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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/917875-Goodbye-Old-Friend--Hello-New
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2101955
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#917875 added August 19, 2017 at 1:51am
Restrictions: None
"Goodbye, Old Friend! Hello, New!"
He's been with us these nine plus years
to serve us on the road.
He's seen us face both hopes and fears,
our roaming, fast abode.

His name was Herbie, like the Bug,
but ours was Volvo, large.
He was a friend, whose daily hug
was given without charge.

But Herbie's been a little sick
for eighteen months it seems
His stack of paper grew quite thick
accounting service teams.

Today we left him shelter-bound
to know repair, repose
That some day soon new master found
will lead the way he goes.

Returned we home in newer friend,
Alexis, crimson red.
This RX from the Doc to mend
each weary, tired head.

From XC90 at the start
to RX 3 and 50's end
This day's seen one dear car to part
another car to become friend.

No matter what the future be
we'll have those Herbie years.
He carried long our daughter, she
to safely know few fears.

She slammed her finger in his door,
a fracture thus ensued.
She thought her mittens vouchsafed for...
her fingers. Not. How rude!

But when they saw the X-ray, two,
with Doc and wife amazed,
The finger healed completely through
that Jesus Christ be praised!

With stickered dash we made Herb art
from purchased coffee cup.
Those stickers we just could not part
now 'fridge, our daily sup.

We've seen so many miles in Herb
throughout these Eastern states.
Why should we thoughts of Herbie curb
like many broken plates.

Our friend had just one lasting fault
the years to chassis clung.
His merits we do aye exalt!
His Joys will long be sung!

The point is this! It must be said!
Like cars the human worth
Is often lauded 'fore we're dead
in strength more close to birth!

Though headlights gain a shuttered haze
and fabric's now unbound,
The world may rarely cast a gaze
as daily problem's found...

Persistent servants drive along,
unhindered by the stares,
Full-knowing that there's more to song
than most would give their cares.

The old is gone, the new is here,
Alexis owns the day,
But while we end let's make it clear
of greatness on display.

We may grow old and lose our speed
as others circle 'round,
But Hist'ry knows our lasting deed
with Future to us bound.

The one-stage rocket never left
the atmosphere, 'tis true,
But stage two could not have its lift
to break the bonds on through.

The thrust from one makes greater two
than each could be alone.
Respect to old one's fully due
for plantings that they've sown.

The newer cars may serve more ways
than older models could,
But those before in harder days
have blessed us with their good.

The seasoned souls may seem now less,
production's really slow,
But these dear ones through many tests
have made the Future go.

Alexis, you protect the back
and sides and in the front
Because Old Herbie took the slack.
He ran and did not punt!

One day you'll know the cost of years,
but now you're in your prime.
Let's drive the Future 'mid the cheers
and bless our forebears' time.

The heart of cars and men are same,
though old or in their youth.
The inside's same as when we came.
The shell can't change the Truth!

So, Herbie, you have done us good
throughout your long employ.
More miles for you to have I would!
Live long and age in JOY!

Alexis, we have days ahead
before you live this song.
That Hope would be your nightly bed
I'll smile at you along.

Dear children of this fast-paced Day,
I beg you, "Stop to hear!"
For Wisdom's words are on display
to all, whose thinking's clear!

That older face you may dismiss
has joyful child within.
Show Honor and then you'll know bliss!
Thus learn and you will win!

by Jay O'Toole
on August 18th, 2017

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/917875-Goodbye-Old-Friend--Hello-New