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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/897296-The-Road-to-Graduation-Part-2
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2101955
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#897296 added November 13, 2016 at 8:04am
Restrictions: None
The Road to Graduation, Part 2
Some days I am not completely sure what to do next. The requirements seem to be many and varied, coming like the movie, The Fast and The Furious. What is there to do on a day, when I can't seem to focus on one of the requirements of the Rising Stars Program?

That is the day for writing more poetry. Poetry is my strength. That is not to say, that every poem I write is strong. Sometimes, I write a poem and I leave myself "underwhelmed," but it is the process of turning to the muscle-memory of the mind, that keeps me moving forward.

Writing poetry helps me to express myself, even when the emotion or the concept I am trying to express will not come out of me as plainly as I would like to express it.

Writing poetry helps me to tell the world, who I am, even though I know, that not all of my readers hold my same beliefs.

For that matter do we do the world a favor by only expressing the thoughts, that the majority of humans want to hear?
Who learns like that?

Who eats like that?
What a bland world would that be?
"I am hungry!"
I go to The Restaurant.
There is only one.
They serve me one grayish-colored cube of 4 inches by 4 inches by 4 inches.
It is just a cube of nourishment.
It is not a scintillating meal of beautiful colors, delightful smells nor explosive flavors.
It is merely something to keep me alive.
Depending on the size of my person, I could leave filled, starved or needing a "doggy bag."
Yet, everyone, who eats at The Restaurant would most certainly leave bored at the lack of variety,...
...unless one has personality,...
...that loves the life of sameness,...
...fresh from the assembly line of Bland, LLC.

I am a little like that, but even I can get bored if the routine is too much the same day after day after day.

Therefore, I offer the world my unique perspective on life. Some embrace it. Some read it and move on. However, consistently on Writing.Com some will hold their own unique mirror against my work to show me where my writing is weak and where it is strong. In the process I learn something new.

I am not The Almighty. I do not know everything. I like having a safe venue in which I may share my thoughts, which include my beliefs. These thoughts often consist of out-loud processing, showing how I am still thinking about the world in this life and what lies beyond.

My education in writing consists mostly of one very strong literature teacher in high school, who gave me a love of writing.
I have found her person and her thoughts reflected in many individuals on Writing.Com.
My education in writing is being renewed.
The requirements are, indeed, many and varied.
The time seems limited.
However, the ones, who have called us to this task, which is the task of stretching our writing abilities, are committed to seeing, that we arrive on the Shore of Graduation better than when we disembarked the mother country of Winging It.

As Robert Burns so astutely put it, "O, wad the giftie gie us to see oursils as ithers see us!" Loosely translated I see this to mean, "O, that GOD would give us the gift of being able to see ourselves the way, that other people see us!"

By seeing another person's perspective, we may see better how to improve our own lives.

Note to Self: "Find one email. Do one task." Then, tomorrow I can do the same.

This is my first signature.

© Copyright 2016 Jay O'Toole (UN: 777stan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Jay O'Toole has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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