Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/916784-Bens-Dream
Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #2129140
All Game of Thrones Writing ~ 2017
#916784 added August 4, 2017 at 6:13pm
Restrictions: None
Ben's Dream
Prompt 2: Piggy-back rides and childhood dreams. ~ Story

Ben sat beneath the big Oak tree, pouting, all dressed and ready in his Knight gear, wishing he had someone to play with. It wasn’t fair that he had to wait all the time. He hated being an only child. He folded his skinny arms across his chest, patting his sword and wondering when his dad was going to get home so they could play. Work kept him away until it got dark outside, which was the case the last four nights. Tonight though, Dad promised he would be home early and make those missing nights up to him.

How did he know his dad was late again? Well, he’d already eaten his Mac and Cheese. This wasn’t looking good. He let out a small sigh and leaned against the hard oak, closed his eyes and waited.

“I spy a sleeping boy under a big oak tree.”

Ben jumped up from under the tree and dashed into his dad’s awaiting arms. “I thought you were going to break your promise again.”

He ruffled his son’s hair and crouched down, setting him back on his feet. “I really try to get home from work so that we can play, but sometimes I can’t. It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to be here with you and your mom, because I do.”

“Give me a piggy-back ride,” Ben said.

Ben moved behind his dad, put his hand on his shoulders and waited as his dad boosted him up with ease. They raced around the yard, running back and forth, laughing and carrying. “Where shall we go now, my Knight?”

“Off to rescue the Queen,” Ben shouted, before he giggled.

His dad galloped around the yard whinnying, shaking his head, then neighing, moving the pair closer to the patio where Ben’s mom sat reading a book.

“Queen Tasha, don’t move,” Ben whispered. He pulled his plastic sword from the belt loop of his jeans, slid off his dad’s back, and raced over to the trellis where roses in red, pink and white bloomed, growing up along the edge of the house. “On guard,” he shouted, his mighty sword swinging back and forth, tapping against the side of the house. With every thwack of the blade he shouted, “Yah! Yah! Yah!”

“Knight, Benji, you are so brave. How can I ever thank you for saving me from that wretched dragon?” Queen Tasha asked.

Ben thrust his little sword back through the loop on his pants and stepped forward. “Knighting is hard work.”

His tummy rumbled enough so everyone could hear. “I suppose you deserve a reward for fighting so bravely,” Queen Tasha said.

Ben looked up at her with a big grin. “Ice Cream.”

“Ben, hey buddy,” his dad said scooping the sleeping boy up off the ground.

“I had the best dream,” Ben muttered.

“You did?”

“Yea, mom was Queen and I got to rescue her from the dragon. You were my trusty horse and we rode all over the land.”

“That sounds like a really good dream.”

“You’re late again,” the boy said groggily.

Ben’s dad planted a kiss on the top of his head. “I know, but now I don’t have to work for the next three days. We can do anything you want.”

“Anything?” Ben asked.

“Name it.”

“Ice cream. I want ice cream.”


Work Hard ~ Play Hard!
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.
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