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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#907898 added April 3, 2017 at 11:15pm
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Who Leaked the DNC emails
To determine who was behind the leaking of DNC emails to WIKI-LEAKS

FACTS bearing on the Problem

1. The emails were written by Principles and staffers of the Democratic National Committee. They were not written by the Russians, the Isrealies, or any other outside source. These emails showed the Democrat's contempt for the American middle class. The disclosure of these emails, regardless of the source only portrayed the truth behind the hidden agenda of the Democrats.

2. The E-mails found their way into the possession Julian Assange who released them.

3. Seth Rich, a DNC computer expert, was murdered on the eve of the election.

3.. Dr. Steve Pieczenik - A former CIA operative admits he was a conduit and takes credit for his part in the disclosure.

4. The same "ASSET" used to surveil unmask and discredit General Flynn was in place and operational under Obama White House.

ASSUMPTIONS bearing on the problem.

1. Any suspicions arising from the murder of Seth Rich would be directed away from the Democrats and their supporters.

2. The false narrative would advocate the least threatening of the possibilities.


1. The State of Isreal

2. The Russians:

3. Seth Rich:

4. Dr. Steve Pieczenik:

Discussion of Possibilities

1. The State of Isreal: If anyone had a strong motive for seeing the Obama Democrats replace by a Republican Administration it was the Jews... and who could blame them. Under Obama, operatives were sent to Israel to influence their elections. The whole idea that foreign interests trying to influence a democratic process being "unprecedented " is laughable. There are so many cases of the CIA trying to influence foreign elections where it served US interests that the total must number in the hundreds. But worse than that the United States threatened the Vital Security Interests of the State of Israel in the secret deal that Obama made with Iran. If anyone had a motive and the means to hack the DNC computer it was Isreal. The very thought of eight more years of a liberal Democratic regime headed by a weak leader with new world order socialist sympathies must have filled them with dread. So why hasn't it been suggested they were involved? The reasons are the Obama intervention is the Isreali elections and the fact that the Jewish lobby has always been a big part of Hillary Clinton's success.

2. The Russians: Assuage did say it wasn't the Russians who were the providers of the emails. Assange has a history of telling the truth. Beyond his reputation is the fact that electing a Republican was not in their National Interests. Under the Obama administration they had a weak American President with a foreign policy of appeasement. US presence and power has declined under Obama. Ms. Clinton offered a continuation of that decline the soviets have taken advantage of. Why would they prefer a capitalist President who promised to become a strong leader. The Cold War ended as a result of the economic strength of the United States. The very thought that Trump might reignite our failing economy must have filled them with dread. Why would they have preferred, who they perceived as a weak woman over a strong man? It makes no sense from a standpoint of National Interests and anybody who has studied the Soviets knows how pragmatic they are when it comes to that.

3. The killers of Seth Rich have not been found. Police investigators have offered that it might have been a robbery attempt, however nothing was missing from his body. His wallet, containing plenty of cash, cell phone and jewelry were not taken. There was evidence of a scuffle and a broken watch band. He was shot twice through the back and medical authorities did not initially feel his wounds were mortal. Internet pictures of Seth show him wearing clothing made from American Flag symbols, not an image one would expect from an employee of the DNC.

4. Dr Steve Pieczenik had this to say: "We initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange, who's been very brave and really quite formidable in his ability to come forth and provide all the necessary emails that we gave to him to undermine Hillary and Bill Clinton. " White Hats" in the intelligence community provided the emails to save America from the Clinton cabal of Neocon globalists."

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