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Rated: ASR · Book · Mythology · #2099516
Job 1:6; Genesis 6:2-5
#909617 added April 22, 2017 at 8:57am
Restrictions: None
Angelina Jolie is not dead!

"Wow! It's great hear your not dead." Muzzy bows to the action hero Angelina Jolie.
She gives a gentle smile. Then spins about the room with her hands over head,
clicking finger cymbals.. "I am a Goddess of destruction and rebirth." she declares ..
"Will you do any more action movies?" Muzzy inquires.

The actress raise her left foot and exposes her bare heel.
Then she places her foot down and raises her right bare foot
and shakes her ankle bells. "We are born from nothingness and shall return to emptiness."
Angelina laughs and sticks out her tongue with her eyes wide open.

"I thought SALT was so cool. Could you do a movie like that again?" Muzzy sips an apple Snapple.
The actress hops forward squatting and sticks out her tongue pointing her face left, right and forward.
"Can you hear the birds? They know the song of life. It is the everlasting sun and sister moon."
Angelina laughs and claps her hands as she spins about hopping from foot to foot.

"Did you buy that tunic? It's really snazzy." Muzzy admires Mrs. Jolie's green surapi.
"Ah! I see a dream that I have dreamt .. Are we a dream?" Angelina slaps her thighs.
Muzzy slaps her butt and gives a toothy smile.
The action hero produces a scarab and lunges at Muzzy. He quickly runs away.

Reflections~ If all pleasures are denied to gain a place in Heaven,
then what pleasure is there in Heaven?
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