Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/920461-Chapter-5
Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #2134572
Woman trapped in Demonic Dimension won't be allowed to leave, unless she becomes a demon.
#920461 added September 16, 2017 at 1:36pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Inside Sylvia’s Academy, a girl named Helena allowed Loretta to use the shower stall in her room. She also lent Loretta one of her own skirts that hung halfway down her thighs, along with a pair of sneakers.

Then Loretta returned to the garden courtyard. She saw Sylvia, alive and intact, seated at the same table as Juanita and Francine. There was now a man among them, sitting beside Sylvia. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties. He wore blue jeans, had a firm build and curly blonde hair.

Loretta came over to them. She saw that the clear plastic bag, containing the heads of Kate, Wendy and Juliana, was now set in the middle of the table.

"Hi Loretta." Sylvia smiled, "I'm sure you remember my husband here."

"Hi Sylvia." Loretta then spoke to the man. "Hello Jake."

"Nice to see you again Loretta." He spoke with an English Cockney accent.
Loretta looked at him and Sylvia with amusement. "Husband?"

"Surprising huh?" Sylvia chuckled, "Turns out that this vampire guy is my kind of guy."

"When you think about it," Loretta said, "it's really not all that surprising."

"That's for certain." Jake smirked, "Nobody's better matched than this vampire, and Sylvia the Staker-Vampire."

Loretta asked, "'Staker-Vampire'?"

"That's right." Sylvia grinned, this time showing a pair of fully ex-tended fangs in her mouth.

Now Jake explained. "Same story as everyone here. I was in my crypt, watchin' the Demon Network on the telly. Made a wish, and repeated the demon's name three times. Liked it here a lot better. Decided to stay."

"Sure." Loretta said, "In this Dimension, you vampire's don't burn up into cinders, when you're out under the sun."

He said, "I'd been here about a month, when I ran into my natural enemy Sylvia again."

She continued the narrative. "We fought. He overpowered me." She and Jake exchanged loving smiles. "Then I was a naked dead Staker, lying at the feet of a Vampire, who'd already killed two other Stakers."

Loretta asked Jake, "You killed a Staker, and then turned her into a vampire?"

"That wasn't intentional." He told her. "I expected her to stay just as dead as everyone else I've killed. It's just that here, when someone who's already a demon gets killed, it's a temporary condition."

"Already a demon?" Now the woman from Demon Investigators said, "That explains this. The four girls who got killed back at Can-nibal Snacks, were waiting for Sylvia and me, when we showed up here, and then one of them killed Sylvia. I'd been wondering if she'd developed the same ability herself."

Sylvia chuckled, "Welcome to Beelzebubia Miss Carolton. So what do you think of Sylvia’s Academy so far?"

"Juanita and Francine tell me that every girl here is a Potential Vampire Staker. Now yesterday at Demon Investigators, we received word from our Center of Operations. They told us that during the last two months, all the known Potential Stakers had vanished, one by one. Nobody's had any idea what's happened to any of them or where they are."

"Where we are," Juanita told her, "is here in Beelzebubia, in the City of Beelzebubapolis."

Francine nodded sadly.

Loretta said, "And I suppose you also watched the Demon TV Net-work, on Channel 666?"

Juanita told her, "Yes. We all did, and every one of us here made a wish."

Francine added, "And we all said 'Beelzebubapolis fast, three times in a row."

Sylvia added, "Just like me and you Loretta."

Loretta told her, "That doesn't mean I'm a Potential Staker. I'm sure there were a lot more people than us, who watched the demon net-work and then made a wish, and repeated the demon's name three times. I just happened to get caught up in the same net as everybody else; like those four pussi--girls from Beverly Hills."

"You're right about them." Sylvia said, "They sure didn't belong with us here at the Academy. Instead of fighting vampires, all they want to do is get back to Beverly Hills and bang their boyfriends."

"Well," Loretta asked, "what girl here wouldn't prefer that?"

"I wouldn't; now that I've got good ole Jake here."

She and Jake again exchanged loving glances.

"As for the rest of the girls, there are more than enough guys right here in Beelzebubapolis, for every gal in this Academy to play 'Wham-bam thank you ma'am' with, without interfering with their training as Potential Stakers; and they don't even have to leave the premises."

"They don't have to leave the...?"

"On these premises, we train to be vampire Stakers, and then we party with our trainers."

Now the girls all cheered.

"These girls Party? With their trainers?"

Juanita and Francine both laughed and nodded.

Loretta spoke sharply. "Sylvia! They're all high school girls! And you've got some very unseemly activities going on here at this Academy of yours?"

"Of course we do Loretta." Sylvia told her, "This is a demonic dimension. What else would you expect, when their trainers are all vampires?"


Jake told her, "Me and some of my buds have been helping train the girls here. Making sure they'll be ready for whatever may befall them, when they've
returned to the Mortal Dimension."

"Returned?" Loretta asked, "Then we can return?"

Sylvia said, "Yes, but there is a catch."

"Isn't there always?"

"No mortal person," Sylvia explained, "who gets trapped here in Beelzebubia, is ever allowed to return to the Mortal Dimension, unless and until he or she becomes a demon himself or herself."

Juanita explained, "We have to earn our horns first."

"I see." Loretta now sat down at the table.

She asked, "You mean that any girl here who returns to our Dimen-sion, will be a Potential Staker who is also a demon?"

"That's right." Sylvia told her, "She'll be a demon of the vampire variety. When it comes to training, Jake and his friends never pull any punches; or bitings."

"You mean all of you here are vampires?

"Not all of us," Sylvia said "yet. Once every potential Staker has earned her horns, we'll all be returning to our old dimension as Staker-Vampires."

Loretta asked, "All of you?"

"That's right." Jake smirked. So did Sylvia, Juanita and Francine, who now all displayed their fangs.

He told her, "Sangreville will be ours."

Francine added, "And that'd be just the beginning."

Loretta looked around herself, at the two dozen or so girls who were seated at the tables in the courtyard, all staring at her.

She said, "Then I suppose I shouldn't expect to be leaving this Academy of yours alive?"

Sylvia said, "Not if you ever want to return to L.A. You'll have to earn your horns, just like the rest of us; and right now Loretta, you're just not horny enough."

Francine and Juanita giggled.

"Unless," Loretta told them, "I can bring myself back, by using the same method that was used to bring me here in the first place."

"Same method?"

"I wish I was back in Los Angeles." Loretta quickly repeated, "George Washington. George Washington. George Washington."

She sat there waiting to see if something would happen.

After about a minute, Sylvia asked with amusement, "'George Washington'?"

Loretta shrugged. "Well it was worth a shot."

Jake said, "Sorry love. None of us can leave Beelzebubia the same way we arrived. The only way anyone can return, is through the por-tal of the hellmouth to Sangreville, which is located in the seaside resort town of Port Lucifer."

Sylvia added, "And as I said, you have to become a demon to be al-lowed passage."

Loretta said sharply, "Well if that's the only way to get myself back to Los Angeles, I wish to be allowed passage through the hellmouth at Port Lucifer!"

Then she quickly shouted the name, "Beelzebub! Beelzebub! Beelzebub!"

There was a sudden shift. Everything changed. Loretta was no longer seated at the table in the courtyard of Sylvia’s Academy

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