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Rated: 18+ · Book · Opinion · #2086593
Daily scribbles on writing and living. How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. CLOSED.
#896885 added November 8, 2016 at 7:05am
Restrictions: None
Election Day & words
*Right*Talk Tuesday! Well, the presidential election is today in the United States...one of the most polarizing and controversial elections in recent history. As an American citizen, how concerned are you about the outcome of this election? And for our global friends, what does this mean for you and your nation?(30-Day BC)

As a global citizen, I am very concerned about the outcome of this American election. My greatest fear is that Donald Trump will be elected the next President of the USA and I am so afraid for the future if this happens. But I cannot believe the American people will vote en mass for him, I give them more credit than that.

Apart from Trump being a bully, a racist, and a misogynist, I think he can do a lot of damage to the shaky balance in the world. I don’t think he is qualified to be in office dealing and managing all those important issues domestically and abroad.

He is a greedy businessman, not a leader of the nation, let alone the world. The mere thought that he could be the one starting World War three terrifies me. I know Hilary Clinton has her flaws, but I am sure she is the better choice for this coming 4 years. I am going to watch CNN and stay tuned today and tomorrow. I hope the American people vote wisely.

*Right*Today we are using a prompt from one of our WDC published author I bought her book seeking inspiration for prompts. If you're looking for writing prompts she has some interesting ones. I chose this one-- write three linked scenes using the following settings: the driver seat of a taxi, NYC, and the Plaza Hotel. It's your blog create a poem, a story or a rant with this scenario. (BcoFs)

”Are you going to vote today?” The taxi driver asks casually.
“No, I am not,” I reply.
“Why not, it’s important enough.”
“I am not a US citizen, so I cannot vote.”
“Fair enough, but if you would which candidate would you vote for?”
“Hillary Clinton.”
“Okay, wrong answer.”
“What do you mean?”
** Stops the car. Taking out the suitcases from the back seat again**
“Today I only drive Trump supporters, I am sorry, bye.”
The taxi is driving off, leaving me baffled at the curb.

So I am in New York City on Election Day, couldn’t be in a better place. The city is buzzing and everybody is either excited or apprehensive. I see a lot of little flags, people with hats on for either Trump or Clinton and a lot of newspaper coverage: How to make sense of what’s happening on Election Day; 5 things you need to know Tuesday; Stevie Wonder: Voting for Trump like asking me to drive. (USAToday). Voting begins: Rivals make final pitches after a bitter race; Can you bring your gun to vote? (CNN) I think I stay in my hotel and watch the news. *BigSmile*

Republicans will have their get-together to watch election returns at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee. In the conservative stronghold that is Knox County, that means it'll be a pretty big crowd, with plenty of people looking to see and be seen among their GOP friends. As races get decided, the winners will enter the hotel's ballroom and make speeches.

I hope they return to their homes at night disappointed but with a stronger sense of what the country needs. I don’t hope Hillary Clinton winning the election will polarize matters more.

*Right*Prompt: Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert wrote in Words Can Change Your Brain, “A single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” Do you believe that by changing your words, you can change your life? What words do you choose to call yourself and to focus your energy on, and do you think they are signaling you who the-self-in-you is?(BC)

Words have the power to create a feeling of bliss or of stress. I am not sure if this resonates at the level of genes, though, to me that seem a little too far-fetched to be true. But the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is NOT true. Words can hurt you, even to the point of hurting more than physical abuse. Bruises go away eventually; the echo of words can linger in your mind or soul for decades.

Petra & Arie

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/896885-Election-Day--words