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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#889072 added August 2, 2016 at 7:08pm
Restrictions: None
Madrid, Spain - Day 1 - Europe Trip, Character & Family
30-Day Blogging Challenge August 2016.

30 Day Blogging Challenge - Virtual Trip To Europe

Day 2 Madrid Itinerary and prompt
Talk about what you've seen, what you liked and what you've eaten. Happy Blogging!

Aug 2nd-- Madrid, Spain
Our first day of travelling. We arrive in Spain. I will admit is not on my wish list of places to go, but the city is beautiful and my research has changed my mind. I am eager to see the sights and sample the food.

We get to the hotel without too much fuss. It is certainly good to be travelling with a few people I have come to know as good friends... and the new ones are interesting... this trip will certainly be a highlight of my summer.

We are staying at a hostel. My first time. I am given a bed and locker and am pleased to see that it is clean and comfortable. I stash my huge backpack and grab my daypack. It is filled with those necessary items that I cannot do without.


We arrived at 9 am. With things put away and settled in we find a spot for breakfast. Lyn suggests a light one, but with all the walking we will be doing I think I am going to need some good sustenance - just nothing that will slow me down. I am eager to try the coffee and see if the Spainish can make a good cup. I am sure I won't be disappointed.

Our first tour begins tour at 11:00am. We are to go to the Museo Del Prado. I am not a huge fan of art museums, but I am open to the experience... and taking in the sights I feel a little overwhelmed at the bounty before me. This is a feast for the senses. My eyes take in everything from the well renowned artists as well as the people and their reactions. My ears ring with the hum and buzz that filters along the passages of the place. The sound is reverent. An electric energy pulses through the place. I find myself getting caught up in the place.
I find the Bosch exhibit a bit disconcerting.... drawn in and kept off balance. Here is a clip of some people's thoughts...

The statues interest me. Solidity and Beauty by Miquel Blay is also on exhibit. Beautiful.

Here is the museum's website:

By the time we leave, I am under the spell held by time. Inspiration covers me like a mist.... but there is no time to stop. I jot a few precious notes for later then hurry to catch up with my group. It is almost two and we need to feast before heading on to the Segway tour. This, I am looking forward to... a sped up version of seeing the city. I just hope we can stop long enough to take pictures... and I also hope I can manage the Segway and not topple off.

At 3:00pm we gather for the segway tour and break into our groups - only 10 people in each to keep things small. I have opted for the 2.5 hour tour... I don't want to miss anything, besides I am still high on the sights from the museum and am not the least bit tired.
After our initial lesson on how to maneuver the Segway we head out. We seem to float through the city - stopping to enjoy the sights of the Royal Palace, Plaza de Mayor and the Templo de Debod - all while listening to an entertaining and educational commentary from our expert guide.
Had we walked everywhere I am almost certain I would be done. It is just after 5:30 when we surrender our Segways and return to walking.... the experience takes a bit of transition time and someone suggests an outdoor patio for drinks and a light snack. Nobody wants to spoil our dinner, but we need sustenance. It is also an opportunity to write down my thoughts and memories of the day so far.

I decide to head back to the hostel and freshen up before going to dinner. We are doing a Dinner Tour Madrid Authentic Tapas and History. It starts at 7 pm.

We meet our guide at a designated spot. Walking along the streets of the city as night begins to fall, seems intimate in a way. There is romance in the air and it kisses our cheeks as we pass on our way. We start at one of the best known markets in the city center and then head off to five stops at authentic local bars and restaurants where we sample the exotic local flavors of several tapas with wine or other drinks. The experience is magical and the company devine. All of us are fresh with excitement and eager to partake in all Madrid has to offer. I listen to stories of my friends and tell my own. It is a wonder that even though we have all seen similar things we all bring our own experience to it. That is part of the pleasure I derive from this experience.
This three and a half hour adventure with a Madrid-born connoisseur as guide, gives us a quick, authentic insight into Spanish culture, history, and gastronomic tradition. The food and drink lets us all forget our tired toes or any contemplation of jet lag. I enjoy getting to know more about tapas and my travelling companions.

We sample Iberian ham, paella, local cheese, and a lot more delicious favorites with a selection of red and white wines, beer, or soft drinks. I choose to indulge in the wines. I don't usually drink much, but I find the food and walking keep me from feeling too much of the alcoholic buzz. I also take note of any hints and tips from our guide. I am sure Lyn's a Witchy Woman is doing the same.

I have been to a tapas style restaurant before here in my own town – I loved it. Tasting a variety of foods without filling up on anything specifically – it is a lovely way to enjoy the food and spend time with your friends.

By the time our tour is complete, I am ready to find my bed and turn in for the night. Some of the others are eager to take in more of the nightlife and I am tempted, but I know tomorrow will be just as fabulous so I stick to my guns and head back to the hostel.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 877

Prompt: Which do you enjoy more, reading about the lives of characters in fiction or non-fiction? Do you enjoy reading a book or a series of books that cover the entire lifespan of the main character or do you rather prefer only one or two impressive stories within a life?

I am definitely into characters. I do enjoy books that follow a group of friends and you get glimpses of the character as another character is highlighted. Jill Shalvis does this well in her various series of contemporary romance novels.

I am also okay with a story that delves into a single character at a moment in time... though I will admit I like to read books that are spin offs of the original - for instance, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice has got many variations and spin offs. I like the various versions - some are better than others.

I have read autobiographies.... but those tend to be focused on people who have spent time in Paris, France. Hemingway's Moveable Feast, Callaghan's That Summer In Paris. The books play over historical time periods, but the city and its history play an important role.

Overall, I will say I am drawn to character and remain open to anything so long as they have a compelling story to tell.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 27 – The Family Plan: How To Navigate Family
"They say you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. They also say that life doesn't give you the people you want, but it gives you the people you need."

Family can be challenging. These are people you have known a long time, people that know more than any other... seen you at your worst and your best and all the points in between. The thing to remember is "they are there to help you grow". Anything done in the past, is just that; the past. Anything done right now in this very moment is what counts. Preston Smiles advises to "see people in the NOW and give them a chance to show up differently."

I have been blessed with a great family. Sure there have been ups and downs, but we can't change the past... we can let it go and remember that they were operating from a place of doing the best they could with the resources they had. My parents separation had nothing to do with me.... I have had to learn that. I have had to remember people are not perfect. They are doing the best they can. Learning those lessons went a long way to healing past hurts and I now hold my mother in a higher place and admire what she went through - now that I am older I know more of the story and I am grateful for her love and for her keeping the ugly details away from my young life. She never once said a bad thing about my father.... she did not get bitter... she did succumb to depression, but in time she has sot help in that area and blossomed.

Smiles writes, "The only thing that matters is love." He goes on to say, the "key is to be proactive about it so we don't miss our opportunity to heal what needs to be healed." Don't let things fester, deal with them and move on... towards that love and healing.

Next time someone triggers something, ask yourself: What am I committed to creating here? What would this look like if I didn't take it personally? And what story do I have running that is no longer serving me?

© Copyright 2016 💙 Carly (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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