982 (UK)) is a part of the Constitution of Canada. The act was introduced as part of Canada's process of patriating the constitution, introducing several amendments[1] to the British North America Act, 1867, and changing the latter's name in Canada to the Constitution Act, 1867. Elizabeth II, as Queen of Canada, brought the act into effect with a proclamation she signed in Ottawa on April 17, 1982.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms forms the first thirty-five sections (counting Section 16.1 and not counting Section 35) of the Constitution Act, 1982.
As of 2016, the government of Quebec has never formally approved of the enactment of the act, though formal consent was never necessary.[2] Nonetheless, it has remained a persistent political issue in Quebec. The Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords were designed to secure approval from Quebec, but both efforts failed to do so.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 5 - From A Seed To A Tree: Growing Gains

"Change is mandatory, but choosing personal growth is optional."

This is so true.
For Preston Smiles, "the key component to loving louder is choosing personal growth as a conscious practice."
He believes we are either moving forward or backward, even if we feel stuck. His idea is that we must "choose growth consciously so that we may keep moving forward and reach our fullest potential."

He defines personal growth as a "process of understanding and developing oneself to be used as a vessel for love." He believes it is important to develop a foundation of emotional, intellectual and spiritual fortitude. "It's about honoring what is while being inspired by what's in the way. Seeking out all the places where you're stilling playing small, holding back, and operating from fear." That resonates with me. Fear holds me captive a lot. I know intellectually if I take a step forward and shift beyond my fears I am capable and my fears are only that... when I give fear its power it grows like a monster; if I take action and step forward despite its growling I find freedom and power within the accomplishment and that spurns me to try again... as I learn to believe I can do it. I am playing small, instead of being an adult and getting out there onto the big field of life.

He speaks of comfort zones being overgrown gardens full of rocks, weeds and debris from the areas not being tended to. He likens this to our minds, "old philosophies, attitudes, and habits must be cleared out if you want to plant the seeds of an extraordinary life." He goes on to add that our history does not determine our destiny... "it is determined by your willingness to face yourself, push past your comfort zone, and grow." We must chose to let go of the excuses and blame.

There are four questions Preston gives us to consider in this journey of growth:
Where are you Currently?
Look at your strengths and challenge points as well as the habits that do and don't serve you.

Where would you like to be?
What would you like to improve about yourself and why is that important to you? Be specific in all things - when, why... and so forth.

What's the vehicle that will support that? What do you need?
What knowledge do you need and what experiences must you have to get you closer to your dreams. Find those resources - resources in the areas of emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual aid.

What is a feasible timeline?
Make a list of activities and events you hope to experience within a set amount of time. Use them as checkpoints as you move towards your goal.

"Small hinges swing big doors. Small steps daily lead to big opportunities. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your dreams be achieved that quickly, but when you focus on small daily actions, you open yourself up to big possibilities."

Looks like I have some work to do... since I have several areas the question is do I tackle them all at once or one at a time? Small steps in all areas is probably the best approach... I think.

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