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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2134227
Think Sue Grafton meets Murder, She Wrote. Then add Science Fiction to it.
#921600 added October 6, 2017 at 10:25am
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October 6th, 2017 - protagonist Profile
Oct. 06: - Protagonist Profile ▼

Expand the profile on your protagonist. Include detailed information such as name, age, physical attributes, occupation, education, culture, religion, family, relationship status, personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, motivations and desires. Use Google Images to find an image of your character. The point of this exercise is for you to get to know your character inside and out before you write your novel. If you don't know your character, how can you expect it of your readers? Flesh out your pre-story character in detail. Keep in mind that your protagonist will grow in some way during your story. For more serious character profilers, here is an optional, very extensive template: "Character Interview / Profile Sheet"


Name: Villiam

Birthday: Month Fourteen, Day Eight, Year 2164
Place of birth: The planet of Porma
Parents: Adult Male Family Member was Stophin, Adult Female Family Member was Roina
What was important to the people who raised him: That will be revealed in the Short Story entitled “Living
After Death”

Siblings: Gracea is his Younger Female Family Member
Economic/social status growing up: He comes from an extremely wealthy family
Ethnic background: There is no ethnic on Porma
Places lived: First various parts of Porma, Now several other planets, spaceships, etc. all over the universe
Current address and phone number: Porma One Seven Six Nine Two aka their spaceship, contact them through spaceship or personal communication earplugs.
Education: Private Learning on Porma, various places now
Favorite subject in school: Making Credits, not Units
Special training: very smart and learns quickly
Jobs: Running an Empire on Porma, various ones now
Salary: It depends on the living he’s trying to make
Travel: All over Porma on Porma, now the universe

Friends: Villiam has a lot of friends from all over the universe.
How do people view this character: Most like him a lot.
Lives with: His Younger Female Family Member, Gracea
Fights with: Gracea, of course.
Spends time with: Mostly Gracea when he’s not in training.
Wishes to spend time with: females his own age.
Who depends on him and why: Grace depends on him, and he depends on her.
What people does he most admire: His Adult Male Family Member, Stophin, mostly. Also, his Adult Female Family Member, Roina, too.
Enemies: No real enemies. He gets along pretty much with everyone. At least he usually does.
Dating, marriage: Not much time for dating, but he would like to have a family of his own someday.
Children: Hopefully someday he will have children.
Relationship with God: There are no Gods on Porma. It’s a religious free planet.

Overall outlook on life: Upbeat and happy most of the time.
Does this character like himself: Yes, most of the time he likes himself a lot.
What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: Finding his way in the universe.
What personal demons haunt him: How and why stophin and Roina died.
Is he lying to himself about something: He’s always lying to himself about something.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Both most of the time.
Real/feigned: It’s real most of the time, but not always.
Morality level:
Confidence level: very high, from one to ten it’s about a fifteen.
Typical day: Training most of the day, eating some, and sleeping the rest.

Physical appearance
Body type: Average for his age
Posture: Good
Head shape: round
Eyes: Light green
Nose: big for his age, but not too big.
Mouth: about average
Hair: blonde
Skin: pale brown
Tattoos/piercings/scars: A little of all three
Voice: Average sounding voice
What people notice first: His eyes. At least that’s what most people notice first.
How would he describe himself: Not bad looking, but not too good either.
Health/disabilities/handicaps: No health issues at the moment.

Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy): A little of all sometimes, but sanguine most of the time.
Strongest/weakest character traits: his strongest is never giving up, but that can also be his weakest.
How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: Never giving up can get you into a lot of trouble sometimes.
How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: Most of the time he can control himself. But when he can’t, watch out.
What makes him irrationally angry: Almost anything can set him off. If he can’t control it.
What makes him cry: He’s not much of a crier. At least no one see him if he does do it.
Fears: No known fears.
Talents: He has learned to defend himself in several different way. He’s not an Expert. But he could be one if he wanted to be one.
What people like best about him: That’s a hard one. You would have to ask the people themselves about that.

Interests and favorites
Political leaning: He was raised all of his life to run the family empire. But that’s not his way in the universe.
Collections: anything technical in regards to what he’s trying to become.
Food, drink: He doesn’t eat too much. And he doesn’t drink anything hard.
Music: He’s never had much interest in music.
Books: If it’s related to what he’s trying to become he’s not interested in it.
Movies: He loves moving images. But he just doesn’t have the time to watch them too much.
Sports, recreation: Never been interested in outdoor activities or competitive indoor activities.
Did he play in school: No, he didn’t
Color: His favorit color is red
Best way to spend a weekend: No weekend on Porma.
A great gift for this person: Villiam doesn’t like gifts.
Pets: Had a few growing up.
Vehicles: The family spaceship
What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) and which does he like best: His spaceship

Typical expressions
When happy: smiling
When angry: his face turns a dark red
When frustrated: both his hands make a fist
When sad: not smiling

Idiosyncrasies: Nothing peculiar about Villiam, or is there?
Laughs or jeers at: Villiam has a good sense of humor
Ways to cheer up this person: You can’t when he’s in this kind of mood.
Ways to annoy this person: He’s not easily annoyed. But he can be.
Hopes and dreams: At the moment he wants to become a SpaceAce. Who knows what the next moment will be.
How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams: training, training, training.
What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why: Supposedly he just killed Ovven
Greatest success: Hasn’t had one yet
Biggest trauma: The death of Stophin and Roina
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: getting caught interacting with unclothed female images.
What does he care about most in the world: At the moment that would be becoming a SpaceAce.
Does he have a secret: Lots of them. But who doesn’t.
If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: Everything he tries he can succeed at. But that’s also his weakness.
He is the kind of person who: wants to help you if he can.
What do you love most about this character: That’s he’s willing to try almost anything once.
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: because he never give up
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: ordinary most of the time. But he can be extraordinary too.
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary: He’s been set up for the killing of Ovven. Would you call that ordinary or extraordinary?

Core Need: Unknow at the moment
Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses, behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias): Nothing wrong with him that we know of.
Anecdote (defining moment): He doesn’t have one
History: The history of Porma he knows. But the rest of the universe he’s learning one aspect of it at a time.


Name: Gracea

Birthday: Month Six, Day Thirty-five, Year 2161/c}
Place of birth: the planet of Porma
Parents: Adult Male Family Member was Stophin, Adult Female Family Member was Roina
What was important to the people who raised her: Also to be revealed in the Short Story.
Siblings: her Older Male Family Member
Economic/social status growing up: She got whatever she wanted, especially from Stophin.
Ethnic background: There is no ethnic on Porma
Places lived: A lot of places on Porma. That’s also true for the rest of the universe
Current address and phone number: Porma One Seven Six Nine Two aka their spaceship, contact them through spaceship or personal communication earplugs.
Education: Personal Residential Learning
Favorite subject in school: The history of the different planets in the universe
Special training: No special training. Crime, especially murder, solving comes natural to her.
Jobs: None, she’s not old enough for that yet.
Salary: she does get Credits on a weekly basis from Stophin and Roina. But it’s not a salary.
Travel: A lot more now that she is exploring the universe with Villiam

Friends: Not much of a friend person. She prefers to be by herself
How do people view this character: That depends on who you ask and how they know her. If it’s about murder then it’s not as good as if it not.
Lives with: Her Older Male Family Member, Villiam, on their spaceship
Fights with: Of course, it Villiam.
Spends time with: Most of the time she’s by herself. If she’s not by herself she’s with Villiam.
Wishes to spend time with: Males her own age, if there are any around.
Who depends on her and why: Villiam depends on her, and she depends on him.
What people does she most admire: Her Adult Female Family Member, Roina, the most. But Her Adult Male Family Member too.
Enemies: Anyone who tries to get away with killing someone or more than one someone.
Dating, marriage: Not really interested in either yet.
Children: Like Villiam, she would like to have one male and one female
Relationship with God: There is no religion on Porma

Overall outlook on life: She’s an upbeat happy person most of the time.
Does this character like herself: Yes, she does. Very much
What, if anything, would she like to change about her life: Nothing, she likes the way her life in going right now.
What personal demons haunt him: The death of Stophin and Roine
Is she lying to herself about something: No, she’s not a secretive person
Optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic most of the time. But optimistic some of it.
Real/feigned: real
Morality level: She is always trying to do what’s best. And that usually means finding out who the killer is. But this time it’s personal.
Confidence level: From one to ten, she’s at least a fifteen too
Typical day: Most of her day is spent trying to find out who really killed Ovven. She has very little time for eating or sleeping.

Physical appearance
Body type: About average for her age
Posture: very good
Head shape: round
Eyes: Light blue
Nose: small
Mouth: also small
Hair: blonde
Skin: pale tan
Tattoos/piercings/scars: ears pierced, a few childhood scars, but no body art yet.
Voice: average for a female her age
What people notice first: That depends on if she is walking toward you or away from you.
Clothing: She may be a female, but she doesn’t dress, no pun intended, like one.
How would she describe herself: Pretty, but not too pretty
Health/disabilities/handicaps: No health problems that we know of at the moment.

Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy): sanguine most of the time. But a little of all of them sometimes
Strongest/weakest character traits: she never give up either, especially when it comes to murder.
How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: It’s the same thing, she never gives up
How much self-control and self-discipline does she have: She is very much in control of herself. But don’t get her mad or you will regret it.
What makes her irrationally angry: crime, especially murder
What makes her cry: a sad story someone tells her.
Fears: None, she is fearless
Talents: solving murders
What people like best about her: That she’s a questioner. She loves to ask questions. It also what they like least about her, depending on what those question are about.

Interests and favorites
Political leaning: She was raised to help Villiam run the family Empire. But like Villiam, she doesn’t really want to do that.
Collections: She is a Collector. And her biggest collection is what she has found when it comes to finding out who the real killer is. Gracea keeps it all for her collection.
Food, drink: She’s not a picky eater. She will eat almost anything. That’s true for drinking too.
Music: Not much of a music person. But she loves Loud Music. What we on Earth call Rock.
Books: She loves to read too. Especially true crime, especially murder, stories.
Movies: Gracea also likes moving images, and she has a large collection of them too.
Sports, recreation: also doesn’t like such activities.
Did she play in school: No, she never did.
Color: Blue
Best way to spend a weekend: They don’t have weekends on Porma, or in Space
A great gift for this person: A crime story.
Pets: Not much of a pet person.
Vehicles: The family spaceship
What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) and which does he like best: Once again, their spaceship

Typical expressions
When happy: a big smile
When angry: her face gets dark red
When frustrated: clinched fist
When sad: the big smile turned upside down

Idiosyncrasies: None that she knows of.
Laughs or jeers at: a very serious person
Ways to cheer up this person: Nothing can cheer her up if she doesn’t want to be cheered up.
Ways to annoy this person: Villiam is very good about annoying her. And he does it a lot.
Hopes and dreams: Her dream is to solve every murder in the universe that can’t be solved. And she hopes someday she will be able to do that.
How does she see herself accomplishing these dreams: One murder at a time
What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why: Nobody yet, But she hasn’t found out who really killed Ovven yet.
Greatest success: solving about a hundred murders so far
Biggest trauma: A few killers have gotten away with it. At least they have so far. But she’s not going to give up until those are solved too.
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her: Being seen almost completely unclothed by Villiam when she was about nine.
What does she care about most in the world: solving murder
Does she have a secret: Of course, she does. She has lots of them too. Who doesn’t?
If she could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: solve every murder in the universe
She is the kind of person who: doesn’t like crime, especially murder, and those who try to get away with it.
What do you love most about this character: That she doesn’t stop until she finds out who the real killer is.
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: I just answered that question above.
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: extraordinary most of the time. But every so often she’s ordinary too.
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary: What else would you call murder but extraordinary?

Core Need: None at the moment
Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses, behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias): Nothing that anyone knows about. But you never know, do you?
Anecdote (defining moment): Can’t think of any right now.
History: She loves the history of murders. It started on Porma. But now it’s the whole universe.

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