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#916104 added July 25, 2017 at 8:01am
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Book Review for "The Truth about Trump"
Book Review for: The Truth about Trump, (previously Never Enough)
Written by: Michael D’Antonio
Published by: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press
ISBN: 978-1-2501-1696-3

4 Stars

I read: the ebook

Straightforward, Candid and Honest

D’Antonio pens an honest and balanced look at the man who is Donald Trump. For those people who don’t know much about Donald and want to learn about the man he is, I highly recommend this book. D’Antonio’s writing style is engaging and he makes a good effort to help the reader understand the complexities of the cooperate world Donald Trump is a part of.

The book starts with a preface written during the presidential campaign, and highlights not only Trump’s appeal to voters, but his personal characteristics. Trump will succeed or fail based on his character traits.

D’Antonio gives an overview of Trump’s paternal lineage, where the reader comes to understand Trump’s family background and how he’s applied what he’s learned from his father and brought it forward.

What is refreshing about Trump is that one can usually understand everything out of his mouth, and I think that’s the broad appeal.

Overall, “The Truth About Trump” is a very comprehensive look at a man who has positive and negative traits. He can be extremely generous with his time and money, but he demands loyalty to a fault and can be vindictive with his lawsuits. The book was a steady read that helped me to understand the man who is our current president. Out of the books I’ve read about Trump, this one was the easiest to understand and was written in an honest style. It ggave a candid assessment of the man himself. I would recommend this book to anyone who wanted to learn more about Donald Trump.

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