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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/922456-A-Bone-Deep-Cancer-of-Corruption
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#922456 added October 20, 2017 at 10:20am
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A Bone Deep Cancer of Corruption
If you aren't a conspiracy theorist, you should be...

What the Clinton crime family has been up to in recent years defies the most bizarre of conspiracy theories. I mean that imaginative minds can't make up the shenanigans the Clinton's have been involved in.

This latest one, however, is the most unbelievable and traitorous of all. The Uranium 1 deal shows how deeply the cancer of corruption has gone into the bone marrow of American politics.

Imagine, a Presidential Candidate, betraying the people of the United States, putting us all in mortal danger, colliding with our enemies and funneling "Yellow Cake" a highly refined nuclear ingredient used in making thermonuclear weapons and giving it to the Soviets for a $150,000,000 contribution to the Clinton foundation.

Hillary and Bill Clinton's treachery makes the the Rosenburgs look like the Boy and Girl scouts.

What is even more amazing is the degree to which the coverup has taken place. It is mind boggling. The collusion of the media, even now, except for Fox News, are universally silent, on the scandal of the century. It makes the average citizen wonder who it is that really owns and controls the media. It does not appear to be anyone who has the interests of the United States of America at heart. I readily accept the label of "Conspiracy Theorist" used to discredit those in active search the truth. Think about it. Our country is under assault. Liberal College professors are brainwashing our youth, Overseas money from agitators, like George Sorros, are paying rioters to stir up racial divisions, the NFL controversy of players disrespecting the flag, and National Anthem, and ICONs of history, like George Washing and Thomas Jefferson reviled as slave holders. It all points to an orchestrated effort to destroy our democracy and way of life, from the inside out. Wake up America! The war started decades ago and continued while we slept through it.

Thank God Donald Trump came along. The Top Liberal Democrats have been colluding with the Soviets, taking bribes and kickbacks, and selling us out to our enemies. If this is the tip of the iceberg or does the corruption ruin deeper? Obama appointees in the Justice department, who remain today in power, were knowledgable of what was going on and remained silent or worse colluded in the coverup. Former FBI Director Comey has been thoroughly discredited for slow rolling the investigation into the Hillary Clinton Email scandal. Now, his old boss, and mentor, Robert Mueller, is heading up the investigation into a Trump/Russian conspiracy. Give me a break, the conspirators are not Trump supporters, who have come lately onto the scent but rather the Clintons who have been around forever. The Department of Justice and FBI were so compromised and tainted during the Obama Presidency, that their holdovers should not be involved in investigating anyone. Instead, they should be huddled with their lawyers. Mueller should not be asking questions... he should be answering them.

It is clear to me that our enemies, who are unable to overcome us from without, have invested heavily in destroying our government and way of life from within. What most Americans don't realize, is that the bullseye for destroying our republic is the American Middle Class. That goal is already well advanced and today this group is rapidly shrinking. Only lately did the middle class wake up at the eleventy hour and hand its new president an almost impossible mandate to accomplish.

Undercover investigators have been threatened and forced to sign non-disclosure agreements or face criminal charges by the Obama Justice Department. Maybe somebody will bring these informants in for questioning.

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