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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889000-Looking-Up--Mastering-Time
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#889000 added August 2, 2016 at 2:18pm
Restrictions: None
Looking Up & Mastering Time
Blog City – Day 876

Prompt: Right now I am looking up at the ceiling; when outside, I look up at the sky, the clouds, and the tops of trees. Do you ever look up, and what does looking up mean to you?

When I was a child I tended to watch people's feet to see where they were. I followed my parents like that. I did not realize I looked down at the ground so much until one day, while walking home from grade 7 ( I think) I glanced up and took in my surroundings. I stopped. I was amazed at all the world around me that I had been missing. I also realized I was able to keep walking and not trip as I moved forward. From that day on, I made sure to keep my head up; to look around at the world around me instead of the few feet on the ground before me.

I also love to step outside and just look up. I love looking at the stars and have see the Northern Lights play their colours across the sky. There is nothing so soothing as stopping to watch the night sky and all its wonder.

Looking up into trees and foliage is also soothing. There is a lushness looking at nature. God's handiwork is in every bud, leaf, insect and plant. It puts life into perspective. A chance to step out of the usual mode of movement and take a look... a real look at what is around you.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 26 –Mastering Time
"There's never enough of it, it's always one step ahead, and you feel like if you had more of it, your life would be better.... time."

We all have the same twenty four hour day... but some people seem to play with time more gracefully than others. It is completely up to us how to spend our time. Fritter it away... or make it mean something. Your choice. It should be viewed as a tool - something that must be utilized minute by minute. Once we use it we can never get it back.

To have an extraordinary life you must make conscious decisions about its use: How do you want to use it? Whom do you want to spend it with? What do you want to create in your minutes or hours of each day? Each decision costs us time. It is a precious resource.
We must be vigilant about the habits we develop over time.

According to Preston Smiles, the "key to becoming masterful with time is to prioritize what's important first and then schedule in what you value so that you can manage it." I find that when we are getting ready for Nanowrimo we are asked to take a look at how we use our time so that we can carve out time to write 50,000 words of a novel in one month. It is doable.... what needs to be cut are the things that waste our time. I find I cut back on TV viewing and close out my Facebook window so that I am not tempted to go on and surf mindlessly. Those two things alone open up a wealth of time I can use for writing.

Make a plan for your day tomorrow.
What will you feel amazing about accomplishing by the end of tomorrow?
Whatever is important to YOU, schedule it and make it happen.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889000-Looking-Up--Mastering-Time