Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/887920-Week-3-Day-1--Story--Honor-the-Earth
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #2089049
Only work submitted for the Game of Thrones
#887920 added July 21, 2016 at 10:17pm
Restrictions: None
Week 3, Day 1: Story: Honor the Earth

Honor the Earth

Mother was disappointed. “Oh, my children, this is what happens when you do not listen. Why could you not attend that which I have given you?”

Mother was fed up. She unleashed torrential storms upon the campgrounds. Her fury was unfettered. She brought her hands together in an explosive thunderclap that relieved the clouds of their bounty. She commanded the Man of the North Door to unleash winds of unrelenting speed and destructive power. All the elements delighted in pleasing their Mother.

As the elements responded to the demands of Mother Nature, the lakes and rivers left their natural boundaries and married together in a most unbecoming urgency. Trees in the waterlogged earth gave way and became a safe haven for the small creatures who could not escape the flood waters. The people who had left their cabins and moved to higher grounds, were now watching those cabins drift along on the waves and crests of the storm waters. Some wept openly. Others stood at the base of the rising water, hands on hips, face set with grim determination, daring the waters to come this much further. Mother Nature was weakening or she would take the dare. But she could not muster even a half-hearted effort to meet the challenge. Her efforts to produce another violent thunderstorm were met with a groan and misting moisture. Even the man of the North Door had not paced himself. The once riotous winds died to a weak, calm breeze. The people of the earth praised the creators for calming the heavy rains to nothing and comforting the violent winds to a calm breeze. They thanked the creator for insurance that would replace the possessions that her elements had taken.

Mother was saddened that it only took a few days for her prize to be taken away. The waters were retreating to their natural boundaries or being taken up by the earth. No one knew how much power and energy it took to create the theatrics she rendered just a few days ago. Yet, Mother was happy to see that the people were now ready to pay proper homage to her efforts. It was time to cleanse and heal the earth. Mother would give her blessings again, but only if the children were mindful. And the children seemed to instinctively know this.

DJ brought his drum and the song of the ancients. His helpers stoked the ceremonial fires as had been done for eons. The sweat lodge was prepared as taught by the ancestors to each generation. At the time set by the spirits of the Universe, the mystic Medicine Man arrived with his sacred pipe, his sage and his tobacco ties. When the alter with the buffalo robe and buffalo skull was sealed, he called upon the eagle and hawk to take the prayer requests for healing of the land and nature to the spirits of the Universe.

Those who were not of the knowing, were not allowed too near for fear that they would desecrate the ceremonial grounds and quench the sacred fire. They could only hear the drums and the chants that went on the silver string in harmonious pleading to the spirits of the Universe.

Mother Nature understood the powers all too well. She bowed her head to the commands of her relations. She would use her powers to heal the land and bless those who honored her earth.

[word count: 572]
House Florent Image for G.o.T. and "Game of Thrones

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