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Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #2134572
Woman trapped in Demonic Dimension won't be allowed to leave, unless she becomes a demon.
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#920463 added September 16, 2017 at 1:48pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Loretta was no longer seated at the table in the courtyard of Sylvia’s Academy. Now it was night and she was seated at a table in a sidewalk restaurant. The remains of her dinner lay in a plate in front of her. A wineglass containing a red liquid was in her hand, and a young local guy sat beside her, with his arm around her shoulder, casually stroking her bare breast with his fingers.

She now wore a light green skirt, hanging a quarter ways down her thighs, matching pumps on her feet, and the shrunken blonde head of Kate Nellington, dangled between her uncovered breasts, on a chain of human knuckle bones around her neck. She also wore earrings; a pair of bracelets and a hairclip, all carved from human bones.

I've gone back to being a TV Travel Show Hostess. She thought, Is this what I have to do to earn my horns, and get back to L.A?
She didn't see any camera or microphone, but she said the words,

"In the morning, the monthly Sacrifices to the Demons Moloch and Beelzebub will begin, during which many Celebrants will die. I will be among the Celebrants.
That means there is a chance that you might actually get to watch me, your Guide, being killed on your TV screen.

Those of you, who are regular viewers, know that if that does happen, I won't be the first 'Bloodthirsty Traveler' Tour Guide to whom that will have happened."

Then she laughed with a slurring voice. "And that's why they pay us those big bucks!

"Yeah--right! If we live to collect our salaries!

"Since I might die tomorrow," her voice continued to slur, as she leered. "I'm being a very bad girl tonight. I'm sitting here bare breasted; having just dined on well cooked human flesh. I've been drinking cocktails of human blood, mixed with 151 proof rum; and I am now extremely drunk. I am also very horny, and am going to be getting fucked--I mean having casual, uncommitted, recreational sex with this studly guy who's got his arm around me, and giving my boobs a feel; whose name I'm not sure of, and who I will never see again after tonight.

"I promise that if I do survive the Celebration, I will go back to being a good girl; but tonight, I'm getting laid! Yeah! I can say it that way on Television! And I'm gonna be getting it good!"

Now she looked at the guy beside her. He was the same guy who'd been beside Kate Millstone, when she'd appeared on Loretta's TV screen.

She asked, "You don't just happen to be married to a woman named Sylvia, do you?"

He was about to speak, when they were no longer seated at the table in the restaurant. Loretta and Mr. What's His Name, were lying naked on a bed, inside a dark hotel room. He was on top of her, and she was looking up at the shrunken heads of a man and a woman, dangling from a hook on the wall, above the headboard. The pair of heads was softly illuminated by light coming through the window.

He was rhythmically thrusting into her, and shooting off, while she rhythmically moaned.

"Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmm! My pussy’s coming! Hmmmmmmm!"

She felt his open mouth against her neck. He has a pair of very sharp fangs.

"You're a vampire!" She said, "You're killing me now! Oh!


She whispered, "I wish you were Jimmy Manetti!"

There was a sudden time shift. Loretta was still lying naked on the bed, in the same hotel room, with morning light coming through the window. Her partner from the night before was gone.

He was a vampire. She thought, He killed me. Now I'm a vampire.

She put her hand up to her mouth, to feel her new fangs. She had no fangs. She felt her warm breath on her hand.

I'm still alive? I haven't got my fangs, or earned my horns?

She sat up and heard a tiny, high-pitched voice speak. "Gives good fucking and sucking, doesn't he?"

Loretta looked at the wall above the headboard, where the voice had come from. The pair of shrunken heads was hanging there. She was looking at the head of Olivia Millstone, which had been shrunk to the size of a cue ball. The man's shrunken head had the face of Jimmy Manetti.

Olivia Millstone's shrunken head spoke again. "I've never felt more alive, than when he was inside me."

That's the same thing I told JImmy once, she thought, but he was the only one who heard me say it.

Again things shifted. Loretta was seated alone, at the same table where she'd been the night before. A large cup of coffee was in front of her. She had a sour taste in her mouth.

She again saw no camera or microphone, but she spoke the words of the TV Hostess.

"It is now the morning after the night before. I am completely hung over and totally fucked out. My studly partner from last night is gone, and never to be seen by me again. Believe me. From now on, I'm being a good girl."
She now sipped some coffee from the cup in front of her, and felt like gagging.

Then she announced, "Last night, all of us Celebrants here in Beelzebubapolis, were having what might be our final fling. Today we're getting down to business! So let the Sacrifices begin!"

Things shifted once more. Loretta now stood on the playing field of a Sports Stadium. She was in a line of a dozen High School Girls, dressed only in sandals, and armed with swords and shields. They were the girls from the Sylvia’s Academy. A crowd of thousands of people was packed into the stands surrounding them.

Juanita stood on Loretta's right. Francine was on her left. Sylvia stood to the right of Juanita.

Sylvia grinned. "Hi there Loretta. Earned your horns yet?"

Loretta thought it over. "I'm not sure, except that right now, I'm probably the least horny gal here; but I think I'm making progress."

In the stands a trumpet sounded. The Academy girls rushed forward, and came up against another line of a dozen girls, who also wore only sandals and were armed with swords and shields. The four from Beverly Hills were among them.
Loretta found herself facing Kate. Sylvia and Paula began to fight. Juanita fought with Julianna, and Francine faced Wendy. The crowd roared, shouting for blood.

All the girls fought, without holding back. Juanita got her sword around
Julianna's shield, and plunged her sword in deep, killing the blonde. Francine screamed loudly, when Wendy thrust her sword deep into the Academy girl's chest. Then Francine fell dead.

Paula died, with Sylvia's sword in her heart, and Kate lay dead at Loretta's feet.

This combat was over. Sylvia’s Academy had won.

As the crowd cheered, Loretta asked Sylvia, "Tell me, were you married to somebody else in this Dimension, before you married Jake?"

Sylvia was about to reply when things shifted again.

Loretta Carolton stood naked in the shimmering heat waves, in the middle of Beelzebubapolis' Main Central Plaza, with the bodies of the sacrificed displayed in the background.

She smiled pleasantly. "It's now a week since that opening sequence." She touched a dark object tied on her belt, with the fingers of her right hand. "This is the shrunken head of the man I killed then.

"The Sacrifices are completed. The Celebration has ended, and I have survived. Things are returning to normal here in Beelzebubapolis. From here, we'll be going down to the seaside resort town of Port Lucifer, where...Kuh!"

An arrow had been shot through her left breast, gone through her lung, and was now poking out her back.

She looked at the feathers on the end of the shaft that was sticking out of a small bloody patch on her breast.

She muttered, "Oh shit."

Then she looked up, and spoke with a raspy, gasping voice.

"Some folks are still celebrating!"

She made a choking sound. Blood came out of her mouth. She shut her eyes and collapsed.

In her quickly diminishing mind, Loretta thought, I've gone through it all. I hope I've earned my horns.

Her mind vanished.

Then her mind returned. She felt light. Nothing was holding her down. She opened her eyes. It was nighttime. She was in a dark, familiar looking room, hovering over a bed. A naked man and woman were in the bed; he was on top of
her. The bed shook while the woman moaned.

"Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Hmmmmmmm! My pussy’s coming! Oh! Aaaaaaaaaah!"

Then the woman shouted, "Hey! What are they recording this?"

Loretta thought, She's the new Travel Show Hostess. She's doing and saying what I said and did; but not exactly. I said and did what Olivia Millstone said and did; but not exactly. I'm now the shrunken head that's hanging over the bed! Just like Olivia Millstone's head!

There was a sudden time shift. The woman was lying naked on the bed in the same hotel room, with morning light coming through the window. She had dark hair, and was in her late thirties. Her partner from the night before was gone. She had a pair of vampire fang wounds in her neck, and she was dead.

Loretta recognized the woman. She was Lydia Moran, an executive at Vidamort Corp.

Lydia opened her eyes and sat up. Then Loretta's shrunken head called out, with a tiny, high pitched voice. "Gives good fucking and sucking, doesn't he?"

Lydia Moran looked at the wall above the headboard, where the voice had come from, at the pair of shrunken heads that hung there. She was looking at Loretta's head, which had been shrunk to the size of a cue ball. She looked at the man's shrunken head that was dangling beside Loretta's.

Loretta's shrunken head spoke again. "I've never felt more alive, than when he was inside me."

Lydia had an amused expression on her face. She smirked at Loretta, while displaying her new pair of vampire fangs, and chuckled. "The head hanging beside you, was not cut off of your boss."

Loretta's head shut her eyes, hearing the woman's laughter. She hung there, waiting to be transported out of this demonic dimension with her body once more intact, back to Los Angeles and into the arms of Jim Manetti, whose head would still be on his body.

She heard Sylvia's voice. "Loretta!"

Her eyes opened. She was still a shrunken head hanging on the wall above the headboard in the hotel room. The orange daylight from this Dimension's sun, shone at a different angle outside the window.

Sylvia was now in the room, along with Lydia Moran. They were both dressed in shorts and sneakers, with sheathed machetes hung on their belts. The shrunken head of Paula Ramsey was also tied on Sylvia's belt.

She said, "Hi Loretta. Lydia here says you know her. She's joining us. The time has come to return to our Dimension."

Lydia came over to the wall.

She said, "Good afternoon Loretta. I'm pleased to have you on our side now."

Loretta spoke in her tiny, high-pitched voice; "You have fangs."

Sylvia explained, "Jake vamped Ms. Moran here three nights ago. That was right after he, Ms. Moran and a number of us Sylvia’s Academy pussies, had your meat for a barbecue. "

"Three nights? That was Jake?"

"Yes Miss Carolton." Lydia told her, "I'm now a demon, so I'm qualified to accompany Sylvia and everyone else from the Sylvia’s Academy, on their journey down to Port Lucifer, and then on through the Hellmouth."

"You're going?" Loretta asked, "Are you leaving me here? This way?"

"Nah!" Sylvia said, "Don't worry Loretta. You've earned your horns like the rest of us, so you're qualified to come with us."

Lydia Moran reached out and unhooked the chord that suspended Loretta's head, from the hook above the headboard. She tied the chord around her own belt, letting the head dangle at her right side. Then she and Sylvia stepped out of the hotel room, with Loretta's head bouncing against the woman's right thigh.

Sylvia said, "You'll be going with us Loretta, as a demon shrunken head that can talk. I can hardly wait to see the look on Jimmy Manetti's face, when we walk into his office, and he sees you this way.

"Lydia says she'd like to hang you on the wall over his bed, so you can watch while the two of us, along with all the pussies from the Sylvia’s Academy, take turns banging him."

Lydia said, "I bet I’ll never feel more alive, than when that undead hunk's inside me."

Then she and Sylvia walked down the Hotel corridor, laughing.

Loretta's shrunken head cried out, in a high pitched, squeaky voice.

"I wish I was back in Los Angeles! I wish I was back in Los Angeles! Beelzebub! Beelzebub! Beelzebub!"

Immediately, her head was back to its proper size, attached to her body, fully alive and intact.

Loretta found herself standing outside the door to a thatched hut that stood beside a trail through a red colored jungle.

She looked at herself. She was naked except for a pair of sandals, and was gripping a six-foot long spear in both hands.

It's starting all over again?

"No!" She shouted, "I don t want any more of this! I wished I was back in Los Angeles twice! Then I spoke a demon's name three times!"

There is a way, she thought, that I can get back to L.A. I just have to agree to become a demon; but if I do, I'll be betraying Jim Manetti and everyone else.

Then she sighed, shrugged and stepped away from the hut, turned a corner in the trail and kept moving forward.

She spoke. "The naked young woman sweated heavily in the hellish heat, as she walked along the path, through the dark red jungle behind her hut, without seeing the headhunter, who was hiding in the foliage to her left."

Then she shouted, "No! I’ve had enough of this!"

She turned to her left, but instead of aiming the spear, she lifted it high and called out.

"Here you go fella!"

She tossed the spear into the foliage.

"This time you get to win!"

A man sprang out of the jungle in front of her. He was naked and held the spear that Loretta had just tossed to him, aiming it at her breasts. She faced him with her hands on her hips, and thrust her breasts forward.

“This time” she shouted “you get to eat this pussy’s meat!”

He leaped forward with a loud cry, plunging the entire spearhead into her chest. She felt her heart rip open, and howled in agony.

Finally. She thought,

“Thank you.” She groaned.

This time, she thought, I hope it’s permanent!

Beelzebub. Beelzebub. Beel-ze…

Loretta was aware of nothing.

Then through the nothingness, she heard the voice of Sylvia calling out.

“Congratulations Loretta!” The woman cheered joyously. “You’ve finally earned your horns!”

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