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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2101955
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#903112 added January 25, 2017 at 2:40pm
Restrictions: None
I DO Believe in Miracles!
I believe in miracles!

I believe miracles are an every day occurrence. I believe the GOD, Who Exists is Eternal. I believe matter had a beginning, when GOD miraculously created it ex nihilo, (i.e. "out of nothing.")

I believe in the miracle-working GOD, Who still this day "stretches our the heavens like a curtain." This is the miracle of the ever-expanding universe. "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:..." (Isaiah 40:22, KJV) This verse, also, declares the miracle of the round Earth, even before the faulty thinking of humankind, that the Earth was "flat."

I believe in the miracle of holographic images, called "the physical realm." GOD created holograms long before Man ever got the concept. Why do I call everything in the physical realm a hologram? It is because one's perspective shows the Authorship of the physical object and not the physical object itself. Children can look at a rainbow and see the "pretty picture, that GOD painted." Skeptics see light refracting through water-droplets in the sky. However, what is the origin of water? What is the origin of light? "At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes." (Matthew 11:25, KJV) I believe in the miracle of childlike faith, of childlike sight, and of childlike wisdom. I am skeptical of skepticism.

One of the best holograms on Earth is Antelope Canyon in Arizona. Some have called this rock formation, "The Wave." The issue is the perspective. Look at it from the left and an evolution or Old Earth proponent will offer this as picture perfect proof of evolutionary strata and millions of year for the age of the Earth. Look at it from the right and a Young Earth Creationist, like myself, will use this same evidence as picture perfect proof of the Global Flood, which occurred a scant 3000 years ago with the cataclysm of layers and layers and layers of sediment, being piled on each other in a hurry, after which the multiple layers of sediment were then pushed up into wonderfully creative waves. This miracle is the product of The Most Wonderfully Sentient Mind.

The tilt of the Earth is an average 23.5 degrees off of perpendicular aspect, relative to the sun. This has been maintained between 22.1 to 24.5 degrees off perpendicular for the entire HIStory of Planet Earth, which is between 4000 and 6000 years, maximum. Were we to be the exact 90 degrees perpendicular to the sun, our aspect and arguably our atmosphere could be more like that of Mercury. Were we to be 90 degrees off perpendicular and flat in our aspect to our circumventing of the sun, then our aspect and arguably our atmosphere could be more like that of the planet, Uranus. The maintenance of the necessary tilt of the Earth to maintain life on Earth is a daily miracle and proof of the Existence of GOD.

"Earth spins on its axis once in every 24-hour day. At Earth’s equator, the speed of Earth’s spin is about 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 kph)." We see the results of day and night, but we do not feel as though we are moving. Day and night are necessary to maintain life on Earth, to grow crops, to keep water from completely freezing or from completely evaporating,...in short the 24-hour day and night cycle is necessary to maintain the delicate balance of life on Earth. The maintenance of this daily day & night cycle over the duration of the existence of the Earth over these past 4000 - 6000 years, maximum, is a daily miracle and proof of the Existence of The One & Only One Active GOD.

The Earth travels on its trek around the sun every "...mean tropical year, (which) is approximately 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds..." at the speed of "67,000 miles per hour." Yet, we feel like we are not moving because the speed and the distance are such, that the movement is constant with regard to the necessary rotation on the Earth's axis and the tilt of that axis in relationship to the position of the sun. We see the results of day and night, cold and heat and the changing of the seasons, yet we feel as though we are remaining still,...in one spot. The maintenance of the seasons over the past 4000 to 6000 years of Earth's entire HIStory is a daily miracle and proof of the Existence of The One & Only One Active GOD.

The same website, that was just cited, proclaims the existence of a structure, called The Great Attractor, that is pulling our galaxy and all of our neighboring galaxies toward it. "The galaxies in our neighborhood are also rushing at a speed of nearly 1,000 kilometers per second towards a structure called the Great Attractor, a region of space roughly 150 million light-years (one light year is about six trillion miles) away from us." Allow me to expand upon the miracle of The Great Attractor, Whose name is Jesus, the Christ. (Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1) All the galaxies are going in the direction of this "Great Attractor" and have been, since the birth of the physical universe. Science has once, again, proven the Existence of GOD, even though the scientists do not know His Name. The trajectory has been maintained these past 4000 to 6000 years of the existence of the physical realm, which is a daily miracle and yet again proof of the One & Only One Active GOD.
Proof of The Great Attractor's identity as Jesus Christ is found in the following verse of Scripture. "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." (Revelation 1:7, KJV) I've had people laugh at me because of this verse. They flippantly ask, "How will every eye on Earth see Jesus at the same time as He so-called, "comes in the clouds?" Well, if He is as large as the scientists claim The Great Attractor is, then everybody on Earth seeing Him as the same time shouldn't be a problem. That way I figure it, we're headed to meet Him right now and it is not going to take us "150 millions years" to get there.

Need we go on? I can, since these facts are just the beginning. This is why I have asserted, that all of the physical realm is a hologram. The same facts, that evolutionists and Old Earth theorists use to "prove" their theories are the exact same facts I can use to prove The Creation by One Wonderfully Sentient Mind, Who is the Triune GOD, involved in every aspect of the maintenance of human life on Earth (and only on Earth.) "But," people volley back at me, "you can't prove The Creation!" How clear-thinking of you! AGREED! Yet, neither can the evolutionist and the Old Earth theorists prove their theories, no matter how many times they try to throw radioactive dating in my teeth, thereby attempting to assert that a volatile substance is purportedly perfectly reliable.

According to The Scientific Method, "To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry is commonly based on empirical or measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning." Therefore, The Scientific Method can be applied to both the debates between Evolution vs. Creation and Old Earth vs. Young Earth. By applying The Scientific Method to both we may surmise, that neither side of either argument can claim The Theory of Evolution, The Theory of Creation, The Theory of Old Earth nor The Theory of Young Earth to be 100% "provable beyond a reasonable doubt," given that The Scientific Method relies heavily on the observation of the origins of any premise and in this specific case the subject is that of the physical realm. Furthermore, the origins of the physical realm cannot be recreated with any level of reliability. The Scientific Method's tenets (or "principles of belief") regarding "observation or recreation" are both totally outside the purview of the debate, regarding Evolution vs. Creation and Old Earth vs. Young Earth.

Bottom Line: In the debate of origins both parties, those who believe in GOD and those who do not believe in GOD, are forced to rely totally on faith in their chosen belief system.

The galaxies, that lavish the universe in wondrous color, complexity and creativity of every stripe, are not merely the thrown-away objects some humans might assert they are. These galaxies, stars, planets and the "fluid" that fills the non-vacuum of space are all examples of the expressions of love that The Eternal & Relational GOD presents to His Beloved and Greatest Creation of Mankind.

Children look at the hologram of the physical realm and see GOD without question. Embittered adults, who have been hurt because their preconceived ideas of how GOD should act have been unrequited, have no use for GOD. Therefore, they look at the same universe and do not see GOD because they do not wish to see GOD. THAT, Richard Dawkins, is "the selfish gene."

The last miracle I will pose to the reader is the fact, that GOD cannot be rushed and He is in no hurry. He will win when He chooses to win, since He already has the Victory in His Hand. In the meantime, this same GOD maintains every heartbeat, every breath, every bit of digestion and release, every breath of every cell of the skin,...in short He maintains every aspect of life for every human living on Earth, today, and that includes all of His enemies, who try to prove He doesn't exist.

What compassion!
What victory!
What control! (Colossians 1-2)

The miracle is not the existence of GOD's enemies. The miracle is that GOD maintains the lives of His enemies, until He is finished with every service they perform for Him throughout every moment of their lives on Earth.

The existence of Evil on Earth does not disprove the Existence of GOD. The existence of Evil on Earth PROVES the Existence of GOD.
GOD cannot be interpreted as either weak nor malevolent with regard to this confession. GOD can only be interpreted as the Only Wise GOD.

Every wise parent, every wise guardian, every wise mentor, every wise teacher and every wise leader in any and in every capacity over one or a group of learners or dependents has told his or her wards, "Do not touch the hot stove! It will burn you! Do not run out into the street! You could die! Do not swim alone! You could drown! Do not put your finger in a light socket or touch the wall plug with your tongue! You could be electrocuted!" We get gray hairs trying to insure that the child or other sort of dependent remains safe, while under our care, but what happens? Sooner or later someone in our care is going to test one of our rules, when our back is turned.

There may be a scream!
There may be silence! Too often silence is often deadly!
There may be a squealing of tires and a fatal THUD!

Is that guardian responsible for the actions of the ward every time something goes wrong, especially when every possible precaution has been used to protect that ward?

Why then, do we accuse GOD for either being Absent, Weak or Unfeeling, regarding the Evil we see in the world, today?

What did GOD tell the very first man?

"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
'Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
(Genesis 2:16-17, KJV)

GOD gave Man a choice. "Trust Me and Live. Trust yourself and you will fail, you will hurt yourself, and at that moment you will begin the internal separation (i.e. death,) that will lead to your ultimate physical separation from Me, now and forever."

It is not GOD's responsibility, that we rejected His One Rule. He told us the consequences.

Evil is our fault.

GOD is now allowing Evil to run its full course, just as the silver smelter heats and stirs the pot until every minute piece of dross has been removed from the purest of silver.

The greatest miracle is that GOD is working His Perfect Will, perfectly in the face of the torrents of opposition, that a lesser Individual could never withstand.

GOD WILL restore His original Creation. The Silver Smith is Patient! It will be completely accomplished, "ALL in His Good Time."

What is one miracle I would like to see happen? I would like to still have a few good friends on Writing.Com after the 30-Day Blogging Challenge. On the first day of the challenge prompts, January 3rd, 2017, I wrote this, "Controversial subjects like this are no longer my favorite form of writing. I have tried to respond to the prompt with the best honesty and courage I can muster. I do not wish to cause harsh debates with others, who do not hold my beliefs, but I do not have the ability to hold any other beliefs, myself, regardless of the number of people, who argue for another viewpoint."

I have grown to love my friends on WDC. I respect each of your viewpoints. As you can probably guess I have had many conversations on the subjects or faith and science as well as just about anything in those realms. My point in this entire piece is not that I have 100% proof for anything I believe, but that I have well-thought-out and logical rationale for my beliefs. My beliefs are just as worthy of value and respect as are any other strongly-held viewpoints on Earth. From my heart, that is all.

Here is my latest signature, given to me by my own beautiful daughter, Jade Amber Jewel.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

*StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* I'm a member of the Rising Stars Program for 2016-2017 *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV* *StarY* *StarV*

© Copyright 2017 Jay O'Toole (UN: 777stan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Jay O'Toole has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/903112-I-DO-Believe-in-Miracles