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Rated: ASR · Book · Mythology · #2099516
Job 1:6; Genesis 6:2-5
#909278 added April 18, 2017 at 4:21pm
Restrictions: None
President Trump might be reading this?

As silly as that sounds, our President likes to surf the net.
And he is nocturnal , like me. He wakes up around midnight.
I don't dislike the President, nor do I demonize him.
Although, I am aware of the Bible prophesy of an Antichrist.
It may be Donald Trump or the Caliphate mentioned by Nostradamus.
The predictions of world wars are reasonable...

"Hey Wally!" the Beaver runs up to his older brother.

"What is it Beaver?" Wally is with a slender colored girl.

"What are you doing with a colored girl?" the Beaver squints.

"Gee Beaver your a racist. Can't I have friends of different races?" Wally answers.

"Well, um, I guess so.." Beaver squints and shrugs.

"Does dad know?" Beaver queries and widens his eyes.

"No. I don't think we should tell him.. He's old school." Wally looks nervous.

"You haven't told your dad about us?" Virginia stares at Wally.

"Ah-no.. I'm afraid he's racist." Wally wipes his face..

Wally, Virginia and the Beaver go to see Ward.
"Oh? Hi Wally and Beeve .. Whose your new friend?" Ward asks.

"This is Virginia, dad. She's my girl friend." Wally swallows hard.

Ward takes his pipe out of his mouth and looks concerned.
"She's wearing a veil." Ward points with his pipe.

"Well, Virginia is Muslim and from Syria." Wally gives a nervous smile.

"How did you come to be named Virginia?" Ward sits down in his french chair.

"I was born in Virginia. My parents immigrated here 15 years ago and are proud to be American."
Virginia answered with a toothy smile.

"Well, that's wonderful. Would you join us for dinner?" June Ward walks into the den.

Ward puts his copy of Donald Trump's: The Art of the Deal back in the bookcase.
"That sounds like a great idea. Wally I'm very proud of you."
Wally squints at his dad, "Why?"
Ward puts his hand on his son's shoulder, "You don't judge a book by it's cover."
The happy family have dinner.


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