Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/918180-House-of-the-Undying-Keeper-Tag-Your-Foe-Story
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #2089049
Only work submitted for the Game of Thrones
#918180 added August 22, 2017 at 3:46pm
Restrictions: None
House of the Undying Keeper Tag Your Foe Story
What Could I Have Done Different?
Picture if you will… A young man of 23 years, a big man, a huge man, who can talk to anyone about anything. He is called a recruiter. He can sell anything. Not by a strong arm tactic, but because he listens and gets what you need or want and will do what it takes to make it happen. The first thing you notice is the large dimples that pepper his face. He tries to cover them up with a handlebar mustache, but they are charming, and ever present because he cannot talk to you without a smile on his face.
Picture the woman who holds his heart. She is a few years older, a large female, a lovely woman just the same. She has a ready smile of someone who knows what she wants and knows how to get it. She is one a special kind of person, she finds good in any individual. She laughs easily and can fix any computer programming error that presents.
The wedding day was a homage to black and white. Even the guests were requested to wear black and white. Everyone under 75 complied, but grandma wanted to wear her purple dress and dagnabit she was going to wear purple.
Picture if you will… The day the news was delivered. “Good morning, Daddy.”
“You’re sure?”
Shayna grinned handing Ben the wand with the blue plus sign.
“All right!” Ben grabbed her and swung her around and around. They had been trying for so long. Shayna knew that her size might have played a part in the conception difficulties, but it was a matter that could be addressed later. All she wanted right now was to experience this joy to its fullest.They were going to be a family.
At the eight month mark, Shayna had to make a choice. “Ben, I don’t want to, I just can’t do my job anymore. It’s not fair to them or me. I need to put in for a leave of absence effective immediately.”
“It’s all right. I am making enough. You should be able to quit period if you want.”
“ Ben, are you sure we can do this?”
Ben showed Shayna the budget. It was the most beautiful present. He made enough, they were stable enough, she quit her job to be a full-time mom.
The joy that filled their home was incredible. If there were disagreements, they handled it through communication, the creation of possible goals to strive amazed them both. It was an incredible five years. Years spent with Ben rushing to work, making a difference, rushing home, spending time with his family – and loving every day. He was blessed and he acknowledged that.
“Mom, I need help planning Reed’s 3-year birthday.”
“I’d love to. I take it you want it to be at the lake?”
“Yes, please.”
“We can do it this weekend.”
“Sounds good.”
Picture this if you will..The weekend wasn’t what anyone anticipated. Sometimes events in life converge to change the best-laid plans and possibilities radically. When the perfect storm hits you like a runaway truck at 80 miles an hour, you either take the hit or you move. For Shayna, she ….

540 word count

signature of calalilly
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